Abstract:With the rapid development of robot swarm technology and its diverse applications, navigating robot swarms through complex environments has emerged as a critical research direction. To ensure safe navigation and avoid potential collisions with obstacles, the concept of virtual tubes has been introduced to define safe and navigable regions. However, current control methods in virtual tubes face the congestion issues, particularly in narrow virtual tubes with low throughput. To address these challenges, we first originally introduce the concepts of virtual tube area and flow capacity, and develop an new evolution model for the spatial density function. Next, we propose a novel control method that combines a modified artificial potential field (APF) for swarm navigation and density feedback control for distribution regulation, under which a saturated velocity command is designed. Then, we generate a global velocity field that not only ensures collision-free navigation through the virtual tube, but also achieves locally input-to-state stability (LISS) for density tracking errors, both of which are rigorously proven. Finally, numerical simulations and realistic applications validate the effectiveness and advantages of the proposed method in managing robot swarms within narrow virtual tubes.
Abstract:With the rapid development of robotics swarm technology, there are more tasks that require the swarm to pass through complicate environments safely and efficiently. Virtual tube technology is a novel way to achieve this goal. Virtual tubes are free spaces connecting two places that provide safety boundaries and direction of motion for swarm robotics. How to determine the design quality of a virtual tube is a fundamental problem. For such a purpose, this paper presents a degree of flowability (DOF) for two-dimensional virtual tubes according to a minimum energy principle. After that, methods to calculate DOF are proposed with a feasibility analysis. Simulations of swarm robotics in different kinds of two-dimensional virtual tubes are performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method of calculating DOF.
Abstract:The generative self-supervised learning strategy exhibits remarkable learning representational capabilities. However, there is limited attention to end-to-end pre-training methods based on a hybrid architecture of CNN and Transformer, which can learn strong local and global representations simultaneously. To address this issue, we propose a generative pre-training strategy called Hybrid Sparse masKing (HySparK) based on masked image modeling and apply it to large-scale pre-training on medical images. First, we perform a bottom-up 3D hybrid masking strategy on the encoder to keep consistency masking. Then we utilize sparse convolution for the top CNNs and encode unmasked patches for the bottom vision Transformers. Second, we employ a simple hierarchical decoder with skip-connections to achieve dense multi-scale feature reconstruction. Third, we implement our pre-training method on a collection of multiple large-scale 3D medical imaging datasets. Extensive experiments indicate that our proposed pre-training strategy demonstrates robust transfer-ability in supervised downstream tasks and sheds light on HySparK's promising prospects. The code is available at https://github.com/FengheTan9/HySparK
Abstract:Recently, the concept of optimal virtual tube has emerged as a novel solution to the challenging task of navigating obstacle-dense environments for swarm robotics, offering a wide ranging of applications. However, it lacks an efficient homotopic path planning method in obstacle-dense environments. This paper introduces Tube-RRT*, an innovative homotopic path planning method that builds upon and improves the Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) algorithm. Tube-RRT* is specifically designed to generate homotopic paths for the trajectories in the virtual tube, strategically considering opening volume and tube length to mitigate swarm congestion and ensure agile navigation. Through comprehensive comparative simulations conducted within complex, large-scale obstacle environments, we demonstrate the effectiveness of Tube-RRT*.
Abstract:In recent years, reports of illegal drones threatening public safety have increased. For the invasion of fully autonomous drones, traditional methods such as radio frequency interference and GPS shielding may fail. This paper proposes a scheme that uses an autonomous multicopter with a strapdown camera to intercept a maneuvering intruder UAV. The interceptor multicopter can autonomously detect and intercept intruders moving at high speed in the air. The strapdown camera avoids the complex mechanical structure of the electro-optical pod, making the interceptor multicopter compact. However, the coupling of the camera and multicopter motion makes interception tasks difficult. To solve this problem, an Image-Based Visual Servoing (IBVS) controller is proposed to make the interception fast and accurate. Then, in response to the time delay of sensor imaging and image processing relative to attitude changes in high-speed scenarios, a Delayed Kalman Filter (DKF) observer is generalized to predict the current image position and increase the update frequency. Finally, Hardware-in-the-Loop (HITL) simulations and outdoor flight experiments verify that this method has a high interception accuracy and success rate. In the flight experiments, a high-speed interception is achieved with a terminal speed of 20 m/s.
