Abstract:Scaling the input image resolution is essential for enhancing the performance of Vision Language Models (VLMs), particularly in text-rich image understanding tasks. However, popular visual encoders such as ViTs become inefficient at high resolutions due to the large number of tokens and high encoding latency caused by stacked self-attention layers. At different operational resolutions, the vision encoder of a VLM can be optimized along two axes: reducing encoding latency and minimizing the number of visual tokens passed to the LLM, thereby lowering overall latency. Based on a comprehensive efficiency analysis of the interplay between image resolution, vision latency, token count, and LLM size, we introduce FastVLM, a model that achieves an optimized trade-off between latency, model size and accuracy. FastVLM incorporates FastViTHD, a novel hybrid vision encoder designed to output fewer tokens and significantly reduce encoding time for high-resolution images. Unlike previous methods, FastVLM achieves the optimal balance between visual token count and image resolution solely by scaling the input image, eliminating the need for additional token pruning and simplifying the model design. In the LLaVA-1.5 setup, FastVLM achieves 3.2$\times$ improvement in time-to-first-token (TTFT) while maintaining similar performance on VLM benchmarks compared to prior works. Compared to LLaVa-OneVision at the highest resolution (1152$\times$1152), FastVLM achieves comparable performance on key benchmarks like SeedBench and MMMU, using the same 0.5B LLM, but with 85$\times$ faster TTFT and a vision encoder that is 3.4$\times$ smaller.
Abstract:Humans describe complex scenes with compositionality, using simple text descriptions enriched with links and relationships. While vision-language research has aimed to develop models with compositional understanding capabilities, this is not reflected yet in existing datasets which, for the most part, still use plain text to describe images. In this work, we propose a new annotation strategy, graph-based captioning (GBC) that describes an image using a labelled graph structure, with nodes of various types. The nodes in GBC are created using, in a first stage, object detection and dense captioning tools nested recursively to uncover and describe entity nodes, further linked together in a second stage by highlighting, using new types of nodes, compositions and relations among entities. Since all GBC nodes hold plain text descriptions, GBC retains the flexibility found in natural language, but can also encode hierarchical information in its edges. We demonstrate that GBC can be produced automatically, using off-the-shelf multimodal LLMs and open-vocabulary detection models, by building a new dataset, GBC10M, gathering GBC annotations for about 10M images of the CC12M dataset. We use GBC10M to showcase the wealth of node captions uncovered by GBC, as measured with CLIP training. We show that using GBC nodes' annotations -- notably those stored in composition and relation nodes -- results in significant performance boost on downstream models when compared to other dataset formats. To further explore the opportunities provided by GBC, we also propose a new attention mechanism that can leverage the entire GBC graph, with encouraging experimental results that show the extra benefits of incorporating the graph structure. Our datasets are released at \url{https://huggingface.co/graph-based-captions}.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) are commonly trained on datasets consisting of fixed-length token sequences. These datasets are created by randomly concatenating documents of various lengths and then chunking them into sequences of a predetermined target length. However, this method of concatenation can lead to cross-document attention within a sequence, which is neither a desirable learning signal nor computationally efficient. Additionally, training on long sequences becomes computationally prohibitive due to the quadratic cost of attention. In this study, we introduce dataset decomposition, a novel variable sequence length training technique, to tackle these challenges. We decompose a dataset into a union of buckets, each containing sequences of the same size extracted from a unique document. During training, we use variable sequence length and batch size, sampling simultaneously from all buckets with a curriculum. In contrast to the concat-and-chunk baseline, which incurs a fixed attention cost at every step of training, our proposed method incurs a penalty proportional to the actual document lengths at each step, resulting in significant savings in training time. We train an 8k context-length 1B model at the same cost as a 2k context-length model trained with the baseline approach. Experiments on a web-scale corpus demonstrate that our approach significantly enhances performance on standard language evaluations and long-context benchmarks, reaching target accuracy 3x faster compared to the baseline. Our method not only enables efficient pretraining on long sequences but also scales effectively with dataset size. Lastly, we shed light on a critical yet less studied aspect of training large language models: the distribution and curriculum of sequence lengths, which results in a non-negligible difference in performance.
