Abstract:Existing score-based methods for directed acyclic graph (DAG) learning from observational data struggle to recover the causal graph accurately and sample-efficiently. To overcome this, in this study, we propose DrBO (DAG recovery via Bayesian Optimization)-a novel DAG learning framework leveraging Bayesian optimization (BO) to find high-scoring DAGs. We show that, by sophisticatedly choosing the promising DAGs to explore, we can find higher-scoring ones much more efficiently. To address the scalability issues of conventional BO in DAG learning, we replace Gaussian Processes commonly employed in BO with dropout neural networks, trained in a continual manner, which allows for (i) flexibly modeling the DAG scores without overfitting, (ii) incorporation of uncertainty into the estimated scores, and (iii) scaling with the number of evaluations. As a result, DrBO is computationally efficient and can find the accurate DAG in fewer trials and less time than existing state-of-the-art methods. This is demonstrated through an extensive set of empirical evaluations on many challenging settings with both synthetic and real data. Our implementation is available at https://github.com/baosws/DrBO.
Abstract:This paper introduces a new problem, Causal Abductive Reasoning on Video Events (CARVE), which involves identifying causal relationships between events in a video and generating hypotheses about causal chains that account for the occurrence of a target event. To facilitate research in this direction, we create two new benchmark datasets with both synthetic and realistic videos, accompanied by trigger-target labels generated through a novel counterfactual synthesis approach. To explore the challenge of solving CARVE, we present a Causal Event Relation Network (CERN) that examines the relationships between video events in temporal and semantic spaces to efficiently determine the root-cause trigger events. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate the critical roles of event relational representation learning and interaction modeling in solving video causal reasoning challenges. The introduction of the CARVE task, along with the accompanying datasets and the CERN framework, will advance future research on video causal reasoning and significantly facilitate various applications, including video surveillance, root-cause analysis and movie content management.
Abstract:In image classification tasks, deep learning models are vulnerable to image distortion. For successful deployment, it is important to identify distortion levels under which the model is usable i.e. its accuracy stays above a stipulated threshold. We refer to this problem as Model Assurance under Image Distortion, and formulate it as a classification task. Given a distortion level, our goal is to predict if the model's accuracy on the set of distorted images is greater than a threshold. We propose a novel classifier based on a Level Set Estimation (LSE) algorithm, which uses the LSE's mean and variance functions to form the classification rule. We further extend our method to a "few sample" setting where we can only acquire few real images to perform the model assurance process. Our idea is to generate extra synthetic images using a novel Conditional Variational Autoencoder model with two new loss functions. We conduct extensive experiments to show that our classification method significantly outperforms strong baselines on five benchmark image datasets.
Abstract:In image classification tasks, deep learning models are vulnerable to image distortions i.e. their accuracy significantly drops if the input images are distorted. An image-classifier is considered "reliable" if its accuracy on distorted images is above a user-specified threshold. For a quality control purpose, it is important to predict if the image-classifier is unreliable/reliable under a distortion level. In other words, we want to predict whether a distortion level makes the image-classifier "non-reliable" or "reliable". Our solution is to construct a training set consisting of distortion levels along with their "non-reliable" or "reliable" labels, and train a machine learning predictive model (called distortion-classifier) to classify unseen distortion levels. However, learning an effective distortion-classifier is a challenging problem as the training set is highly imbalanced. To address this problem, we propose two Gaussian process based methods to rebalance the training set. We conduct extensive experiments to show that our method significantly outperforms several baselines on six popular image datasets.
Abstract:Discovering new solid-state materials requires rapidly exploring the vast space of crystal structures and locating stable regions. Generating stable materials with desired properties and compositions is extremely difficult as we search for very small isolated pockets in the exponentially many possibilities, considering elements from the periodic table and their 3D arrangements in crystal lattices. Materials discovery necessitates both optimized solution structures and diversity in the generated material structures. Existing methods struggle to explore large material spaces and generate diverse samples with desired properties and requirements. We propose the Symmetry-aware Hierarchical Architecture for Flow-based Traversal (SHAFT), a novel generative model employing a hierarchical exploration strategy to efficiently exploit the symmetry of the materials space to generate crystal structures given desired properties. In particular, our model decomposes the exponentially large materials space into a hierarchy of subspaces consisting of symmetric space groups, lattice parameters, and atoms. We demonstrate that SHAFT significantly outperforms state-of-the-art iterative generative methods, such as Generative Flow Networks (GFlowNets) and Crystal Diffusion Variational AutoEncoders (CDVAE), in crystal structure generation tasks, achieving higher validity, diversity, and stability of generated structures optimized for target properties and requirements.
