Abstract:As short-form video-sharing platforms become a significant channel for news consumption, fake news in short videos has emerged as a serious threat in the online information ecosystem, making developing detection methods for this new scenario an urgent need. Compared with that in text and image formats, fake news on short video platforms contains rich but heterogeneous information in various modalities, posing a challenge to effective feature utilization. Unlike existing works mostly focusing on analyzing what is presented, we introduce a novel perspective that considers how it might be created. Through the lens of the creative process behind news video production, our empirical analysis uncovers the unique characteristics of fake news videos in material selection and editing. Based on the obtained insights, we design FakingRecipe, a creative process-aware model for detecting fake news short videos. It captures the fake news preferences in material selection from sentimental and semantic aspects and considers the traits of material editing from spatial and temporal aspects. To improve evaluation comprehensiveness, we first construct FakeTT, an English dataset for this task, and conduct experiments on both FakeTT and the existing Chinese FakeSV dataset. The results show FakingRecipe's superiority in detecting fake news on short video platforms.
Abstract:Fake news detection plays a crucial role in protecting social media users and maintaining a healthy news ecosystem. Among existing works, comment-based fake news detection methods are empirically shown as promising because comments could reflect users' opinions, stances, and emotions and deepen models' understanding of fake news. Unfortunately, due to exposure bias and users' different willingness to comment, it is not easy to obtain diverse comments in reality, especially for early detection scenarios. Without obtaining the comments from the ``silent'' users, the perceived opinions may be incomplete, subsequently affecting news veracity judgment. In this paper, we explore the possibility of finding an alternative source of comments to guarantee the availability of diverse comments, especially those from silent users. Specifically, we propose to adopt large language models (LLMs) as a user simulator and comment generator, and design GenFEND, a generated feedback-enhanced detection framework, which generates comments by prompting LLMs with diverse user profiles and aggregating generated comments from multiple subpopulation groups. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of GenFEND and further analysis shows that the generated comments cover more diverse users and could even be more effective than actual comments.
Abstract:With the rapidly increasing application of large language models (LLMs), their abuse has caused many undesirable societal problems such as fake news, academic dishonesty, and information pollution. This makes AI-generated text (AIGT) detection of great importance. Among existing methods, white-box methods are generally superior to black-box methods in terms of performance and generalizability, but they require access to LLMs' internal states and are not applicable to black-box settings. In this paper, we propose to estimate word generation probabilities as pseudo white-box features via multiple re-sampling to help improve AIGT detection under the black-box setting. Specifically, we design POGER, a proxy-guided efficient re-sampling method, which selects a small subset of representative words (e.g., 10 words) for performing multiple re-sampling in black-box AIGT detection. Experiments on datasets containing texts from humans and seven LLMs show that POGER outperforms all baselines in macro F1 under black-box, partial white-box, and out-of-distribution settings and maintains lower re-sampling costs than its existing counterparts.
Abstract:As the disruptive changes in the media economy and the proliferation of alternative news media outlets, news intent has progressively deviated from ethical standards that serve the public interest. News intent refers to the purpose or intention behind the creation of a news article. While the significance of research on news intent has been widely acknowledged, the absence of a systematic news intent understanding framework hinders further exploration of news intent and its downstream applications. To bridge this gap, we propose News INTent (NINT) frame, the first component-aware formalism for understanding the news creation intent based on research in philosophy, psychology, and cognitive science. Within this frame, we define the news intent identification task and provide a benchmark dataset with fine-grained labels along with an efficient benchmark method. Experiments demonstrate that NINT is beneficial in both the intent identification task and downstream tasks that demand a profound understanding of news. This work marks a foundational step towards a more systematic exploration of news creation intents.
Abstract:Despite the effectiveness in improving the robustness of neural networks, adversarial training has suffered from the natural accuracy degradation problem, i.e., accuracy on natural samples has reduced significantly. In this study, we reveal that natural accuracy degradation is highly related to the disruption of the natural sample topology in the representation space by quantitative and qualitative experiments. Based on this observation, we propose Topology-pReserving Adversarial traINing (TRAIN) to alleviate the problem by preserving the topology structure of natural samples from a standard model trained only on natural samples during adversarial training. As an additional regularization, our method can easily be combined with various popular adversarial training algorithms in a plug-and-play manner, taking advantage of both sides. Extensive experiments on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and Tiny ImageNet show that our proposed method achieves consistent and significant improvements over various strong baselines in most cases. Specifically, without additional data, our proposed method achieves up to 8.78% improvement in natural accuracy and 4.50% improvement in robust accuracy.
