Abstract:Classification models for electroencephalogram (EEG) data show a large decrease in performance when evaluated on unseen test sub jects. We reduce this performance decrease using new regularization techniques during model training. We propose several graphical models to describe an EEG classification task. From each model, we identify statistical relationships that should hold true in an idealized training scenario (with infinite data and a globally-optimal model) but that may not hold in practice. We design regularization penalties to enforce these relationships in two stages. First, we identify suitable proxy quantities (divergences such as Mutual Information and Wasserstein-1) that can be used to measure statistical independence and dependence relationships. Second, we provide algorithms to efficiently estimate these quantities during training using secondary neural network models. We conduct extensive computational experiments using a large benchmark EEG dataset, comparing our proposed techniques with a baseline method that uses an adversarial classifier. We find our proposed methods significantly increase balanced accuracy on test subjects and decrease overfitting. The proposed methods exhibit a larger benefit over a greater range of hyperparameters than the baseline method, with only a small computational cost at training time. These benefits are largest when used for a fixed training period, though there is still a significant benefit for a subset of hyperparameters when our techniques are used in conjunction with early stopping regularization.
Abstract:We designed and tested a system for real-time control of a user interface by extracting surface electromyographic (sEMG) activity from eight electrodes in a wrist-band configuration. sEMG data were streamed into a machine-learning algorithm that classified hand gestures in real-time. After an initial model calibration, participants were presented with one of three types of feedback during a human-learning stage: veridical feedback, in which predicted probabilities from the gesture classification algorithm were displayed without alteration, modified feedback, in which we applied a hidden augmentation of error to these probabilities, and no feedback. User performance was then evaluated in a series of minigames, in which subjects were required to use eight gestures to manipulate their game avatar to complete a task. Experimental results indicated that, relative to baseline, the modified feedback condition led to significantly improved accuracy and improved gesture class separation. These findings suggest that real-time feedback in a gamified user interface with manipulation of feedback may enable intuitive, rapid, and accurate task acquisition for sEMG-based gesture recognition applications.
Abstract:Objective: The objective of the study is to efficiently increase the expressivity of surface electromyography-based (sEMG) gesture recognition systems. Approach: We use a problem transformation approach, in which actions were subset into two biomechanically independent components - a set of wrist directions and a set of finger modifiers. To maintain fast calibration time, we train models for each component using only individual gestures, and extrapolate to the full product space of combination gestures by generating synthetic data. We collected a supervised dataset with high-confidence ground truth labels in which subjects performed combination gestures while holding a joystick, and conducted experiments to analyze the impact of model architectures, classifier algorithms, and synthetic data generation strategies on the performance of the proposed approach. Main Results: We found that a problem transformation approach using a parallel model architecture in combination with a non-linear classifier, along with restricted synthetic data generation, shows promise in increasing the expressivity of sEMG-based gestures with a short calibration time. Significance: sEMG-based gesture recognition has applications in human-computer interaction, virtual reality, and the control of robotic and prosthetic devices. Existing approaches require exhaustive model calibration. The proposed approach increases expressivity without requiring users to demonstrate all combination gesture classes. Our results may be extended to larger gesture vocabularies and more complicated model architectures.
Abstract:We study the problem of inferring user intent from noninvasive electroencephalography (EEG) to restore communication for people with severe speech and physical impairments (SSPI). The focus of this work is improving the estimation of posterior symbol probabilities in a typing task. At each iteration of the typing procedure, a subset of symbols is chosen for the next query based on the current probability estimate. Evidence about the user's response is collected from event-related potentials (ERP) in order to update symbol probabilities, until one symbol exceeds a predefined confidence threshold. We provide a graphical model describing this task, and derive a recursive Bayesian update rule based on a discriminative probability over label vectors for each query, which we approximate using a neural network classifier. We evaluate the proposed method in a simulated typing task and show that it outperforms previous approaches based on generative modeling.
Abstract:We provide a regularization framework for subject transfer learning in which we seek to train an encoder and classifier to minimize classification loss, subject to a penalty measuring independence between the latent representation and the subject label. We introduce three notions of independence and corresponding penalty terms using mutual information or divergence as a proxy for independence. For each penalty term, we provide several concrete estimation algorithms, using analytic methods as well as neural critic functions. We provide a hands-off strategy for applying this diverse family of regularization algorithms to a new dataset, which we call "AutoTransfer". We evaluate the performance of these individual regularization strategies and our AutoTransfer method on EEG, EMG, and ECoG datasets, showing that these approaches can improve subject transfer learning for challenging real-world datasets.
Abstract:Image recovery from compressive measurements requires a signal prior for the images being reconstructed. Recent work has explored the use of deep generative models with low latent dimension as signal priors for such problems. However, their recovery performance is limited by high representation error. We introduce a method for achieving low representation error using generators as signal priors. Using a pre-trained generator, we remove one or more initial blocks at test time and optimize over the new, higher-dimensional latent space to recover a target image. Experiments demonstrate significantly improved reconstruction quality for a variety of network architectures. This approach also works well for out-of-training-distribution images and is competitive with other state-of-the-art methods. Our experiments show that test-time architectural modifications can greatly improve the recovery quality of generator signal priors for compressed sensing.
Abstract:As important decisions about the distribution of society's resources become increasingly automated, it is essential to consider the measurement and enforcement of fairness in these decisions. In this work we build on the results of Dwork and Ilvento ITCS'19, which laid the foundations for the study of fair algorithms under composition. In particular, we study the cohort selection problem, where we wish to use a fair classifier to select $k$ candidates from an arbitrarily ordered set of size $n>k$, while preserving individual fairness and maximizing utility. We define a linear utility function to measure performance relative to the behavior of the original classifier. We develop a fair, utility-optimal $O(n)$-time cohort selection algorithm for the offline setting, and our primary result, a solution to the problem in the streaming setting that keeps no more than $O(k)$ pending candidates at all time.