Abstract:Do the rich representations of multi-modal diffusion transformers (DiTs) exhibit unique properties that enhance their interpretability? We introduce ConceptAttention, a novel method that leverages the expressive power of DiT attention layers to generate high-quality saliency maps that precisely locate textual concepts within images. Without requiring additional training, ConceptAttention repurposes the parameters of DiT attention layers to produce highly contextualized concept embeddings, contributing the major discovery that performing linear projections in the output space of DiT attention layers yields significantly sharper saliency maps compared to commonly used cross-attention mechanisms. Remarkably, ConceptAttention even achieves state-of-the-art performance on zero-shot image segmentation benchmarks, outperforming 11 other zero-shot interpretability methods on the ImageNet-Segmentation dataset and on a single-class subset of PascalVOC. Our work contributes the first evidence that the representations of multi-modal DiT models like Flux are highly transferable to vision tasks like segmentation, even outperforming multi-modal foundation models like CLIP.
Abstract:Differentiable rendering methods have emerged as a promising means for generating photo-realistic and physically plausible adversarial attacks by manipulating 3D objects and scenes that can deceive deep neural networks (DNNs). Recently, differentiable rendering capabilities have evolved significantly into a diverse landscape of libraries, such as Mitsuba, PyTorch3D, and methods like Neural Radiance Fields and 3D Gaussian Splatting for solving inverse rendering problems that share conceptually similar properties commonly used to attack DNNs, such as back-propagation and optimization. However, the adversarial machine learning research community has not yet fully explored or understood such capabilities for generating attacks. Some key reasons are that researchers often have different attack goals, such as misclassification or misdetection, and use different tasks to accomplish these goals by manipulating different representation in a scene, such as the mesh or texture of an object. This survey adopts a task-oriented unifying framework that systematically summarizes common tasks, such as manipulating textures, altering illumination, and modifying 3D meshes to exploit vulnerabilities in DNNs. Our framework enables easy comparison of existing works, reveals research gaps and spotlights exciting future research directions in this rapidly evolving field. Through focusing on how these tasks enable attacks on various DNNs such as image classification, facial recognition, object detection, optical flow and depth estimation, our survey helps researchers and practitioners better understand the vulnerabilities of computer vision systems against photorealistic adversarial attacks that could threaten real-world applications.
Abstract:Text-to-image diffusion models have impactful applications in art, design, and entertainment, yet these technologies also pose significant risks by enabling the creation and dissemination of misinformation. Although recent advancements have produced AI-generated image detectors that claim robustness against various augmentations, their true effectiveness remains uncertain. Do these detectors reliably identify images with different levels of augmentation? Are they biased toward specific scenes or data distributions? To investigate, we introduce SEMI-TRUTHS, featuring 27,600 real images, 223,400 masks, and 1,472,700 AI-augmented images that feature targeted and localized perturbations produced using diverse augmentation techniques, diffusion models, and data distributions. Each augmented image is accompanied by metadata for standardized and targeted evaluation of detector robustness. Our findings suggest that state-of-the-art detectors exhibit varying sensitivities to the types and degrees of perturbations, data distributions, and augmentation methods used, offering new insights into their performance and limitations. The code for the augmentation and evaluation pipeline is available at https://github.com/J-Kruk/SemiTruths.
Abstract:Dense Associative Memories are high storage capacity variants of the Hopfield networks that are capable of storing a large number of memory patterns in the weights of the network of a given size. Their common formulations typically require storing each pattern in a separate set of synaptic weights, which leads to the increase of the number of synaptic weights when new patterns are introduced. In this work we propose an alternative formulation of this class of models using random features, commonly used in kernel methods. In this formulation the number of network's parameters remains fixed. At the same time, new memories can be added to the network by modifying existing weights. We show that this novel network closely approximates the energy function and dynamics of conventional Dense Associative Memories and shares their desirable computational properties.
Abstract:Transformers have revolutionized machine learning, yet their inner workings remain opaque to many. We present Transformer Explainer, an interactive visualization tool designed for non-experts to learn about Transformers through the GPT-2 model. Our tool helps users understand complex Transformer concepts by integrating a model overview and enabling smooth transitions across abstraction levels of mathematical operations and model structures. It runs a live GPT-2 instance locally in the user's browser, empowering users to experiment with their own input and observe in real-time how the internal components and parameters of the Transformer work together to predict the next tokens. Our tool requires no installation or special hardware, broadening the public's education access to modern generative AI techniques. Our open-sourced tool is available at https://poloclub.github.io/transformer-explainer/. A video demo is available at https://youtu.be/ECR4oAwocjs.
