Abstract:Non-invasive patient monitoring for tracking and predicting adverse acute health events is an emerging area of research. We pursue in-hospital cardiac arrest (IHCA) prediction using only single-channel finger photoplethysmography (PPG) signals. Our proposed two-stage model Feature Extractor-Aggregator Network (FEAN) leverages powerful representations from pre-trained PPG foundation models (PPG-GPT of size up to 1 Billion) stacked with sequential classification models. We propose two FEAN variants ("1H", "FH") which use the latest one-hour and (max) 24-hour history to make decisions respectively. Our study is the first to present IHCA prediction results in ICU patients using only unimodal (continuous PPG signal) waveform deep representations. With our best model, we obtain an average of 0.79 AUROC over 24~h prediction window before CA event onset with our model peaking performance at 0.82 one hour before CA. We also provide a comprehensive analysis of our model through architectural tuning and PaCMAP visualization of patient health trajectory in latent space.
Abstract:Speech super-resolution/Bandwidth Extension (BWE) can improve downstream tasks like Automatic Speaker Verification (ASV). We introduce a simple novel technique called Self-FiLM to inject self-supervision into existing BWE models via Feature-wise Linear Modulation. We hypothesize that such information captures domain/environment information, which can give zero-shot generalization. Self-FiLM Conditional GAN (CGAN) gives 18% relative improvement in Equal Error Rate and 8.5% in minimum Decision Cost Function using state-of-the-art ASV system on SRE21 test. We further by 1) deep feature loss from time-domain models and 2) re-training of data2vec 2.0 models on naturalistic wideband (VoxCeleb) and telephone data (SRE Superset etc.). Lastly, we integrate self-supervision with CycleGAN to present a completely unsupervised solution that matches the semi-supervised performance.
Abstract:Automatic Speaker Verification (ASV) technology has become commonplace in virtual assistants. However, its performance suffers when there is a mismatch between the train and test domains. Mixed bandwidth training, i.e., pooling training data from both domains, is a preferred choice for developing a universal model that works for both narrowband and wideband domains. We propose complementing this technique by performing neural upsampling of narrowband signals, also known as bandwidth extension. Our main goal is to discover and analyze high-performing time-domain Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) based models to improve our downstream state-of-the-art ASV system. We choose GANs since they (1) are powerful for learning conditional distribution and (2) allow flexible plug-in usage as a pre-processor during the training of downstream task (ASV) with data augmentation. Prior works mainly focus on feature-domain bandwidth extension and limited experimental setups. We address these limitations by 1) using time-domain extension models, 2) reporting results on three real test sets, 2) extending training data, and 3) devising new test-time schemes. We compare supervised (conditional GAN) and unsupervised GANs (CycleGAN) and demonstrate average relative improvement in Equal Error Rate of 8.6% and 7.7%, respectively. For further analysis, we study changes in spectrogram visual quality, audio perceptual quality, t-SNE embeddings, and ASV score distributions. We show that our bandwidth extension leads to phenomena such as a shift of telephone (test) embeddings towards wideband (train) signals, a negative correlation of perceptual quality with downstream performance, and condition-independent score calibration.
Abstract:Adversarial attacks are a threat to automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems, and it becomes imperative to propose defenses to protect them. In this paper, we perform experiments to show that K2 conformer hybrid ASR is strongly affected by white-box adversarial attacks. We propose three defenses--denoiser pre-processor, adversarially fine-tuning ASR model, and adversarially fine-tuning joint model of ASR and denoiser. Our evaluation shows denoiser pre-processor (trained on offline adversarial examples) fails to defend against adaptive white-box attacks. However, adversarially fine-tuning the denoiser using a tandem model of denoiser and ASR offers more robustness. We evaluate two variants of this defense--one updating parameters of both models and the second keeping ASR frozen. The joint model offers a mean absolute decrease of 19.3\% ground truth (GT) WER with reference to baseline against fast gradient sign method (FGSM) attacks with different $L_\infty$ norms. The joint model with frozen ASR parameters gives the best defense against projected gradient descent (PGD) with 7 iterations, yielding a mean absolute increase of 22.3\% GT WER with reference to baseline; and against PGD with 500 iterations, yielding a mean absolute decrease of 45.08\% GT WER and an increase of 68.05\% adversarial target WER.
