Abstract:Adaptive optimizers such as Adam (Kingma & Ba, 2015) have been central to the success of large language models. However, they often require to maintain optimizer states throughout training, which can result in memory requirements several times greater than the model footprint. This overhead imposes constraints on scalability and computational efficiency. Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), in contrast, is a stateless optimizer, as it does not track state variables during training. Consequently, it achieves optimal memory efficiency. However, its capability in LLM training is limited (Zhao et al., 2024b). In this work, we show that pre-processing SGD in a stateless manner can achieve the same performance as the Adam optimizer for LLM training, while drastically reducing the memory cost. Specifically, we propose to pre-process the instantaneous stochastic gradients using normalization and whitening. We show that normalization stabilizes gradient distributions, and whitening counteracts the local curvature of the loss landscape. This results in SWAN (SGD with Whitening And Normalization), a stochastic optimizer that eliminates the need to store any optimizer states. Empirically, SWAN has the same memory footprint as SGD, achieving $\approx 50\%$ reduction on total end-to-end memory compared to Adam. In language modeling tasks, SWAN demonstrates comparable or even better performance than Adam: when pre-training the LLaMA model with 350M and 1.3B parameters, SWAN achieves a 2x speedup by reaching the same evaluation perplexity using half as many tokens.
Abstract:Adaptive optimizers such as Adam (Kingma & Ba, 2015) have been central to the success of large language models. However, they maintain additional moving average states throughout training, which results in memory requirements several times greater than the model. This overhead imposes constraints on scalability and computational efficiency. On the other hand, while stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is optimal in terms of memory efficiency, their capability in LLM training is limited (Zhao et al., 2024b). To address this dilemma, we show that pre-processing SGD is sufficient to reach Adam-level performance on LLMs. Specifically, we propose to preprocess the instantaneous stochastic gradients with two simple operators: $\mathtt{GradNorm}$ and $\mathtt{GradWhitening}$. $\mathtt{GradNorm}$ stabilizes gradient distributions, and $\mathtt{GradWhitening}$ counteracts the local curvature of the loss landscape, respectively. This results in SWAN (SGD with Whitening And Normalization), a stochastic optimizer that eliminates the need to store any accumulative state variables. Empirically, SWAN has the same memory footprint as SGD, achieving $\approx 50\%$ reduction on total end-to-end memory compared to Adam. In language modeling tasks, SWAN demonstrates the same or even a substantial improvement over Adam. Specifically, when pre-training the LLaMa model with 350M and 1.3B parameters, SWAN achieves a 2x speedup by reaching the same evaluation perplexity in less than half tokens seen.
Abstract:We consider the problem of model compression for Large Language Models (LLMs) at post-training time, where the task is to compress a well-trained model using only a small set of calibration input data. In this work, we introduce a new low-rank approach to correct for quantization errors of \emph{activations} in LLMs: we propose to add low-rank weight matrices in full precision that act on the \emph{unquantized} activations. We then solve a joint optimization problem over the quantized representation of the weights and additional low-rank weight matrices to quantize both weights and activations. We focus on the case of 4-bit weight-and-activation quantization (W4A4). Using ranks equivalent to 10\% of the original weight matrix size, our approach reduces the accuracy gap with the original model by more than 50\%. Using ranks equivalent to 30\% of the original weight matrix, the accuracy gap is closed completely. We demonstrate our results on four recent LLMs, namely Llama-2, Llama-3, Phi-3 and Mixtral models.
Abstract:With the increasing acquisition of datasets over time, we now have access to precise and varied descriptions of the world, capturing all sorts of phenomena. These datasets can be seen as empirical observations of unknown causal generative processes, which can commonly be described by Structural Causal Models (SCMs). Recovering these causal generative processes from observations poses formidable challenges, and often require to learn a specific generative model for each dataset. In this work, we propose to learn a \emph{single} model capable of inferring in a zero-shot manner the causal generative processes of datasets. Rather than learning a specific SCM for each dataset, we enable the Fixed-Point Approach (FiP) proposed in~\cite{scetbon2024fip}, to infer the generative SCMs conditionally on their empirical representations. More specifically, we propose to amortize the learning of a conditional version of FiP to infer generative SCMs from observations and causal structures on synthetically generated datasets. We show that our model is capable of predicting in zero-shot the true generative SCMs, and as a by-product, of (i) generating new dataset samples, and (ii) inferring intervened ones. Our experiments demonstrate that our amortized procedure achieves performances on par with SoTA methods trained specifically for each dataset on both in and out-of-distribution problems. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that SCMs are inferred in a zero-shot manner from observations, paving the way for a paradigmatic shift towards the assimilation of causal knowledge across datasets.
