Abstract:Global leaders and policymakers are unified in their unequivocal commitment to decarbonization efforts in support of Net-Zero agreements. District Heating Systems (DHS), while contributing to carbon emissions due to the continued reliance on fossil fuels for heat production, are embracing more sustainable practices albeit with some sense of vulnerability as it could constrain their ability to adapt to dynamic demand and production scenarios. As demographic demands grow and renewables become the central strategy in decarbonizing the heating sector, the need for accurate demand forecasting has intensified. Advances in digitization have paved the way for Machine Learning (ML) based solutions to become the industry standard for modeling complex time series patterns. In this paper, we focus on building a Deep Learning (DL) model that uses deconstructed components of independent and dependent variables that affect heat demand as features to perform multi-step ahead forecasting of head demand. The model represents the input features in a time-frequency space and uses an attention mechanism to generate accurate forecasts. The proposed method is evaluated on a real-world dataset and the forecasting performance is assessed against LSTM and CNN-based forecasting models. Across different supply zones, the attention-based models outperforms the baselines quantitatively and qualitatively, with an Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 0.105 with a standard deviation of 0.06kW h and a Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) of 5.4% with a standard deviation of 2.8%, in comparison the second best model with a MAE of 0.10 with a standard deviation of 0.06kW h and a MAPE of 5.6% with a standard deviation of 3%.
Abstract:Accurate differentiation of pseudoprogression (PsP) from True Progression (TP) following radiotherapy (RT) in glioblastoma (GBM) patients is crucial for optimal treatment planning. However, this task remains challenging due to the overlapping imaging characteristics of PsP and TP. This study therefore proposes a multimodal deep-learning approach utilizing complementary information from routine anatomical MR images, clinical parameters, and RT treatment planning information for improved predictive accuracy. The approach utilizes a self-supervised Vision Transformer (ViT) to encode multi-sequence MR brain volumes to effectively capture both global and local context from the high dimensional input. The encoder is trained in a self-supervised upstream task on unlabeled glioma MRI datasets from the open BraTS2021, UPenn-GBM, and UCSF-PDGM datasets to generate compact, clinically relevant representations from FLAIR and T1 post-contrast sequences. These encoded MR inputs are then integrated with clinical data and RT treatment planning information through guided cross-modal attention, improving progression classification accuracy. This work was developed using two datasets from different centers: the Burdenko Glioblastoma Progression Dataset (n = 59) for training and validation, and the GlioCMV progression dataset from the University Hospital Erlangen (UKER) (n = 20) for testing. The proposed method achieved an AUC of 75.3%, outperforming the current state-of-the-art data-driven approaches. Importantly, the proposed approach relies on readily available anatomical MRI sequences, clinical data, and RT treatment planning information, enhancing its clinical feasibility. The proposed approach addresses the challenge of limited data availability for PsP and TP differentiation and could allow for improved clinical decision-making and optimized treatment plans for GBM patients.
Abstract:Computed Tomography (CT) image reconstruction is crucial for accurate diagnosis and deep learning approaches have demonstrated significant potential in improving reconstruction quality. However, the choice of loss function profoundly affects the reconstructed images. Traditional mean squared error loss often produces blurry images lacking fine details, while alternatives designed to improve may introduce structural artifacts or other undesirable effects. To address these limitations, we propose Eagle-Loss, a novel loss function designed to enhance the visual quality of CT image reconstructions. Eagle-Loss applies spectral analysis of localized features within gradient changes to enhance sharpness and well-defined edges. We evaluated Eagle-Loss on two public datasets across low-dose CT reconstruction and CT field-of-view extension tasks. Our results show that Eagle-Loss consistently improves the visual quality of reconstructed images, surpassing state-of-the-art methods across various network architectures. Code and data are available at \url{https://github.com/sypsyp97/Eagle_Loss}.
Abstract:In this study, we introduce a Fourier series-based trainable filter for computed tomography (CT) reconstruction within the filtered backprojection (FBP) framework. This method overcomes the limitation in noise reduction, inherent in conventional FBP methods, by optimizing Fourier series coefficients to construct the filter. This method enables robust performance across different resolution scales and maintains computational efficiency with minimal increment for the trainable parameters compared to other deep learning frameworks. Additionally, we propose Gaussian edge-enhanced (GEE) loss function that prioritizes the $L_1$ norm of high-frequency magnitudes, effectively countering the blurring problems prevalent in mean squared error (MSE) approaches. The model's foundation in the FBP algorithm ensures excellent interpretability, as it relies on a data-driven filter with all other parameters derived through rigorous mathematical procedures. Designed as a plug-and-play solution, our Fourier series-based filter can be easily integrated into existing CT reconstruction models, making it a versatile tool for a wide range of practical applications. Our research presents a robust and scalable method that expands the utility of FBP in both medical and scientific imaging.
