Abstract:To train generalist robot policies, machine learning methods often require a substantial amount of expert human teleoperation data. An ideal robot for humans collecting data is one that closely mimics them: bimanual arms and dexterous hands. However, creating such a bimanual teleoperation system with over 50 DoF is a significant challenge. To address this, we introduce Bidex, an extremely dexterous, low-cost, low-latency and portable bimanual dexterous teleoperation system which relies on motion capture gloves and teacher arms. We compare Bidex to a Vision Pro teleoperation system and a SteamVR system and find Bidex to produce better quality data for more complex tasks at a faster rate. Additionally, we show Bidex operating a mobile bimanual robot for in the wild tasks. The robot hands (5k USD) and teleoperation system (7k USD) is readily reproducible and can be used on many robot arms including two xArms (16k USD). Website at https://bidex-teleop.github.io/
Abstract:We present a fully autonomous real-world RL framework for mobile manipulation that can learn policies without extensive instrumentation or human supervision. This is enabled by 1) task-relevant autonomy, which guides exploration towards object interactions and prevents stagnation near goal states, 2) efficient policy learning by leveraging basic task knowledge in behavior priors, and 3) formulating generic rewards that combine human-interpretable semantic information with low-level, fine-grained observations. We demonstrate that our approach allows Spot robots to continually improve their performance on a set of four challenging mobile manipulation tasks, obtaining an average success rate of 80% across tasks, a 3-4 improvement over existing approaches. Videos can be found at https://continual-mobile-manip.github.io/
Abstract:The current paradigm for motion planning generates solutions from scratch for every new problem, which consumes significant amounts of time and computational resources. For complex, cluttered scenes, motion planning approaches can often take minutes to produce a solution, while humans are able to accurately and safely reach any goal in seconds by leveraging their prior experience. We seek to do the same by applying data-driven learning at scale to the problem of motion planning. Our approach builds a large number of complex scenes in simulation, collects expert data from a motion planner, then distills it into a reactive generalist policy. We then combine this with lightweight optimization to obtain a safe path for real world deployment. We perform a thorough evaluation of our method on 64 motion planning tasks across four diverse environments with randomized poses, scenes and obstacles, in the real world, demonstrating an improvement of 23%, 17% and 79% motion planning success rate over state of the art sampling, optimization and learning based planning methods. Video results available at mihdalal.github.io/neuralmotionplanner
Abstract:We have made significant progress towards building foundational video diffusion models. As these models are trained using large-scale unsupervised data, it has become crucial to adapt these models to specific downstream tasks. Adapting these models via supervised fine-tuning requires collecting target datasets of videos, which is challenging and tedious. In this work, we utilize pre-trained reward models that are learned via preferences on top of powerful vision discriminative models to adapt video diffusion models. These models contain dense gradient information with respect to generated RGB pixels, which is critical to efficient learning in complex search spaces, such as videos. We show that backpropagating gradients from these reward models to a video diffusion model can allow for compute and sample efficient alignment of the video diffusion model. We show results across a variety of reward models and video diffusion models, demonstrating that our approach can learn much more efficiently in terms of reward queries and computation than prior gradient-free approaches. Our code, model weights,and more visualization are available at https://vader-vid.github.io.
