Abstract:Recently released open-source pre-trained foundational image segmentation and object detection models (SAM2+GroundingDINO) allow for geometrically consistent segmentation of objects of interest in multi-view 2D images. Users can use text-based or click-based prompts to segment objects of interest without requiring labeled training datasets. Gaussian Splatting allows for the learning of the 3D representation of a scene's geometry and radiance based on 2D images. Combining Google Earth Studio, SAM2+GroundingDINO, 2D Gaussian Splatting, and our improvements in mask refinement based on morphological operations and contour simplification, we created a pipeline to extract the 3D mesh of any building based on its name, address, or geographic coordinates.
Abstract:This research addresses the need for high-definition (HD) maps for autonomous vehicles (AVs), focusing on road lane information derived from aerial imagery. While Earth observation data offers valuable resources for map creation, specialized models for road lane extraction are still underdeveloped in remote sensing. In this study, we perform an extensive comparison of twelve foundational deep learning-based semantic segmentation models for road lane marking extraction from high-definition remote sensing images, assessing their performance under transfer learning with partially labeled datasets. These models were fine-tuned on the partially labeled Waterloo Urban Scene dataset, and pre-trained on the SkyScapes dataset, simulating a likely scenario of real-life model deployment under partial labeling. We observed and assessed the fine-tuning performance and overall performance. Models showed significant performance improvements after fine-tuning, with mean IoU scores ranging from 33.56% to 76.11%, and recall ranging from 66.0% to 98.96%. Transformer-based models outperformed convolutional neural networks, emphasizing the importance of model pre-training and fine-tuning in enhancing HD map development for AV navigation.
Abstract:Recently, point cloud processing and analysis have made great progress due to the development of 3D Transformers. However, existing 3D Transformer methods usually are computationally expensive and inefficient due to their huge and redundant attention maps. They also tend to be slow due to requiring time-consuming point cloud sampling and grouping processes. To address these issues, we propose an efficient point TransFormer with Dynamic Token Aggregating (DTA-Former) for point cloud representation and processing. Firstly, we propose an efficient Learnable Token Sparsification (LTS) block, which considers both local and global semantic information for the adaptive selection of key tokens. Secondly, to achieve the feature aggregation for sparsified tokens, we present the first Dynamic Token Aggregating (DTA) block in the 3D Transformer paradigm, providing our model with strong aggregated features while preventing information loss. After that, a dual-attention Transformer-based Global Feature Enhancement (GFE) block is used to improve the representation capability of the model. Equipped with LTS, DTA, and GFE blocks, DTA-Former achieves excellent classification results via hierarchical feature learning. Lastly, a novel Iterative Token Reconstruction (ITR) block is introduced for dense prediction whereby the semantic features of tokens and their semantic relationships are gradually optimized during iterative reconstruction. Based on ITR, we propose a new W-net architecture, which is more suitable for Transformer-based feature learning than the common U-net design. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our method. It achieves SOTA performance with up to 30$\times$ faster than prior point Transformers on ModelNet40, ShapeNet, and airborne MultiSpectral LiDAR (MS-LiDAR) datasets.
Abstract:3D Transformers have achieved great success in point cloud understanding and representation. However, there is still considerable scope for further development in effective and efficient Transformers for large-scale LiDAR point cloud scene segmentation. This paper proposes a novel 3D Transformer framework, named 3D Learnable Supertoken Transformer (3DLST). The key contributions are summarized as follows. Firstly, we introduce the first Dynamic Supertoken Optimization (DSO) block for efficient token clustering and aggregating, where the learnable supertoken definition avoids the time-consuming pre-processing of traditional superpoint generation. Since the learnable supertokens can be dynamically optimized by multi-level deep features during network learning, they are tailored to the semantic homogeneity-aware token clustering. Secondly, an efficient Cross-Attention-guided Upsampling (CAU) block is proposed for token reconstruction from optimized supertokens. Thirdly, the 3DLST is equipped with a novel W-net architecture instead of the common U-net design, which is more suitable for Transformer-based feature learning. The SOTA performance on three challenging LiDAR datasets (airborne MultiSpectral LiDAR (MS-LiDAR) (89.3% of the average F1 score), DALES (80.2% of mIoU), and Toronto-3D dataset (80.4% of mIoU)) demonstrate the superiority of 3DLST and its strong adaptability to various LiDAR point cloud data (airborne MS-LiDAR, aerial LiDAR, and vehicle-mounted LiDAR data). Furthermore, 3DLST also achieves satisfactory results in terms of algorithm efficiency, which is up to 5x faster than previous best-performing methods.
