Abstract:Masked language modeling has become a widely adopted unsupervised technique to pre-train language models. However, the process of selecting tokens for masking is random, and the percentage of masked tokens is typically fixed for the entire training process. In this paper, we propose to adjust the masking ratio and to decide which tokens to mask based on a novel task-informed anti-curriculum learning scheme. First, we harness task-specific knowledge about useful and harmful tokens in order to determine which tokens to mask. Second, we propose a cyclic decaying masking ratio, which corresponds to an anti-curriculum schedule (from hard to easy). We exemplify our novel task-informed anti-curriculum by masking (TIACBM) approach across three diverse downstream tasks: sentiment analysis, text classification by topic, and authorship attribution. Our findings suggest that TIACBM enhances the ability of the model to focus on key task-relevant features, contributing to statistically significant performance gains across tasks. We release our code at https://github.com/JarcaAndrei/TIACBM.
Abstract:The basic underlying assumption of machine learning (ML) models is that the training and test data are sampled from the same distribution. However, in daily practice, this assumption is often broken, i.e.~the distribution of the test data changes over time, which hinders the application of conventional ML models. One domain where the distribution shift naturally occurs is text classification, since people always find new topics to discuss. To this end, we survey research articles studying open-set text classification and related tasks. We divide the methods in this area based on the constraints that define the kind of distribution shift and the corresponding problem formulation, i.e.~learning with the Universum, zero-shot learning, and open-set learning. We next discuss the predominant mitigation approaches for each problem setup. Finally, we identify several future work directions, aiming to push the boundaries beyond the state of the art. Interestingly, we find that continual learning can solve many of the issues caused by the shifting class distribution. We maintain a list of relevant papers at https://github.com/Eduard6421/Open-Set-Survey.
Abstract:In this survey, we systematically analyze techniques used to adapt large multimodal models (LMMs) for low-resource (LR) languages, examining approaches ranging from visual enhancement and data creation to cross-modal transfer and fusion strategies. Through a comprehensive analysis of 106 studies across 75 LR languages, we identify key patterns in how researchers tackle the challenges of limited data and computational resources. We find that visual information often serves as a crucial bridge for improving model performance in LR settings, though significant challenges remain in areas such as hallucination mitigation and computational efficiency. We aim to provide researchers with a clear understanding of current approaches and remaining challenges in making LMMs more accessible to speakers of LR (understudied) languages. We complement our survey with an open-source repository available at: https://github.com/marianlupascu/LMM4LRL-Survey.
Abstract:With the recent advancements in generative modeling, the realism of deepfake content has been increasing at a steady pace, even reaching the point where people often fail to detect manipulated media content online, thus being deceived into various kinds of scams. In this paper, we survey deepfake generation and detection techniques, including the most recent developments in the field, such as diffusion models and Neural Radiance Fields. Our literature review covers all deepfake media types, comprising image, video, audio and multimodal (audio-visual) content. We identify various kinds of deepfakes, according to the procedure used to alter or generate the fake content. We further construct a taxonomy of deepfake generation and detection methods, illustrating the important groups of methods and the domains where these methods are applied. Next, we gather datasets used for deepfake detection and provide updated rankings of the best performing deepfake detectors on the most popular datasets. In addition, we develop a novel multimodal benchmark to evaluate deepfake detectors on out-of-distribution content. The results indicate that state-of-the-art detectors fail to generalize to deepfake content generated by unseen deepfake generators. Finally, we propose future directions to obtain robust and powerful deepfake detectors. Our project page and new benchmark are available at https://github.com/CroitoruAlin/biodeep.
Abstract:With the recent exhibited strength of generative diffusion models, an open research question is \textit{if images generated by these models can be used to learn better visual representations}. While this generative data expansion may suffice for easier visual tasks, we explore its efficacy on a more difficult discriminative task: clothes-changing person re-identification (CC-ReID). CC-ReID aims to match people appearing in non-overlapping cameras, even when they change their clothes across cameras. Not only are current CC-ReID models constrained by the limited diversity of clothing in current CC-ReID datasets, but generating additional data that retains important personal features for accurate identification is a current challenge. To address this issue we propose DLCR, a novel data expansion framework that leverages pre-trained diffusion and large language models (LLMs) to accurately generate diverse images of individuals in varied attire. We generate additional data for five benchmark CC-ReID datasets (PRCC, CCVID, LaST, VC-Clothes, and LTCC) and \textbf{increase their clothing diversity by \boldmath{$10$}x, totaling over \boldmath{$2.1$}M images generated}. DLCR employs diffusion-based text-guided inpainting, conditioned on clothing prompts constructed using LLMs, to generate synthetic data that only modifies a subject's clothes while preserving their personally identifiable features. With this massive increase in data, we introduce two novel strategies - progressive learning and test-time prediction refinement - that respectively reduce training time and further boosts CC-ReID performance. On the PRCC dataset, we obtain a large top-1 accuracy improvement of $11.3\%$ by training CAL, a previous state of the art (SOTA) method, with DLCR-generated data. We publicly release our code and generated data for each dataset here: \url{https://github.com/CroitoruAlin/dlcr}.