Abstract:Modeling true world data-generating processes lies at the heart of empirical science. Structural Causal Models (SCMs) and their associated Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) provide an increasingly popular answer to such problems by defining the causal generative process that transforms random noise into observations. However, learning them from observational data poses an ill-posed and NP-hard inverse problem in general. In this work, we propose a new and equivalent formalism that does not require DAGs to describe them, viewed as fixed-point problems on the causally ordered variables, and we show three important cases where they can be uniquely recovered given the topological ordering (TO). To the best of our knowledge, we obtain the weakest conditions for their recovery when TO is known. Based on this, we design a two-stage causal generative model that first infers the causal order from observations in a zero-shot manner, thus by-passing the search, and then learns the generative fixed-point SCM on the ordered variables. To infer TOs from observations, we propose to amortize the learning of TOs on generated datasets by sequentially predicting the leaves of graphs seen during training. To learn fixed-point SCMs, we design a transformer-based architecture that exploits a new attention mechanism enabling the modeling of causal structures, and show that this parameterization is consistent with our formalism. Finally, we conduct an extensive evaluation of each method individually, and show that when combined, our model outperforms various baselines on generated out-of-distribution problems.
Abstract:Recent advances in foundation models, especially in large multi-modal models and conversational agents, have ignited interest in the potential of generally capable embodied agents. Such agents would require the ability to perform new tasks in many different real-world environments. However, current foundation models fail to accurately model physical interactions with the real world thus not sufficient for Embodied AI. The study of causality lends itself to the construction of veridical world models, which are crucial for accurately predicting the outcomes of possible interactions. This paper focuses on the prospects of building foundation world models for the upcoming generation of embodied agents and presents a novel viewpoint on the significance of causality within these. We posit that integrating causal considerations is vital to facilitate meaningful physical interactions with the world. Finally, we demystify misconceptions about causality in this context and present our outlook for future research.
Abstract:In this paper, we investigate the impact of test-time adversarial attacks on linear regression models and determine the optimal level of robustness that any model can reach while maintaining a given level of standard predictive performance (accuracy). Through quantitative estimates, we uncover fundamental tradeoffs between adversarial robustness and accuracy in different regimes. We obtain a precise characterization which distinguishes between regimes where robustness is achievable without hurting standard accuracy and regimes where a tradeoff might be unavoidable. Our findings are empirically confirmed with simple experiments that represent a variety of settings. This work applies to feature covariance matrices and attack norms of any nature, and extends beyond previous works in this area.
Abstract:The relevance of optimal transport methods to machine learning has long been hindered by two salient limitations. First, the $O(n^3)$ computational cost of standard sample-based solvers (when used on batches of $n$ samples) is prohibitive. Second, the mass conservation constraint makes OT solvers too rigid in practice: because they must match \textit{all} points from both measures, their output can be heavily influenced by outliers. A flurry of recent works in OT has addressed these computational and modelling limitations, but has resulted in two separate strains of methods: While the computational outlook was much improved by entropic regularization, more recent $O(n)$ linear-time \textit{low-rank} solvers hold the promise to scale up OT further. On the other hand, modelling rigidities have been eased owing to unbalanced variants of OT, that rely on penalization terms to promote, rather than impose, mass conservation. The goal of this paper is to merge these two strains, to achieve the promise of \textit{both} versatile/scalable unbalanced/low-rank OT solvers. We propose custom algorithms to implement these extensions for the linear OT problem and its Fused-Gromov-Wasserstein generalization, and demonstrate their practical relevance to challenging spatial transcriptomics matching problems.
Abstract:In this note, we propose polynomial-time algorithms solving the Monge and Kantorovich formulations of the $\infty$-optimal transport problem in the discrete and finite setting. It is the first time, to the best of our knowledge, that efficient numerical methods for these problems have been proposed.
Abstract:In this work we study the robustness to adversarial attacks, of early-stopping strategies on gradient-descent (GD) methods for linear regression. More precisely, we show that early-stopped GD is optimally robust (up to an absolute constant) against Euclidean-norm adversarial attacks. However, we show that this strategy can be arbitrarily sub-optimal in the case of general Mahalanobis attacks. This observation is compatible with recent findings in the case of classification~\cite{Vardi2022GradientMP} that show that GD provably converges to non-robust models. To alleviate this issue, we propose to apply instead a GD scheme on a transformation of the data adapted to the attack. This data transformation amounts to apply feature-depending learning rates and we show that this modified GD is able to handle any Mahalanobis attack, as well as more general attacks under some conditions. Unfortunately, choosing such adapted transformations can be hard for general attacks. To the rescue, we design a simple and tractable estimator whose adversarial risk is optimal up to within a multiplicative constant of 1.1124 in the population regime, and works for any norm.