Abstract:The assessment of breast density is crucial in the context of breast cancer screening, especially in populations with a higher percentage of dense breast tissues. This study introduces a novel data augmentation technique termed Attention-Guided Erasing (AGE), devised to enhance the downstream classification of four distinct breast density categories in mammography following the BI-RADS recommendation in the Vietnamese cohort. The proposed method integrates supplementary information during transfer learning, utilizing visual attention maps derived from a vision transformer backbone trained using the self-supervised DINO method. These maps are utilized to erase background regions in the mammogram images, unveiling only the potential areas of dense breast tissues to the network. Through the incorporation of AGE during transfer learning with varying random probabilities, we consistently surpass classification performance compared to scenarios without AGE and the traditional random erasing transformation. We validate our methodology using the publicly available VinDr-Mammo dataset. Specifically, we attain a mean F1-score of 0.5910, outperforming values of 0.5594 and 0.5691 corresponding to scenarios without AGE and with random erasing (RE), respectively. This superiority is further substantiated by t-tests, revealing a p-value of p<0.0001, underscoring the statistical significance of our approach.
Abstract:One of the primal challenges faced by utility companies is ensuring efficient supply with minimal greenhouse gas emissions. The advent of smart meters and smart grids provide an unprecedented advantage in realizing an optimised supply of thermal energies through proactive techniques such as load forecasting. In this paper, we propose a forecasting framework for heat demand based on neural networks where the time series are encoded as scalograms equipped with the capacity of embedding exogenous variables such as weather, and holiday/non-holiday. Subsequently, CNNs are utilized to predict the heat load multi-step ahead. Finally, the proposed framework is compared with other state-of-the-art methods, such as SARIMAX and LSTM. The quantitative results from retrospective experiments show that the proposed framework consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art baseline method with real-world data acquired from Denmark. A minimal mean error of 7.54% for MAPE and 417kW for RMSE is achieved with the proposed framework in comparison to all other methods.
Abstract:In combating climate change, an effective demand-based energy supply operation of the district energy system (DES) for heating or cooling is indispensable. As a consequence, an accurate forecast of heat consumption on the consumer side poses an important first step towards an optimal energy supply. However, due to the non-linearity and non-stationarity of heat consumption data, the prediction of the thermal energy demand of DES remains challenging. In this work, we propose a forecasting framework for thermal energy consumption within a district heating system (DHS) based on kernel Support Vector Regression (kSVR) using real-world smart meter data. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is employed to find the optimal hyper-parameter for the kSVR model which leads to the superiority of the proposed methods when compared to a state-of-the-art ARIMA model. The average MAPE is reduced to 2.07% and 2.64% for the individual meter-specific forecasting and for forecasting of societal consumption, respectively.
Abstract:For a wide range of clinical applications, such as adaptive treatment planning or intraoperative image update, feature-based deformable registration (FDR) approaches are widely employed because of their simplicity and low computational complexity. FDR algorithms estimate a dense displacement field by interpolating a sparse field, which is given by the established correspondence between selected features. In this paper, we consider the deformation field as a Gaussian Process (GP), whereas the selected features are regarded as prior information on the valid deformations. Using GP, we are able to estimate the both dense displacement field and a corresponding uncertainty map at once. Furthermore, we evaluated the performance of different hyperparameter settings for squared exponential kernels with synthetic, phantom and clinical data respectively. The quantitative comparison shows, GP-based interpolation has performance on par with state-of-the-art B-spline interpolation. The greatest clinical benefit of GP-based interpolation is that it gives a reliable estimate of the mathematical uncertainty of the calculated dense displacement map.
Abstract:Comparison of microvascular circulation on fundoscopic images is a non-invasive clinical indication for the diagnosis and monitoring of diseases, such as diabetes and hypertensions. The differences between intra-patient images can be assessed quantitatively by registering serial acquisitions. Due to the variability of the images (i.e. contrast, luminosity) and the anatomical changes of the retina, the registration of fundus images remains a challenging task. Recently, several deep learning approaches have been proposed to register fundus images in an end-to-end fashion, achieving remarkable results. However, the results are difficult to interpret and analyze. In this work, we propose an imitation learning framework for the registration of 2D color funduscopic images for a wide range of applications such as disease monitoring, image stitching and super-resolution. We follow a divide-and-conquer approach to improve the interpretability of the proposed network, and analyze both the influence of the input image and the hyperparameters on the registration result. The results show that the proposed registration network reduces the initial target registration error up to 95\%.