Abstract:Despite the remarkable advances that have been made in continual learning, the adversarial vulnerability of such methods has not been fully discussed. We delve into the adversarial robustness of memory-based continual learning algorithms and observe limited robustness improvement by directly applying adversarial training techniques. Preliminary studies reveal the twin challenges for building adversarial robust continual learners: accelerated forgetting in continual learning and gradient obfuscation in adversarial robustness. In this study, we put forward a novel adversarial robust memory-based continual learner that adjusts data logits to mitigate the forgetting of pasts caused by adversarial samples. Furthermore, we devise a gradient-based data selection mechanism to overcome the gradient obfuscation caused by limited stored data. The proposed approach can widely integrate with existing memory-based continual learning as well as adversarial training algorithms in a plug-and-play way. Extensive experiments on Split-CIFAR10/100 and Split-Tiny-ImageNet demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, achieving up to 8.13% higher accuracy for adversarial data.
Abstract:The accelerated advancement of generative AI significantly enhance the viability and effectiveness of generative regional editing methods. This evolution render the image manipulation more accessible, thereby intensifying the risk of altering the conveyed information within original images and even propagating misinformation. Consequently, there exists a critical demand for robust capable of detecting the edited images. However, the lack of comprehensive dataset containing images edited with abundant and advanced generative regional editing methods poses a substantial obstacle to the advancement of corresponding detection methods. We endeavor to fill the vacancy by constructing the GRE dataset, a large-scale generative regional editing dataset with the following advantages: 1) Collection of real-world original images, focusing on two frequently edited scenarios. 2) Integration of a logical and simulated editing pipeline, leveraging multiple large models in various modalities. 3) Inclusion of various editing approaches with distinct architectures. 4) Provision of comprehensive analysis tasks. We perform comprehensive experiments with proposed three tasks: edited image classification, edited method attribution and edited region localization, providing analysis of distinct editing methods and evaluation of detection methods in related fields. We expect that the GRE dataset can promote further research and exploration in the field of generative region editing detection.
Abstract:Both accuracy and timeliness are key factors in detecting fake news on social media. However, most existing methods encounter an accuracy-timeliness dilemma: Content-only methods guarantee timeliness but perform moderately because of limited available information, while social context-based ones generally perform better but inevitably lead to latency because of social context accumulation needs. To break such a dilemma, a feasible but not well-studied solution is to leverage social contexts (e.g., comments) from historical news for training a detection model and apply it to newly emerging news without social contexts. This requires the model to (1) sufficiently learn helpful knowledge from social contexts, and (2) be well compatible with situations that social contexts are available or not. To achieve this goal, we propose to absorb and parameterize useful knowledge from comments in historical news and then inject it into a content-only detection model. Specifically, we design the Comments Assisted Fake News Detection method (CAS-FEND), which transfers useful knowledge from a comments-aware teacher model to a content-only student model during training. The student model is further used to detect newly emerging fake news. Experiments show that the CAS-FEND student model outperforms all content-only methods and even those with 1/4 comments as inputs, demonstrating its superiority for early detection.
Abstract:Detecting fake news requires both a delicate sense of diverse clues and a profound understanding of the real-world background, which remains challenging for detectors based on small language models (SLMs) due to their knowledge and capability limitations. Recent advances in large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable performance in various tasks, but whether and how LLMs could help with fake news detection remains underexplored. In this paper, we investigate the potential of LLMs in fake news detection. First, we conduct an empirical study and find that a sophisticated LLM such as GPT 3.5 could generally expose fake news and provide desirable multi-perspective rationales but still underperforms the basic SLM, fine-tuned BERT. Our subsequent analysis attributes such a gap to the LLM's inability to select and integrate rationales properly to conclude. Based on these findings, we propose that current LLMs may not substitute fine-tuned SLMs in fake news detection but can be a good advisor for SLMs by providing multi-perspective instructive rationales. To instantiate this proposal, we design an adaptive rationale guidance network for fake news detection (ARG), in which SLMs selectively acquire insights on news analysis from the LLMs' rationales. We further derive a rationale-free version of ARG by distillation, namely ARG-D, which services cost-sensitive scenarios without inquiring LLMs. Experiments on two real-world datasets demonstrate that ARG and ARG-D outperform three types of baseline methods, including SLM-based, LLM-based, and combinations of small and large language models.
Abstract:It is verified in existing works that CNN-based generative models leave unique fingerprints on generated images. There is a lack of analysis about how they are formed in generative models. Interpreting network components in the frequency domain, we derive sources for frequency distribution and grid-like pattern discrepancies exhibited on the spectrum. These insights are leveraged to develop low-cost synthetic models, which generate images emulating the frequency patterns observed in real generative models. The resulting fingerprint extractor pre-trained on synthetic data shows superior transferability in verifying, identifying, and analyzing the relationship of real CNN-based generative models such as GAN, VAE, Flow, and diffusion.