Abstract:Retrieval-augmented text generation (RAG) addresses the common limitations of large language models (LLMs), such as hallucination, by retrieving information from an updatable external knowledge base. However, existing approaches often require dedicated backend servers for data storage and retrieval, thereby limiting their applicability in use cases that require strict data privacy, such as personal finance, education, and medicine. To address the pressing need for client-side dense retrieval, we introduce MeMemo, the first open-source JavaScript toolkit that adapts the state-of-the-art approximate nearest neighbor search technique HNSW to browser environments. Developed with modern and native Web technologies, such as IndexedDB and Web Workers, our toolkit leverages client-side hardware capabilities to enable researchers and developers to efficiently search through millions of high-dimensional vectors in the browser. MeMemo enables exciting new design and research opportunities, such as private and personalized content creation and interactive prototyping, as demonstrated in our example application RAG Playground. Reflecting on our work, we discuss the opportunities and challenges for on-device dense retrieval. MeMemo is available at https://github.com/poloclub/mememo.
Abstract:Safety alignment is the key to guiding the behaviors of large language models (LLMs) that are in line with human preferences and restrict harmful behaviors at inference time, but recent studies show that it can be easily compromised by finetuning with only a few adversarially designed training examples. We aim to measure the risks in finetuning LLMs through navigating the LLM safety landscape. We discover a new phenomenon observed universally in the model parameter space of popular open-source LLMs, termed as "safety basin": randomly perturbing model weights maintains the safety level of the original aligned model in its local neighborhood. Our discovery inspires us to propose the new VISAGE safety metric that measures the safety in LLM finetuning by probing its safety landscape. Visualizing the safety landscape of the aligned model enables us to understand how finetuning compromises safety by dragging the model away from the safety basin. LLM safety landscape also highlights the system prompt's critical role in protecting a model, and that such protection transfers to its perturbed variants within the safety basin. These observations from our safety landscape research provide new insights for future work on LLM safety community.
Abstract:While large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable capability to generate convincing text across diverse domains, concerns around its potential risks have highlighted the importance of understanding the rationale behind text generation. We present LLM Attributor, a Python library that provides interactive visualizations for training data attribution of an LLM's text generation. Our library offers a new way to quickly attribute an LLM's text generation to training data points to inspect model behaviors, enhance its trustworthiness, and compare model-generated text with user-provided text. We describe the visual and interactive design of our tool and highlight usage scenarios for LLaMA2 models fine-tuned with two different datasets: online articles about recent disasters and finance-related question-answer pairs. Thanks to LLM Attributor's broad support for computational notebooks, users can easily integrate it into their workflow to interactively visualize attributions of their models. For easier access and extensibility, we open-source LLM Attributor at https://github.com/poloclub/ LLM-Attribution. The video demo is available at https://youtu.be/mIG2MDQKQxM.
Abstract:Tables convey factual and quantitative data with implicit conventions created by humans that are often challenging for machines to parse. Prior work on table structure recognition (TSR) has mainly centered around complex task-specific combinations of available inputs and tools. We present UniTable, a training framework that unifies both the training paradigm and training objective of TSR. Its training paradigm combines the simplicity of purely pixel-level inputs with the effectiveness and scalability empowered by self-supervised pretraining (SSP) from diverse unannotated tabular images. Our framework unifies the training objectives of all three TSR tasks - extracting table structure, cell content, and cell bounding box (bbox) - into a unified task-agnostic training objective: language modeling. Extensive quantitative and qualitative analyses highlight UniTable's state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance on four of the largest TSR datasets. To promote reproducible research, enhance transparency, and SOTA innovations, we open-source our code at https://github.com/poloclub/unitable and release the first-of-its-kind Jupyter Notebook of the whole inference pipeline, fine-tuned across multiple TSR datasets, supporting all three TSR tasks.
Abstract:Table structure recognition (TSR) aims to convert tabular images into a machine-readable format. Although hybrid convolutional neural network (CNN)-transformer architecture is widely used in existing approaches, linear projection transformer has outperformed the hybrid architecture in numerous vision tasks due to its simplicity and efficiency. However, existing research has demonstrated that a direct replacement of CNN backbone with linear projection leads to a marked performance drop. In this work, we resolve the issue by proposing a self-supervised pre-training (SSP) method for TSR transformers. We discover that the performance gap between the linear projection transformer and the hybrid CNN-transformer can be mitigated by SSP of the visual encoder in the TSR model. We conducted reproducible ablation studies and open-sourced our code at https://github.com/poloclub/unitable to enhance transparency, inspire innovations, and facilitate fair comparisons in our domain as tables are a promising modality for representation learning.