Abstract:Machine learning from training data with a skewed distribution of examples per class can lead to models that favor performance on common classes at the expense of performance on rare ones. AudioSet has a very wide range of priors over its 527 sound event classes. Classification performance on AudioSet is usually evaluated by a simple average over per-class metrics, meaning that performance on rare classes is equal in importance to the performance on common ones. Several recent papers have used dataset balancing techniques to improve performance on AudioSet. We find, however, that while balancing improves performance on the public AudioSet evaluation data it simultaneously hurts performance on an unpublished evaluation set collected under the same conditions. By varying the degree of balancing, we show that its benefits are fragile and depend on the evaluation set. We also do not find evidence indicating that balancing improves rare class performance relative to common classes. We therefore caution against blind application of balancing, as well as against paying too much attention to small improvements on a public evaluation set.
Abstract:Automatic classification of disordered speech can provide an objective tool for identifying the presence and severity of speech impairment. Classification approaches can also help identify hard-to-recognize speech samples to teach ASR systems about the variable manifestations of impaired speech. Here, we develop and compare different deep learning techniques to classify the intelligibility of disordered speech on selected phrases. We collected samples from a diverse set of 661 speakers with a variety of self-reported disorders speaking 29 words or phrases, which were rated by speech-language pathologists for their overall intelligibility using a five-point Likert scale. We then evaluated classifiers developed using 3 approaches: (1) a convolutional neural network (CNN) trained for the task, (2) classifiers trained on non-semantic speech representations from CNNs that used an unsupervised objective [1], and (3) classifiers trained on the acoustic (encoder) embeddings from an ASR system trained on typical speech [2]. We found that the ASR encoder's embeddings considerably outperform the other two on detecting and classifying disordered speech. Further analysis shows that the ASR embeddings cluster speech by the spoken phrase, while the non-semantic embeddings cluster speech by speaker. Also, longer phrases are more indicative of intelligibility deficits than single words.
Abstract:To reveal the importance of temporal precision in ground truth audio event labels, we collected precise (~0.1 sec resolution) "strong" labels for a portion of the AudioSet dataset. We devised a temporally strong evaluation set (including explicit negatives of varying difficulty) and a small strong-labeled training subset of 67k clips (compared to the original dataset's 1.8M clips labeled at 10 sec resolution). We show that fine-tuning with a mix of weak and strongly labeled data can substantially improve classifier performance, even when evaluated using only the original weak labels. For a ResNet50 architecture, d' on the strong evaluation data including explicit negatives improves from 1.13 to 1.41. The new labels are available as an update to AudioSet.
Abstract:Real-world sound scenes consist of time-varying collections of sound sources, each generating characteristic sound events that are mixed together in audio recordings. The association of these constituent sound events with their mixture and each other is semantically constrained: the sound scene contains the union of source classes and not all classes naturally co-occur. With this motivation, this paper explores the use of unsupervised automatic sound separation to decompose unlabeled sound scenes into multiple semantically-linked views for use in self-supervised contrastive learning. We find that learning to associate input mixtures with their automatically separated outputs yields stronger representations than past approaches that use the mixtures alone. Further, we discover that optimal source separation is not required for successful contrastive learning by demonstrating that a range of separation system convergence states all lead to useful and often complementary example transformations. Our best system incorporates these unsupervised separation models into a single augmentation front-end and jointly optimizes similarity maximization and coincidence prediction objectives across the views. The result is an unsupervised audio representation that rivals state-of-the-art alternatives on the established shallow AudioSet classification benchmark.
Abstract:The study of label noise in sound event recognition has recently gained attention with the advent of larger and noisier datasets. This work addresses the problem of missing labels, one of the big weaknesses of large audio datasets, and one of the most conspicuous issues for AudioSet. We propose a simple and model-agnostic method based on a teacher-student framework with loss masking to first identify the most critical missing label candidates, and then ignore their contribution during the learning process. We find that a simple optimisation of the training label set improves recognition performance without additional compute. We discover that most of the improvement comes from ignoring a critical tiny portion of the missing labels. We also show that the damage done by missing labels is larger as the training set gets smaller, yet it can still be observed even when training with massive amounts of audio. We believe these insights can generalize to other large-scale datasets.
