Abstract:Machine Learning (ML) for Mineral Prospectivity Mapping (MPM) remains a challenging problem as it requires the analysis of associations between large-scale multi-modal geospatial data and few historical mineral commodity observations (positive labels). Recent MPM works have explored Deep Learning (DL) as a modeling tool with more representation capacity. However, these overparameterized methods may be more prone to overfitting due to their reliance on scarce labeled data. While a large quantity of unlabeled geospatial data exists, no prior MPM works have considered using such information in a self-supervised manner. Our MPM approach uses a masked image modeling framework to pretrain a backbone neural network in a self-supervised manner using unlabeled geospatial data alone. After pretraining, the backbone network provides feature extraction for downstream MPM tasks. We evaluated our approach alongside existing methods to assess mineral prospectivity of Mississippi Valley Type (MVT) and Clastic-Dominated (CD) Lead-Zinc deposits in North America and Australia. Our results demonstrate that self-supervision promotes robustness in learned features, improving prospectivity predictions. Additionally, we leverage explainable artificial intelligence techniques to demonstrate that individual predictions can be interpreted from a geological perspective.
Abstract:Predictive uncertainty estimation remains a challenging problem precluding the use of deep neural networks as subsystems within safety-critical applications. Aleatoric uncertainty is a component of predictive uncertainty that cannot be reduced through model improvements. Uncertainty propagation seeks to estimate aleatoric uncertainty by propagating input uncertainties to network predictions. Existing uncertainty propagation techniques use one-way information flows, propagating uncertainties layer-by-layer or across the entire neural network while relying either on sampling or analytical techniques for propagation. Motivated by the complex information flows within deep neural networks (e.g. skip connections), we developed and evaluated a novel approach by posing uncertainty propagation as a non-linear optimization problem using factor graphs. We observed statistically significant improvements in performance over prior work when using factor graphs across most of our experiments that included three datasets and two neural network architectures. Our implementation balances the benefits of sampling and analytical propagation techniques, which we believe, is a key factor in achieving performance improvements.
Abstract:Deep learning-based solutions for semantic segmentation suffer from significant performance degradation when tested on data with different characteristics than what was used during the training. Adapting the models using annotated data from the new domain is not always practical. Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) approaches are crucial in deploying these models in the actual operating conditions. Recent state-of-the-art (SOTA) UDA methods employ a teacher-student self-training approach, where a teacher model is used to generate pseudo-labels for the new data which in turn guide the training process of the student model. Though this approach has seen a lot of success, it suffers from the issue of noisy pseudo-labels being propagated in the training process. To address this issue, we propose an auxiliary pseudo-label refinement network (PRN) for online refining of the pseudo labels and also localizing the pixels whose predicted labels are likely to be noisy. Being able to improve the quality of pseudo labels and select highly reliable ones, PRN helps self-training of segmentation models to be robust against pseudo label noise propagation during different stages of adaptation. We evaluate our approach on benchmark datasets with three different domain shifts, and our approach consistently performs significantly better than the previous state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:Semantic reasoning and dynamic planning capabilities are crucial for an autonomous agent to perform complex navigation tasks in unknown environments. It requires a large amount of common-sense knowledge, that humans possess, to succeed in these tasks. We present SayNav, a new approach that leverages human knowledge from Large Language Models (LLMs) for efficient generalization to complex navigation tasks in unknown large-scale environments. SayNav uses a novel grounding mechanism, that incrementally builds a 3D scene graph of the explored environment as inputs to LLMs, for generating feasible and contextually appropriate high-level plans for navigation. The LLM-generated plan is then executed by a pre-trained low-level planner, that treats each planned step as a short-distance point-goal navigation sub-task. SayNav dynamically generates step-by-step instructions during navigation and continuously refines future steps based on newly perceived information. We evaluate SayNav on a new multi-object navigation task, that requires the agent to utilize a massive amount of human knowledge to efficiently search multiple different objects in an unknown environment. SayNav outperforms an oracle based Point-nav baseline, achieving a success rate of 95.35% (vs 56.06% for the baseline), under the ideal settings on this task, highlighting its ability to generate dynamic plans for successfully locating objects in large-scale new environments. In addition, SayNav also enables efficient generalization of learning to navigate from simulation to real novel environments.
Abstract:Precise estimation of global orientation and location is critical to ensure a compelling outdoor Augmented Reality (AR) experience. We address the problem of geo-pose estimation by cross-view matching of query ground images to a geo-referenced aerial satellite image database. Recently, neural network-based methods have shown state-of-the-art performance in cross-view matching. However, most of the prior works focus only on location estimation, ignoring orientation, which cannot meet the requirements in outdoor AR applications. We propose a new transformer neural network-based model and a modified triplet ranking loss for joint location and orientation estimation. Experiments on several benchmark cross-view geo-localization datasets show that our model achieves state-of-the-art performance. Furthermore, we present an approach to extend the single image query-based geo-localization approach by utilizing temporal information from a navigation pipeline for robust continuous geo-localization. Experimentation on several large-scale real-world video sequences demonstrates that our approach enables high-precision and stable AR insertion.