Abstract:Ensuring fairness in deep-learning-based segmentors is crucial for health equity. Much effort has been dedicated to mitigating unfairness in the training datasets or procedures. However, with the increasing prevalence of foundation models in medical image analysis, it is hard to train fair models from scratch while preserving utility. In this paper, we propose a novel method, Adversarial Privacy-aware Perturbations on Latent Embedding (APPLE), that can improve the fairness of deployed segmentors by introducing a small latent feature perturber without updating the weights of the original model. By adding perturbation to the latent vector, APPLE decorates the latent vector of segmentors such that no fairness-related features can be passed to the decoder of the segmentors while preserving the architecture and parameters of the segmentor. Experiments on two segmentation datasets and five segmentors (three U-Net-like and two SAM-like) illustrate the effectiveness of our proposed method compared to several unfairness mitigation methods.
Abstract:With the rapid expansion of machine learning and deep learning (DL), researchers are increasingly employing learning-based algorithms to alleviate diagnostic challenges across diverse medical tasks and applications. While advancements in diagnostic precision are notable, some researchers have identified a concerning trend: their models exhibit biased performance across subgroups characterized by different sensitive attributes. This bias not only infringes upon the rights of patients but also has the potential to lead to life-altering consequences. In this paper, we inspect a series of DL segmentation models using two ultrasound datasets, aiming to assess the presence of model unfairness in these specific tasks. Our findings reveal that even state-of-the-art DL algorithms demonstrate unfair behavior in ultrasound segmentation tasks. These results serve as a crucial warning, underscoring the necessity for careful model evaluation before their deployment in real-world scenarios. Such assessments are imperative to ensure ethical considerations and mitigate the risk of adverse impacts on patient outcomes.
Abstract:The Segment Anything Model (SAM) has achieved a notable success in two-dimensional image segmentation in natural images. However, the substantial gap between medical and natural images hinders its direct application to medical image segmentation tasks. Particularly in 3D medical images, SAM struggles to learn contextual relationships between slices, limiting its practical applicability. Moreover, applying 2D SAM to 3D images requires prompting the entire volume, which is time- and label-consuming. To address these problems, we propose Slide-SAM, which treats a stack of three adjacent slices as a prediction window. It firstly takes three slices from a 3D volume and point- or bounding box prompts on the central slice as inputs to predict segmentation masks for all three slices. Subsequently, the masks of the top and bottom slices are then used to generate new prompts for adjacent slices. Finally, step-wise prediction can be achieved by sliding the prediction window forward or backward through the entire volume. Our model is trained on multiple public and private medical datasets and demonstrates its effectiveness through extensive 3D segmetnation experiments, with the help of minimal prompts. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/Curli-quan/Slide-SAM}.
Abstract:Due to the scarcity and specific imaging characteristics in medical images, light-weighting Vision Transformers (ViTs) for efficient medical image segmentation is a significant challenge, and current studies have not yet paid attention to this issue. This work revisits the relationship between CNNs and Transformers in lightweight universal networks for medical image segmentation, aiming to integrate the advantages of both worlds at the infrastructure design level. In order to leverage the inductive bias inherent in CNNs, we abstract a Transformer-like lightweight CNNs block (ConvUtr) as the patch embeddings of ViTs, feeding Transformer with denoised, non-redundant and highly condensed semantic information. Moreover, an adaptive Local-Global-Local (LGL) block is introduced to facilitate efficient local-to-global information flow exchange, maximizing Transformer's global context information extraction capabilities. Finally, we build an efficient medical image segmentation model (MobileUtr) based on CNN and Transformer. Extensive experiments on five public medical image datasets with three different modalities demonstrate the superiority of MobileUtr over the state-of-the-art methods, while boasting lighter weights and lower computational cost. Code is available at https://github.com/FengheTan9/MobileUtr.
Abstract:This paper presents an open-source dataset RflyMAD, a Multicopter Abnomal Dataset developed by Reliable Flight Control (Rfly) Group aiming to promote the development of research fields like fault detection and isolation (FDI) or health assessment (HA). The entire 114 GB dataset includes 11 types of faults under 6 flight statuses which are adapted from ADS-33 file to cover more occasions in which the multicopters have different mobility levels when faults occur. In the total 5629 flight cases, the fault time is up to 3283 minutes, and there are 2566 cases for software-in-the-loop (SIL) simulation, 2566 cases for hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation and 497 cases for real flight. As it contains simulation data based on RflySim and real flight data, it is possible to improve the quantity while increasing the data quality. In each case, there are ULog, Telemetry log, Flight information and processed files for researchers to use and check. The RflyMAD dataset could be used as a benchmark for fault diagnosis methods and the support relationship between simulation data and real flight is verified through transfer learning methods. More methods as a baseline will be presented in the future, and RflyMAD will be updated with more data and types. In addition, the dataset and related toolkit can be accessed through https://rfly-openha.github.io/documents/4_resources/dataset.html.