Abstract:While recent advances in 3D-aware Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have aided the development of near-frontal view human face synthesis, the challenge of comprehensively synthesizing a full 3D head viewable from all angles still persists. Although PanoHead proves the possibilities of using a large-scale dataset with images of both frontal and back views for full-head synthesis, it often causes artifacts for back views. Based on our in-depth analysis, we found the reasons are mainly twofold. First, from network architecture perspective, we found each plane in the utilized tri-plane/tri-grid representation space tends to confuse the features from both sides, causing "mirroring" artifacts (e.g., the glasses appear in the back). Second, from data supervision aspect, we found that existing discriminator training in 3D GANs mainly focuses on the quality of the rendered image itself, and does not care much about its plausibility with the perspective from which it was rendered. This makes it possible to generate "face" in non-frontal views, due to its easiness to fool the discriminator. In response, we propose SphereHead, a novel tri-plane representation in the spherical coordinate system that fits the human head's geometric characteristics and efficiently mitigates many of the generated artifacts. We further introduce a view-image consistency loss for the discriminator to emphasize the correspondence of the camera parameters and the images. The combination of these efforts results in visually superior outcomes with significantly fewer artifacts. Our code and dataset are publicly available at https://lhyfst.github.io/spherehead.
Abstract:Sensitivity to severe occlusion and large view angles limits the usage scenarios of the existing monocular 3D dense face alignment methods. The state-of-the-art 3DMM-based method, directly regresses the model's coefficients, underutilizing the low-level 2D spatial and semantic information, which can actually offer cues for face shape and orientation. In this work, we demonstrate how modeling 3D facial geometry in image and model space jointly can solve the occlusion and view angle problems. Instead of predicting the whole face directly, we regress image space features in the visible facial region by dense prediction first. Subsequently, we predict our model's coefficients based on the regressed feature of the visible regions, leveraging the prior knowledge of whole face geometry from the morphable models to complete the invisible regions. We further propose a fusion network that combines the advantages of both the image and model space predictions to achieve high robustness and accuracy in unconstrained scenarios. Thanks to the proposed fusion module, our method is robust not only to occlusion and large pitch and roll view angles, which is the benefit of our image space approach, but also to noise and large yaw angles, which is the benefit of our model space method. Comprehensive evaluations demonstrate the superior performance of our method compared with the state-of-the-art methods. On the 3D dense face alignment task, we achieve 3.80% NME on the AFLW2000-3D dataset, which outperforms the state-of-the-art method by 5.5%. Code is available at https://github.com/lhyfst/DSFNet.