Abstract:While most generative models show achievements in image data generation, few are developed for tabular data generation. Recently, due to success of large language models (LLM) in diverse tasks, they have also been used for tabular data generation. However, these methods do not capture the correct correlation between the features and the target variable, hindering their applications in downstream predictive tasks. To address this problem, we propose a LLM-based method with three important improvements to correctly capture the ground-truth feature-class correlation in the real data. First, we propose a novel permutation strategy for the input data in the fine-tuning phase. Second, we propose a feature-conditional sampling approach to generate synthetic samples. Finally, we generate the labels by constructing prompts based on the generated samples to query our fine-tuned LLM. Our extensive experiments show that our method significantly outperforms 10 SOTA baselines on 20 datasets in downstream tasks. It also produces highly realistic synthetic samples in terms of quality and diversity. More importantly, classifiers trained with our synthetic data can even compete with classifiers trained with the original data on half of the benchmark datasets, which is a significant achievement in tabular data generation.
Abstract:Effective decision-making in partially observable environments demands robust memory management. Despite their success in supervised learning, current deep-learning memory models struggle in reinforcement learning environments that are partially observable and long-term. They fail to efficiently capture relevant past information, adapt flexibly to changing observations, and maintain stable updates over long episodes. We theoretically analyze the limitations of existing memory models within a unified framework and introduce the Stable Hadamard Memory, a novel memory model for reinforcement learning agents. Our model dynamically adjusts memory by erasing no longer needed experiences and reinforcing crucial ones computationally efficiently. To this end, we leverage the Hadamard product for calibrating and updating memory, specifically designed to enhance memory capacity while mitigating numerical and learning challenges. Our approach significantly outperforms state-of-the-art memory-based methods on challenging partially observable benchmarks, such as meta-reinforcement learning, long-horizon credit assignment, and POPGym, demonstrating superior performance in handling long-term and evolving contexts.
Abstract:The objective of active level set estimation for a black-box function is to precisely identify regions where the function values exceed or fall below a specified threshold by iteratively performing function evaluations to gather more information about the function. This becomes particularly important when function evaluations are costly, drastically limiting our ability to acquire large datasets. A promising way to sample-efficiently model the black-box function is by incorporating prior knowledge from a related function. However, this approach risks slowing down the estimation task if the prior knowledge is irrelevant or misleading. In this paper, we present a novel transfer learning method for active level set estimation that safely integrates a given prior knowledge while constantly adjusting it to guarantee a robust performance of a level set estimation algorithm even when the prior knowledge is irrelevant. We theoretically analyze this algorithm to show that it has a better level set convergence compared to standard transfer learning approaches that do not make any adjustment to the prior. Additionally, extensive experiments across multiple datasets confirm the effectiveness of our method when applied to various different level set estimation algorithms as well as different transfer learning scenarios.
Abstract:This paper presents two models of neural-networks and their training applicable to neural networks of arbitrary width, depth and topology, assuming only finite-energy neural activations; and a novel representor theory for neural networks in terms of a matrix-valued kernel. The first model is exact (un-approximated) and global, casting the neural network as an elements in a reproducing kernel Banach space (RKBS); we use this model to provide tight bounds on Rademacher complexity. The second model is exact and local, casting the change in neural network function resulting from a bounded change in weights and biases (ie. a training step) in reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) in terms of a local-intrinsic neural kernel (LiNK). This local model provides insight into model adaptation through tight bounds on Rademacher complexity of network adaptation. We also prove that the neural tangent kernel (NTK) is a first-order approximation of the LiNK kernel. Finally, and noting that the LiNK does not provide a representor theory for technical reasons, we present an exact novel representor theory for layer-wise neural network training with unregularized gradient descent in terms of a local-extrinsic neural kernel (LeNK). This representor theory gives insight into the role of higher-order statistics in neural network training and the effect of kernel evolution in neural-network kernel models. Throughout the paper (a) feedforward ReLU networks and (b) residual networks (ResNet) are used as illustrative examples.
Abstract:Experimental (design) optimization is a key driver in designing and discovering new products and processes. Bayesian Optimization (BO) is an effective tool for optimizing expensive and black-box experimental design processes. While Bayesian optimization is a principled data-driven approach to experimental optimization, it learns everything from scratch and could greatly benefit from the expertise of its human (domain) experts who often reason about systems at different abstraction levels using physical properties that are not necessarily directly measured (or measurable). In this paper, we propose a human-AI collaborative Bayesian framework to incorporate expert preferences about unmeasured abstract properties into the surrogate modeling to further boost the performance of BO. We provide an efficient strategy that can also handle any incorrect/misleading expert bias in preferential judgments. We discuss the convergence behavior of our proposed framework. Our experimental results involving synthetic functions and real-world datasets show the superiority of our method against the baselines.