Abstract:CLIP models perform remarkably well on zero-shot classification and retrieval tasks. But recent studies have shown that learnt representations in CLIP are not well suited for dense prediction tasks like object detection, semantic segmentation or depth estimation. More recently, multi-stage training methods for CLIP models was introduced to mitigate the weak performance of CLIP on downstream tasks. In this work, we find that simply improving the quality of captions in image-text datasets improves the quality of CLIP's visual representations, resulting in significant improvement on downstream dense prediction vision tasks. In fact, we find that CLIP pretraining with good quality captions can surpass recent supervised, self-supervised and weakly supervised pretraining methods. We show that when CLIP model with ViT-B/16 as image encoder is trained on well aligned image-text pairs it obtains 12.1% higher mIoU and 11.5% lower RMSE on semantic segmentation and depth estimation tasks over recent state-of-the-art Masked Image Modeling (MIM) pretraining methods like Masked Autoencoder (MAE). We find that mobile architectures also benefit significantly from CLIP pretraining. A recent mobile vision architecture, MCi2, with CLIP pretraining obtains similar performance as Swin-L, pretrained on ImageNet-22k for semantic segmentation task while being 6.1$\times$ smaller. Moreover, we show that improving caption quality results in $10\times$ data efficiency when finetuning for dense prediction tasks.
Abstract:Contrastive pretraining of image-text foundation models, such as CLIP, demonstrated excellent zero-shot performance and improved robustness on a wide range of downstream tasks. However, these models utilize large transformer-based encoders with significant memory and latency overhead which pose challenges for deployment on mobile devices. In this work, we introduce MobileCLIP -- a new family of efficient image-text models optimized for runtime performance along with a novel and efficient training approach, namely multi-modal reinforced training. The proposed training approach leverages knowledge transfer from an image captioning model and an ensemble of strong CLIP encoders to improve the accuracy of efficient models. Our approach avoids train-time compute overhead by storing the additional knowledge in a reinforced dataset. MobileCLIP sets a new state-of-the-art latency-accuracy tradeoff for zero-shot classification and retrieval tasks on several datasets. Our MobileCLIP-S2 variant is 2.3$\times$ faster while more accurate compared to previous best CLIP model based on ViT-B/16. We further demonstrate the effectiveness of our multi-modal reinforced training by training a CLIP model based on ViT-B/16 image backbone and achieving +2.9% average performance improvement on 38 evaluation benchmarks compared to the previous best. Moreover, we show that the proposed approach achieves 10$\times$-1000$\times$ improved learning efficiency when compared with non-reinforced CLIP training.
Abstract:The landscape of publicly available vision foundation models (VFMs), such as CLIP and Segment Anything Model (SAM), is expanding rapidly. VFMs are endowed with distinct capabilities stemming from their pre-training objectives. For instance, CLIP excels in semantic understanding, while SAM specializes in spatial understanding for segmentation. In this work, we introduce a simple recipe to efficiently merge VFMs into a unified model that assimilates their expertise. Our proposed method integrates multi-task learning, continual learning techniques, and teacher-student distillation. This strategy entails significantly less computational cost compared to traditional multi-task training from scratch. Additionally, it only demands a small fraction of the pre-training datasets that were initially used to train individual models. By applying our method to SAM and CLIP, we derive SAM-CLIP: a unified model that amalgamates the strengths of SAM and CLIP into a single backbone, making it apt for edge device applications. We show that SAM-CLIP learns richer visual representations, equipped with both localization and semantic features, suitable for a broad range of vision tasks. SAM-CLIP obtains improved performance on several head probing tasks when compared with SAM and CLIP. We further show that SAM-CLIP not only retains the foundational strengths of its precursor models but also introduces synergistic functionalities, most notably in zero-shot semantic segmentation, where SAM-CLIP establishes new state-of-the-art results on 5 benchmarks. It outperforms previous models that are specifically designed for this task by a large margin, including +6.8% and +5.9% mean IoU improvement on Pascal-VOC and COCO-Stuff datasets, respectively.