Abstract:3D urban scene reconstruction and modelling is a crucial research area in remote sensing with numerous applications in academia, commerce, industry, and administration. Recent advancements in view synthesis models have facilitated photorealistic 3D reconstruction solely from 2D images. Leveraging Google Earth imagery, we construct a 3D Gaussian Splatting model of the Waterloo region centered on the University of Waterloo and are able to achieve view-synthesis results far exceeding previous 3D view-synthesis results based on neural radiance fields which we demonstrate in our benchmark. Additionally, we retrieved the 3D geometry of the scene using the 3D point cloud extracted from the 3D Gaussian Splatting model which we benchmarked against our Multi- View-Stereo dense reconstruction of the scene, thereby reconstructing both the 3D geometry and photorealistic lighting of the large-scale urban scene through 3D Gaussian Splatting
Abstract:Fully supervised deep learning approaches have demonstrated impressive accuracy in sea ice classification, but their dependence on high-resolution labels presents a significant challenge due to the difficulty of obtaining such data. In response, our weakly supervised learning method provides a compelling alternative by utilizing lower-resolution regional labels from expert-annotated ice charts. This approach achieves exceptional pixel-level classification performance by introducing regional loss representations during training to measure the disparity between predicted and ice chart-derived sea ice type distributions. Leveraging the AI4Arctic Sea Ice Challenge Dataset, our method outperforms the fully supervised U-Net benchmark, the top solution of the AutoIce challenge, in both mapping resolution and class-wise accuracy, marking a significant advancement in automated operational sea ice mapping.
Abstract:Monitoring dietary intake is a crucial aspect of promoting healthy living. In recent years, advances in computer vision technology have facilitated dietary intake monitoring through the use of images and depth cameras. However, the current state-of-the-art image-based food portion estimation algorithms assume that users take images of their meals one or two times, which can be inconvenient and fail to capture food items that are not visible from a top-down perspective, such as ingredients submerged in a stew. To address these limitations, we introduce an innovative solution that utilizes stationary user-facing cameras to track food items on utensils, not requiring any change of camera perspective after installation. The shallow depth of utensils provides a more favorable angle for capturing food items, and tracking them on the utensil's surface offers a significantly more accurate estimation of dietary intake without the need for post-meal image capture. The system is reliable for estimation of nutritional content of liquid-solid heterogeneous mixtures such as soups and stews. Through a series of experiments, we demonstrate the exceptional potential of our method as a non-invasive, user-friendly, and highly accurate dietary intake monitoring tool.
Abstract:Ellipse estimation is an important topic in food image processing because it can be leveraged to parameterize plates and bowls, which in turn can be used to estimate camera view angles and food portion sizes. Automatically detecting the elliptical rim of plates and bowls and estimating their ellipse parameters for data "in-the-wild" is challenging: diverse camera angles and plate shapes could have been used for capture, noisy background, multiple non-uniform plates and bowls in the image could be present. Recent advancements in foundational models offer promising capabilities for zero-shot semantic understanding and object segmentation. However, the output mask boundaries for plates and bowls generated by these models often lack consistency and precision compared to traditional ellipse fitting methods. In this paper, we combine ellipse fitting with semantic information extracted by zero-shot foundational models and propose WildEllipseFit, a method to detect and estimate the elliptical rim for plate and bowl. Evaluation on the proposed Yummly-ellipse dataset demonstrates its efficacy and zero-shot capability in real-world scenarios.
Abstract:Wildfires have significant impacts on global vegetation, wildlife, and humans. They destroy plant communities and wildlife habitats and contribute to increased emissions of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, methane, and other pollutants. The prediction of wildfires relies on various independent variables combined with regression or machine learning methods. In this technical review, we describe the options for independent variables, data processing techniques, models, independent variables collinearity and importance estimation methods, and model performance evaluation metrics. First, we divide the independent variables into 4 aspects, including climate and meteorology conditions, socio-economical factors, terrain and hydrological features, and wildfire historical records. Second, preprocessing methods are described for different magnitudes, different spatial-temporal resolutions, and different formats of data. Third, the collinearity and importance evaluation methods of independent variables are also considered. Fourth, we discuss the application of statistical models, traditional machine learning models, and deep learning models in wildfire risk prediction. In this subsection, compared with other reviews, this manuscript particularly discusses the evaluation metrics and recent advancements in deep learning methods. Lastly, addressing the limitations of current research, this paper emphasizes the need for more effective deep learning time series forecasting algorithms, the utilization of three-dimensional data including ground and trunk fuel, extraction of more accurate historical fire point data, and improved model evaluation metrics.
Abstract:One critical challenge in 6D object pose estimation from a single RGBD image is efficient integration of two different modalities, i.e., color and depth. In this work, we tackle this problem by a novel Deep Fusion Transformer~(DFTr) block that can aggregate cross-modality features for improving pose estimation. Unlike existing fusion methods, the proposed DFTr can better model cross-modality semantic correlation by leveraging their semantic similarity, such that globally enhanced features from different modalities can be better integrated for improved information extraction. Moreover, to further improve robustness and efficiency, we introduce a novel weighted vector-wise voting algorithm that employs a non-iterative global optimization strategy for precise 3D keypoint localization while achieving near real-time inference. Extensive experiments show the effectiveness and strong generalization capability of our proposed 3D keypoint voting algorithm. Results on four widely used benchmarks also demonstrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods by large margins.