Abstract:In human-centric scenes, the ability to simultaneously understand visual and auditory information is crucial. While recent omni models can process multiple modalities, they generally lack effectiveness in human-centric scenes due to the absence of large-scale, specialized datasets and non-targeted architectures. In this work, we developed HumanOmni, the industry's first human-centric Omni-multimodal large language model. We constructed a dataset containing over 2.4 million human-centric video clips with detailed captions and more than 14 million instructions, facilitating the understanding of diverse human-centric scenes. HumanOmni includes three specialized branches for understanding different types of scenes. It adaptively fuses features from these branches based on user instructions, significantly enhancing visual understanding in scenes centered around individuals. Moreover, HumanOmni integrates audio features to ensure a comprehensive understanding of environments and individuals. Our experiments validate HumanOmni's advanced capabilities in handling human-centric scenes across a variety of tasks, including emotion recognition, facial expression description, and action understanding. Our model will be open-sourced to facilitate further development and collaboration within both academia and industry.
Abstract:Recent vision foundation models can extract universal representations and show impressive abilities in various tasks. However, their application on object detection is largely overlooked, especially without fine-tuning them. In this work, we show that frozen foundation models can be a versatile feature enhancer, even though they are not pre-trained for object detection. Specifically, we explore directly transferring the high-level image understanding of foundation models to detectors in the following two ways. First, the class token in foundation models provides an in-depth understanding of the complex scene, which facilitates decoding object queries in the detector's decoder by providing a compact context. Additionally, the patch tokens in foundation models can enrich the features in the detector's encoder by providing semantic details. Utilizing frozen foundation models as plug-and-play modules rather than the commonly used backbone can significantly enhance the detector's performance while preventing the problems caused by the architecture discrepancy between the detector's backbone and the foundation model. With such a novel paradigm, we boost the SOTA query-based detector DINO from 49.0% AP to 51.9% AP (+2.9% AP) and further to 53.8% AP (+4.8% AP) by integrating one or two foundation models respectively, on the COCO validation set after training for 12 epochs with R50 as the detector's backbone.
Abstract:In incremental object detection, knowledge distillation has been proven to be an effective way to alleviate catastrophic forgetting. However, previous works focused on preserving the knowledge of old models, ignoring that images could simultaneously contain categories from past, present, and future stages. The co-occurrence of objects makes the optimization objectives inconsistent across different stages since the definition for foreground objects differs across various stages, which limits the model's performance greatly. To overcome this problem, we propose a method called ``Bridge Past and Future'' (BPF), which aligns models across stages, ensuring consistent optimization directions. In addition, we propose a novel Distillation with Future (DwF) loss, fully leveraging the background probability to mitigate the forgetting of old classes while ensuring a high level of adaptability in learning new classes. Extensive experiments are conducted on both Pascal VOC and MS COCO benchmarks. Without memory, BPF outperforms current state-of-the-art methods under various settings. The code is available at https://github.com/iSEE-Laboratory/BPF.
Abstract:Recent sparse detectors with multiple, e.g. six, decoder layers achieve promising performance but much inference time due to complex heads. Previous works have explored using dense priors as initialization and built one-decoder-layer detectors. Although they gain remarkable acceleration, their performance still lags behind their six-decoder-layer counterparts by a large margin. In this work, we aim to bridge this performance gap while retaining fast speed. We find that the architecture discrepancy between dense and sparse detectors leads to feature conflict, hampering the performance of one-decoder-layer detectors. Thus we propose Adaptive Sparse Anchor Generator (ASAG) which predicts dynamic anchors on patches rather than grids in a sparse way so that it alleviates the feature conflict problem. For each image, ASAG dynamically selects which feature maps and which locations to predict, forming a fully adaptive way to generate image-specific anchors. Further, a simple and effective Query Weighting method eases the training instability from adaptiveness. Extensive experiments show that our method outperforms dense-initialized ones and achieves a better speed-accuracy trade-off. The code is available at \url{https://github.com/iSEE-Laboratory/ASAG}.