Abstract:Recently released open-source pre-trained foundational image segmentation and object detection models (SAM2+GroundingDINO) allow for geometrically consistent segmentation of objects of interest in multi-view 2D images. Users can use text-based or click-based prompts to segment objects of interest without requiring labeled training datasets. Gaussian Splatting allows for the learning of the 3D representation of a scene's geometry and radiance based on 2D images. Combining Google Earth Studio, SAM2+GroundingDINO, 2D Gaussian Splatting, and our improvements in mask refinement based on morphological operations and contour simplification, we created a pipeline to extract the 3D mesh of any building based on its name, address, or geographic coordinates.
Abstract:This research addresses the need for high-definition (HD) maps for autonomous vehicles (AVs), focusing on road lane information derived from aerial imagery. While Earth observation data offers valuable resources for map creation, specialized models for road lane extraction are still underdeveloped in remote sensing. In this study, we perform an extensive comparison of twelve foundational deep learning-based semantic segmentation models for road lane marking extraction from high-definition remote sensing images, assessing their performance under transfer learning with partially labeled datasets. These models were fine-tuned on the partially labeled Waterloo Urban Scene dataset, and pre-trained on the SkyScapes dataset, simulating a likely scenario of real-life model deployment under partial labeling. We observed and assessed the fine-tuning performance and overall performance. Models showed significant performance improvements after fine-tuning, with mean IoU scores ranging from 33.56% to 76.11%, and recall ranging from 66.0% to 98.96%. Transformer-based models outperformed convolutional neural networks, emphasizing the importance of model pre-training and fine-tuning in enhancing HD map development for AV navigation.
Abstract:LiDAR-based vision systems are integral for 3D object detection, which is crucial for autonomous navigation. However, they suffer from performance degradation in adverse weather conditions due to the quality deterioration of LiDAR point clouds. Fusing LiDAR with the weather-robust 4D radar sensor is expected to solve this problem. However, the fusion of LiDAR and 4D radar is challenging because they differ significantly in terms of data quality and the degree of degradation in adverse weather. To address these issues, we introduce L4DR, a weather-robust 3D object detection method that effectively achieves LiDAR and 4D Radar fusion. Our L4DR includes Multi-Modal Encoding (MME) and Foreground-Aware Denoising (FAD) technique to reconcile sensor gaps, which is the first exploration of the complementarity of early fusion between LiDAR and 4D radar. Additionally, we design an Inter-Modal and Intra-Modal ({IM}2 ) parallel feature extraction backbone coupled with a Multi-Scale Gated Fusion (MSGF) module to counteract the varying degrees of sensor degradation under adverse weather conditions. Experimental evaluation on a VoD dataset with simulated fog proves that L4DR is more adaptable to changing weather conditions. It delivers a significant performance increase under different fog levels, improving the 3D mAP by up to 18.17% over the traditional LiDAR-only approach. Moreover, the results on the K-Radar dataset validate the consistent performance improvement of L4DR in real-world adverse weather conditions.
Abstract:3D Transformers have achieved great success in point cloud understanding and representation. However, there is still considerable scope for further development in effective and efficient Transformers for large-scale LiDAR point cloud scene segmentation. This paper proposes a novel 3D Transformer framework, named 3D Learnable Supertoken Transformer (3DLST). The key contributions are summarized as follows. Firstly, we introduce the first Dynamic Supertoken Optimization (DSO) block for efficient token clustering and aggregating, where the learnable supertoken definition avoids the time-consuming pre-processing of traditional superpoint generation. Since the learnable supertokens can be dynamically optimized by multi-level deep features during network learning, they are tailored to the semantic homogeneity-aware token clustering. Secondly, an efficient Cross-Attention-guided Upsampling (CAU) block is proposed for token reconstruction from optimized supertokens. Thirdly, the 3DLST is equipped with a novel W-net architecture instead of the common U-net design, which is more suitable for Transformer-based feature learning. The SOTA performance on three challenging LiDAR datasets (airborne MultiSpectral LiDAR (MS-LiDAR) (89.3% of the average F1 score), DALES (80.2% of mIoU), and Toronto-3D dataset (80.4% of mIoU)) demonstrate the superiority of 3DLST and its strong adaptability to various LiDAR point cloud data (airborne MS-LiDAR, aerial LiDAR, and vehicle-mounted LiDAR data). Furthermore, 3DLST also achieves satisfactory results in terms of algorithm efficiency, which is up to 5x faster than previous best-performing methods.
Abstract:3D urban scene reconstruction and modelling is a crucial research area in remote sensing with numerous applications in academia, commerce, industry, and administration. Recent advancements in view synthesis models have facilitated photorealistic 3D reconstruction solely from 2D images. Leveraging Google Earth imagery, we construct a 3D Gaussian Splatting model of the Waterloo region centered on the University of Waterloo and are able to achieve view-synthesis results far exceeding previous 3D view-synthesis results based on neural radiance fields which we demonstrate in our benchmark. Additionally, we retrieved the 3D geometry of the scene using the 3D point cloud extracted from the 3D Gaussian Splatting model which we benchmarked against our Multi- View-Stereo dense reconstruction of the scene, thereby reconstructing both the 3D geometry and photorealistic lighting of the large-scale urban scene through 3D Gaussian Splatting
Abstract:Neural Radiance Field (NeRF), a new novel view synthesis with implicit scene representation has taken the field of Computer Vision by storm. As a novel view synthesis and 3D reconstruction method, NeRF models find applications in robotics, urban mapping, autonomous navigation, virtual reality/augmented reality, and more. Since the original paper by Mildenhall et al., more than 250 preprints were published, with more than 100 eventually being accepted in tier one Computer Vision Conferences. Given NeRF popularity and the current interest in this research area, we believe it necessary to compile a comprehensive survey of NeRF papers from the past two years, which we organized into both architecture, and application based taxonomies. We also provide an introduction to the theory of NeRF based novel view synthesis, and a benchmark comparison of the performance and speed of key NeRF models. By creating this survey, we hope to introduce new researchers to NeRF, provide a helpful reference for influential works in this field, as well as motivate future research directions with our discussion section.
Abstract:Transformers have resulted in remarkable achievements in the field of image processing. Inspired by this great success, the application of Transformers to 3D point cloud processing has drawn more and more attention. This paper presents a novel point cloud representational learning network, 3D Point Cloud Transformer with Dual Self-attention (3DPCT) and an encoder-decoder structure. Specifically, 3DPCT has a hierarchical encoder, which contains two local-global dual-attention modules for the classification task (three modules for the segmentation task), with each module consisting of a Local Feature Aggregation (LFA) block and a Global Feature Learning (GFL) block. The GFL block is dual self-attention, with both point-wise and channel-wise self-attention to improve feature extraction. Moreover, in LFA, to better leverage the local information extracted, a novel point-wise self-attention model, named as Point-Patch Self-Attention (PPSA), is designed. The performance is evaluated on both classification and segmentation datasets, containing both synthetic and real-world data. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method achieved state-of-the-art results on both classification and segmentation tasks.