Abstract:Deploying robots in open-ended unstructured environments such as homes has been a long-standing research problem. However, robots are often studied only in closed-off lab settings, and prior mobile manipulation work is restricted to pick-move-place, which is arguably just the tip of the iceberg in this area. In this paper, we introduce Open-World Mobile Manipulation System, a full-stack approach to tackle realistic articulated object operation, e.g. real-world doors, cabinets, drawers, and refrigerators in open-ended unstructured environments. The robot utilizes an adaptive learning framework to initially learns from a small set of data through behavior cloning, followed by learning from online practice on novel objects that fall outside the training distribution. We also develop a low-cost mobile manipulation hardware platform capable of safe and autonomous online adaptation in unstructured environments with a cost of around 20,000 USD. In our experiments we utilize 20 articulate objects across 4 buildings in the CMU campus. With less than an hour of online learning for each object, the system is able to increase success rate from 50% of BC pre-training to 95% using online adaptation. Video results at https://open-world-mobilemanip.github.io/
Abstract:Large, high-capacity models trained on diverse datasets have shown remarkable successes on efficiently tackling downstream applications. In domains from NLP to Computer Vision, this has led to a consolidation of pretrained models, with general pretrained backbones serving as a starting point for many applications. Can such a consolidation happen in robotics? Conventionally, robotic learning methods train a separate model for every application, every robot, and even every environment. Can we instead train generalist X-robot policy that can be adapted efficiently to new robots, tasks, and environments? In this paper, we provide datasets in standardized data formats and models to make it possible to explore this possibility in the context of robotic manipulation, alongside experimental results that provide an example of effective X-robot policies. We assemble a dataset from 22 different robots collected through a collaboration between 21 institutions, demonstrating 527 skills (160266 tasks). We show that a high-capacity model trained on this data, which we call RT-X, exhibits positive transfer and improves the capabilities of multiple robots by leveraging experience from other platforms. More details can be found on the project website $\href{https://robotics-transformer-x.github.io}{\text{robotics-transformer-x.github.io}}$.
Abstract:Agents that are aware of the separation between themselves and their environments can leverage this understanding to form effective representations of visual input. We propose an approach for learning such structured representations for RL algorithms, using visual knowledge of the agent, such as its shape or mask, which is often inexpensive to obtain. This is incorporated into the RL objective using a simple auxiliary loss. We show that our method, Structured Environment-Agent Representations, outperforms state-of-the-art model-free approaches over 18 different challenging visual simulation environments spanning 5 different robots. Website at https://sear-rl.github.io/
Abstract:We tackle the problem of learning complex, general behaviors directly in the real world. We propose an approach for robots to efficiently learn manipulation skills using only a handful of real-world interaction trajectories from many different settings. Inspired by the success of learning from large-scale datasets in the fields of computer vision and natural language, our belief is that in order to efficiently learn, a robot must be able to leverage internet-scale, human video data. Humans interact with the world in many interesting ways, which can allow a robot to not only build an understanding of useful actions and affordances but also how these actions affect the world for manipulation. Our approach builds a structured, human-centric action space grounded in visual affordances learned from human videos. Further, we train a world model on human videos and fine-tune on a small amount of robot interaction data without any task supervision. We show that this approach of affordance-space world models enables different robots to learn various manipulation skills in complex settings, in under 30 minutes of interaction. Videos can be found at https://human-world-model.github.io
Abstract:Building a robot that can understand and learn to interact by watching humans has inspired several vision problems. However, despite some successful results on static datasets, it remains unclear how current models can be used on a robot directly. In this paper, we aim to bridge this gap by leveraging videos of human interactions in an environment centric manner. Utilizing internet videos of human behavior, we train a visual affordance model that estimates where and how in the scene a human is likely to interact. The structure of these behavioral affordances directly enables the robot to perform many complex tasks. We show how to seamlessly integrate our affordance model with four robot learning paradigms including offline imitation learning, exploration, goal-conditioned learning, and action parameterization for reinforcement learning. We show the efficacy of our approach, which we call VRB, across 4 real world environments, over 10 different tasks, and 2 robotic platforms operating in the wild. Results, visualizations and videos at https://robo-affordances.github.io/
Abstract:Robotic agents that operate autonomously in the real world need to continuously explore their environment and learn from the data collected, with minimal human supervision. While it is possible to build agents that can learn in such a manner without supervision, current methods struggle to scale to the real world. Thus, we propose ALAN, an autonomously exploring robotic agent, that can perform tasks in the real world with little training and interaction time. This is enabled by measuring environment change, which reflects object movement and ignores changes in the robot position. We use this metric directly as an environment-centric signal, and also maximize the uncertainty of predicted environment change, which provides agent-centric exploration signal. We evaluate our approach on two different real-world play kitchen settings, enabling a robot to efficiently explore and discover manipulation skills, and perform tasks specified via goal images. Website at https://robo-explorer.github.io/