Abstract:Adversarial attacks pose a severe security threat to the state-of-the-art speaker identification systems, thereby making it vital to propose countermeasures against them. Building on our previous work that used representation learning to classify and detect adversarial attacks, we propose an improvement to it using AdvEst, a method to estimate adversarial perturbation. First, we prove our claim that training the representation learning network using adversarial perturbations as opposed to adversarial examples (consisting of the combination of clean signal and adversarial perturbation) is beneficial because it eliminates nuisance information. At inference time, we use a time-domain denoiser to estimate the adversarial perturbations from adversarial examples. Using our improved representation learning approach to obtain attack embeddings (signatures), we evaluate their performance for three applications: known attack classification, attack verification, and unknown attack detection. We show that common attacks in the literature (Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM), Projected Gradient Descent (PGD), Carlini-Wagner (CW) with different Lp threat models) can be classified with an accuracy of ~96%. We also detect unknown attacks with an equal error rate (EER) of ~9%, which is absolute improvement of ~12% from our previous work.
Abstract:Speech systems developed for a particular choice of acoustic domain and sampling frequency do not translate easily to others. The usual practice is to learn domain adaptation and bandwidth extension models independently. Contrary to this, we propose to learn both tasks together. Particularly, we learn to map narrowband conversational telephone speech to wideband microphone speech. We developed parallel and non-parallel learning solutions which utilize both paired and unpaired data. First, we first discuss joint and disjoint training of multiple generative models for our tasks. Then, we propose a two-stage learning solution where we use a pre-trained domain adaptation system for pre-processing in bandwidth extension training. We evaluated our schemes on a Speaker Verification downstream task. We used the JHU-MIT experimental setup for NIST SRE21, which comprises SRE16, SRE-CTS Superset and SRE21. Our results provide the first evidence that learning both tasks is better than learning just one. On SRE16, our best system achieves 22% relative improvement in Equal Error Rate w.r.t. a direct learning baseline and 8% w.r.t. a strong bandwidth expansion system.
Abstract:With the increase in the availability of speech from varied domains, it is imperative to use such out-of-domain data to improve existing speech systems. Domain adaptation is a prominent pre-processing approach for this. We investigate it for adapt microphone speech to the telephone domain. Specifically, we explore CycleGAN-based unpaired translation of microphone data to improve the x-vector/speaker embedding network for Telephony Speaker Verification. We first demonstrate the efficacy of this on real challenging data and then, to improve further, we modify the CycleGAN formulation to make the adaptation task-specific. We modify CycleGAN's identity loss, cycle-consistency loss, and adversarial loss to operate in the deep feature space. Deep features of a signal are extracted from an auxiliary (speaker embedding) network and, hence, preserves speaker identity. Our 3D convolution-based Deep Feature Discriminators (DFD) show relative improvements of 5-10% in terms of equal error rate. To dive deeper, we study a challenging scenario of pooling (adapted) microphone and telephone data with data augmentations and telephone codecs. Finally, we highlight the sensitivity of CycleGAN hyper-parameters and introduce a parameter called probability of adaptation.
Abstract:Question answering is an important and difficult task in the natural language processing domain, because many basic natural language processing tasks can be cast into a question answering task. Several deep neural network architectures have been developed recently, which employ memory and inference components to memorize and reason over text information, and generate answers to questions. However, a major drawback of many such models is that they are capable of only generating single-word answers. In addition, they require large amount of training data to generate accurate answers. In this paper, we introduce the Long-Term Memory Network (LTMN), which incorporates both an external memory module and a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) module to comprehend the input data and generate multi-word answers. The LTMN model can be trained end-to-end using back-propagation and requires minimal supervision. We test our model on two synthetic data sets (based on Facebook's bAbI data set) and the real-world Stanford question answering data set, and show that it can achieve state-of-the-art performance.
Abstract:This paper introduces a new paradigm for sound source lo-calization referred to as virtual acoustic space traveling (VAST) and presents a first dataset designed for this purpose. Existing sound source localization methods are either based on an approximate physical model (physics-driven) or on a specific-purpose calibration set (data-driven). With VAST, the idea is to learn a mapping from audio features to desired audio properties using a massive dataset of simulated room impulse responses. This virtual dataset is designed to be maximally representative of the potential audio scenes that the considered system may be evolving in, while remaining reasonably compact. We show that virtually-learned mappings on this dataset generalize to real data, overcoming some intrinsic limitations of traditional binaural sound localization methods based on time differences of arrival.
Abstract:In this paper, we present a learning method for sequence labeling tasks in which each example sequence has multiple label sequences. Our method learns multiple models, one model for each label sequence. Each model computes the joint probability of all label sequences given the example sequence. Although each model considers all label sequences, its primary focus is only one label sequence, and therefore, each model becomes a task-specific model, for the task belonging to that primary label. Such multiple models are learned {\it simultaneously} by facilitating the learning transfer among models through {\it explicit parameter sharing}. We experiment the proposed method on two applications and show that our method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art method.