Abstract:Humans do not acquire perceptual abilities in the way we train machines. While machine learning algorithms typically operate on large collections of randomly-chosen, explicitly-labeled examples, human acquisition relies more heavily on multimodal unsupervised learning (as infants) and active learning (as children). With this motivation, we present a learning framework for sound representation and recognition that combines (i) a self-supervised objective based on a general notion of unimodal and cross-modal coincidence, (ii) a clustering objective that reflects our need to impose categorical structure on our experiences, and (iii) a cluster-based active learning procedure that solicits targeted weak supervision to consolidate categories into relevant semantic classes. By training a combined sound embedding/clustering/classification network according to these criteria, we achieve a new state-of-the-art unsupervised audio representation and demonstrate up to a 20-fold reduction in the number of labels required to reach a desired classification performance.
Abstract:This paper introduces Task 2 of the DCASE2019 Challenge, titled "Audio tagging with noisy labels and minimal supervision". This task was hosted on the Kaggle platform as "Freesound Audio Tagging 2019". The task evaluates systems for multi-label audio tagging using a large set of noisy-labeled data, and a much smaller set of manually-labeled data, under a large vocabulary setting of 80 everyday sound classes. In addition, the proposed dataset poses an acoustic mismatch problem between the noisy train set and the test set due to the fact that they come from different web audio sources. This can correspond to a realistic scenario given by the difficulty in gathering large amounts of manually labeled data. We present the task setup, the FSDKaggle2019 dataset prepared for this scientific evaluation, and a baseline system consisting of a convolutional neural network. All these resources are freely available.
Abstract:As sound event classification moves towards larger datasets, issues of label noise become inevitable. Web sites can supply large volumes of user-contributed audio and metadata, but inferring labels from this metadata introduces errors due to unreliable inputs, and limitations in the mapping. There is, however, little research into the impact of these errors. To foster the investigation of label noise in sound event classification we present FSDnoisy18k, a dataset containing 42.5 hours of audio across 20 sound classes, including a small amount of manually-labeled data and a larger quantity of real-world noisy data. We characterize the label noise empirically, and provide a CNN baseline system. Experiments suggest that training with large amounts of noisy data can outperform training with smaller amounts of carefully-labeled data. We also show that noise-robust loss functions can be effective in improving performance in presence of corrupted labels.
Abstract:This paper describes Task 2 of the DCASE 2018 Challenge, titled "General-purpose audio tagging of Freesound content with AudioSet labels". This task was hosted on the Kaggle platform as "Freesound General-Purpose Audio Tagging Challenge". The goal of the task is to build an audio tagging system that can recognize the category of an audio clip from a subset of 41 diverse categories drawn from the AudioSet Ontology. We present the task, the dataset prepared for the competition, and a baseline system.
Abstract:Even in the absence of any explicit semantic annotation, vast collections of audio recordings provide valuable information for learning the categorical structure of sounds. We consider several class-agnostic semantic constraints that apply to unlabeled nonspeech audio: (i) noise and translations in time do not change the underlying sound category, (ii) a mixture of two sound events inherits the categories of the constituents, and (iii) the categories of events in close temporal proximity are likely to be the same or related. Without labels to ground them, these constraints are incompatible with classification loss functions. However, they may still be leveraged to identify geometric inequalities needed for triplet loss-based training of convolutional neural networks. The result is low-dimensional embeddings of the input spectrograms that recover 41% and 84% of the performance of their fully-supervised counterparts when applied to downstream query-by-example sound retrieval and sound event classification tasks, respectively. Moreover, in limited-supervision settings, our unsupervised embeddings double the state-of-the-art classification performance.