Abstract:As progress is made on training machine learning models on incrementally expanding classification tasks (i.e., incremental learning), a next step is to translate this progress to industry expectations. One technique missing from incremental learning is automatic architecture design via Neural Architecture Search (NAS). In this paper, we show that leveraging NAS for incremental learning results in strong performance gains for classification tasks. Specifically, we contribute the following: first, we create a strong baseline approach for incremental learning based on Differentiable Architecture Search (DARTS) and state-of-the-art incremental learning strategies, outperforming many existing strategies trained with similar-sized popular architectures; second, we extend the idea of architecture search to regularize architecture forgetting, boosting performance past our proposed baseline. We evaluate our method on both RF signal and image classification tasks, and demonstrate we can achieve up to a 10% performance increase over state-of-the-art methods. Most importantly, our contribution enables learning from continuous distributions on real-world application data for which the complexity of the data distribution is unknown, or the modality less explored (such as RF signal classification).
Abstract:Understanding the geometric relationships between objects in a scene is a core capability in enabling both humans and autonomous agents to navigate in new environments. A sparse, unified representation of the scene topology will allow agents to act efficiently to move through their environment, communicate the environment state with others, and utilize the representation for diverse downstream tasks. To this end, we propose a method to train an autonomous agent to learn to accumulate a 3D scene graph representation of its environment by simultaneously learning to navigate through said environment. We demonstrate that our approach, GraphMapper, enables the learning of effective navigation policies through fewer interactions with the environment than vision-based systems alone. Further, we show that GraphMapper can act as a modular scene encoder to operate alongside existing Learning-based solutions to not only increase navigational efficiency but also generate intermediate scene representations that are useful for other future tasks.
Abstract:This paper presents a novel approach for the Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN) task in continuous 3D environments, which requires an autonomous agent to follow natural language instructions in unseen environments. Existing end-to-end learning-based VLN methods struggle at this task as they focus mostly on utilizing raw visual observations and lack the semantic spatio-temporal reasoning capabilities which is crucial in generalizing to new environments. In this regard, we present a hybrid transformer-recurrence model which focuses on combining classical semantic mapping techniques with a learning-based method. Our method creates a temporal semantic memory by building a top-down local ego-centric semantic map and performs cross-modal grounding to align map and language modalities to enable effective learning of VLN policy. Empirical results in a photo-realistic long-horizon simulation environment show that the proposed approach outperforms a variety of state-of-the-art methods and baselines with over 22% relative improvement in SPL in prior unseen environments.
Abstract:Class imbalance is a fundamental problem in computer vision applications such as semantic segmentation. Specifically, uneven class distributions in a training dataset often result in unsatisfactory performance on under-represented classes. Many works have proposed to weight the standard cross entropy loss function with pre-computed weights based on class statistics, such as the number of samples and class margins. There are two major drawbacks to these methods: 1) constantly up-weighting minority classes can introduce excessive false positives in semantic segmentation; 2) a minority class is not necessarily a hard class. The consequence is low precision due to excessive false positives. In this regard, we propose a hard-class mining loss by reshaping the vanilla cross entropy loss such that it weights the loss for each class dynamically based on instantaneous recall performance. We show that the novel recall loss changes gradually between the standard cross entropy loss and the inverse frequency weighted loss. Recall loss also leads to improved mean accuracy while offering competitive mean Intersection over Union (IoU) performance. On Synthia dataset, recall loss achieves 9% relative improvement on mean accuracy with competitive mean IoU using DeepLab-ResNet18 compared to the cross entropy loss. Code available at https://github.com/PotatoTian/recall-semseg.
Abstract:Visual navigation for autonomous agents is a core task in the fields of computer vision and robotics. Learning-based methods, such as deep reinforcement learning, have the potential to outperform the classical solutions developed for this task; however, they come at a significantly increased computational load. Through this work, we design a novel approach that focuses on performing better or comparable to the existing learning-based solutions but under a clear time/computational budget. To this end, we propose a method to encode vital scene semantics such as traversable paths, unexplored areas, and observed scene objects -- alongside raw visual streams such as RGB, depth, and semantic segmentation masks -- into a semantically informed, top-down egocentric map representation. Further, to enable the effective use of this information, we introduce a novel 2-D map attention mechanism, based on the successful multi-layer Transformer networks. We conduct experiments on 3-D reconstructed indoor PointGoal visual navigation and demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach. We show that by using our novel attention schema and auxiliary rewards to better utilize scene semantics, we outperform multiple baselines trained with only raw inputs or implicit semantic information while operating with an 80% decrease in the agent's experience.