Abstract:We propose a novel teacher-student framework to distill knowledge from multiple teachers trained on distinct datasets. Each teacher is first trained from scratch on its own dataset. Then, the teachers are combined into a joint architecture, which fuses the features of all teachers at multiple representation levels. The joint teacher architecture is fine-tuned on samples from all datasets, thus gathering useful generic information from all data samples. Finally, we employ a multi-level feature distillation procedure to transfer the knowledge to a student model for each of the considered datasets. We conduct image classification experiments on seven benchmarks, and action recognition experiments on three benchmarks. To illustrate the power of our feature distillation procedure, the student architectures are chosen to be identical to those of the individual teachers. To demonstrate the flexibility of our approach, we combine teachers with distinct architectures. We show that our novel Multi-Level Feature Distillation (MLFD) can significantly surpass equivalent architectures that are either trained on individual datasets, or jointly trained on all datasets at once. Furthermore, we confirm that each step of the proposed training procedure is well motivated by a comprehensive ablation study. We publicly release our code at https://github.com/AdrianIordache/MLFD.
Abstract:In this work, we survey recent studies on masked image modeling (MIM), an approach that emerged as a powerful self-supervised learning technique in computer vision. The MIM task involves masking some information, e.g. pixels, patches, or even latent representations, and training a model, usually an autoencoder, to predicting the missing information by using the context available in the visible part of the input. We identify and formalize two categories of approaches on how to implement MIM as a pretext task, one based on reconstruction and one based on contrastive learning. Then, we construct a taxonomy and review the most prominent papers in recent years. We complement the manually constructed taxonomy with a dendrogram obtained by applying a hierarchical clustering algorithm. We further identify relevant clusters via manually inspecting the resulting dendrogram. Our review also includes datasets that are commonly used in MIM research. We aggregate the performance results of various masked image modeling methods on the most popular datasets, to facilitate the comparison of competing methods. Finally, we identify research gaps and propose several interesting directions of future work.
Abstract:We propose Curriculum by Masking (CBM), a novel state-of-the-art curriculum learning strategy that effectively creates an easy-to-hard training schedule via patch (token) masking, offering significant accuracy improvements over the conventional training regime and previous curriculum learning (CL) methods. CBM leverages gradient magnitudes to prioritize the masking of salient image regions via a novel masking algorithm and a novel masking block. Our approach enables controlling sample difficulty via the patch masking ratio, generating an effective easy-to-hard curriculum by gradually introducing harder samples as training progresses. CBM operates with two easily configurable parameters, i.e. the number of patches and the curriculum schedule, making it a versatile curriculum learning approach for object recognition and detection. We conduct experiments with various neural architectures, ranging from convolutional networks to vision transformers, on five benchmark data sets (CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, ImageNet, Food-101 and PASCAL VOC), to compare CBM with conventional as well as curriculum-based training regimes. Our results reveal the superiority of our strategy compared with the state-of-the-art curriculum learning regimes. We also observe improvements in transfer learning contexts, where CBM surpasses previous work by considerable margins in terms of accuracy. We release our code for free non-commercial use at https://github.com/CroitoruAlin/CBM.
Abstract:We introduce PoPreRo, the first dataset for Popularity Prediction of Romanian posts collected from Reddit. The PoPreRo dataset includes a varied compilation of post samples from five distinct subreddits of Romania, totaling 28,107 data samples. Along with our novel dataset, we introduce a set of competitive models to be used as baselines for future research. Interestingly, the top-scoring model achieves an accuracy of 61.35% and a macro F1 score of 60.60% on the test set, indicating that the popularity prediction task on PoPreRo is very challenging. Further investigations based on few-shot prompting the Falcon-7B Large Language Model also point in the same direction. We thus believe that PoPreRo is a valuable resource that can be used to evaluate models on predicting the popularity of social media posts in Romanian. We release our dataset at https://github.com/ana-rogoz/PoPreRo.
Abstract:Text-to-image generation has recently emerged as a viable alternative to text-to-image retrieval, due to the visually impressive results of generative diffusion models. Although query performance prediction is an active research topic in information retrieval, to the best of our knowledge, there is no prior study that analyzes the difficulty of queries (prompts) in text-to-image generation, based on human judgments. To this end, we introduce the first dataset of prompts which are manually annotated in terms of image generation performance. In order to determine the difficulty of the same prompts in image retrieval, we also collect manual annotations that represent retrieval performance. We thus propose the first benchmark for joint text-to-image prompt and query performance prediction, comprising 10K queries. Our benchmark enables: (i) the comparative assessment of the difficulty of prompts/queries in image generation and image retrieval, and (ii) the evaluation of prompt/query performance predictors addressing both generation and retrieval. We present results with several pre-generation/retrieval and post-generation/retrieval performance predictors, thus providing competitive baselines for future research. Our benchmark and code is publicly available under the CC BY 4.0 license at https://github.com/Eduard6421/PQPP.