Abstract:The recent amalgamation of transformer and convolutional designs has led to steady improvements in accuracy and efficiency of the models. In this work, we introduce FastViT, a hybrid vision transformer architecture that obtains the state-of-the-art latency-accuracy trade-off. To this end, we introduce a novel token mixing operator, RepMixer, a building block of FastViT, that uses structural reparameterization to lower the memory access cost by removing skip-connections in the network. We further apply train-time overparametrization and large kernel convolutions to boost accuracy and empirically show that these choices have minimal effect on latency. We show that - our model is 3.5x faster than CMT, a recent state-of-the-art hybrid transformer architecture, 4.9x faster than EfficientNet, and 1.9x faster than ConvNeXt on a mobile device for the same accuracy on the ImageNet dataset. At similar latency, our model obtains 4.2% better Top-1 accuracy on ImageNet than MobileOne. Our model consistently outperforms competing architectures across several tasks -- image classification, detection, segmentation and 3D mesh regression with significant improvement in latency on both a mobile device and a desktop GPU. Furthermore, our model is highly robust to out-of-distribution samples and corruptions, improving over competing robust models.
Abstract:Efficient neural network backbones for mobile devices are often optimized for metrics such as FLOPs or parameter count. However, these metrics may not correlate well with latency of the network when deployed on a mobile device. Therefore, we perform extensive analysis of different metrics by deploying several mobile-friendly networks on a mobile device. We identify and analyze architectural and optimization bottlenecks in recent efficient neural networks and provide ways to mitigate these bottlenecks. To this end, we design an efficient backbone MobileOne, with variants achieving an inference time under 1 ms on an iPhone12 with 75.9% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet. We show that MobileOne achieves state-of-the-art performance within the efficient architectures while being many times faster on mobile. Our best model obtains similar performance on ImageNet as MobileFormer while being 38x faster. Our model obtains 2.3% better top-1 accuracy on ImageNet than EfficientNet at similar latency. Furthermore, we show that our model generalizes to multiple tasks - image classification, object detection, and semantic segmentation with significant improvements in latency and accuracy as compared to existing efficient architectures when deployed on a mobile device.
Abstract:In visual retrieval systems, updating the embedding model requires recomputing features for every piece of data. This expensive process is referred to as backfilling. Recently, the idea of backward compatible training (BCT) was proposed. To avoid the cost of backfilling, BCT modifies training of the new model to make its representations compatible with those of the old model. However, BCT can significantly hinder the performance of the new model. In this work, we propose a new learning paradigm for representation learning: forward compatible training (FCT). In FCT, when the old model is trained, we also prepare for a future unknown version of the model. We propose learning side-information, an auxiliary feature for each sample which facilitates future updates of the model. To develop a powerful and flexible framework for model compatibility, we combine side-information with a forward transformation from old to new embeddings. Training of the new model is not modified, hence, its accuracy is not degraded. We demonstrate significant retrieval accuracy improvement compared to BCT for various datasets: ImageNet-1k (+18.1%), Places-365 (+5.4%), and VGG-Face2 (+8.3%). FCT obtains model compatibility when the new and old models are trained across different datasets, losses, and architectures.
Abstract:Recent works have shown that deep neural networks benefit from multi-task learning by learning a shared representation across several related tasks. However, performance of such systems depend on relative weighting between various losses involved during training. Prior works on loss weighting schemes assume that instances are equally easy or hard for all tasks. In order to break this assumption, we let the training process dictate the optimal weighting of tasks for every instance in the dataset. More specifically, we equip every instance in the dataset with a set of learnable parameters (instance-level task parameters) where the cardinality is equal to the number of tasks learned by the model. These parameters model the weighting of each task for an instance. They are updated by gradient descent and do not require hand-crafted rules. We conduct extensive experiments on SURREAL and CityScapes datasets, for human shape and pose estimation, depth estimation and semantic segmentation tasks. In these tasks, our approach outperforms recent dynamic loss weighting approaches, e.g. reducing surface estimation errors by 8.97% on SURREAL. When applied to datasets where one or more tasks can have noisy annotations, the proposed method learns to prioritize learning from clean labels for a given task, e.g. reducing surface estimation errors by up to 60%. We also show that we can reliably detect corrupt labels for a given task as a by-product from learned instance-level task parameters.