Laboratory for Information & Decision Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Abstract:Despite substantial efforts, deep learning has not yet delivered a transformative impact on elucidating regulatory biology, particularly in the realm of predicting gene expression profiles. Here, we argue that genuine "foundation models" of regulatory biology will remain out of reach unless guided by frameworks that integrate mechanistic insight with principled experimental design. We present one such ground-up, semi-mechanistic framework that unifies perturbation-based experimental designs across both in vitro and in vivo CRISPR screens, accounting for differentiating and non-differentiating cellular systems. By revealing previously unrecognised assumptions in published machine learning methods, our approach clarifies links with popular techniques such as variational autoencoders and structural causal models. In practice, this framework suggests a modified loss function that we demonstrate can improve predictive performance, and further suggests an error analysis that informs batching strategies. Ultimately, since cellular regulation emerges from innumerable interactions amongst largely uncharted molecular components, we contend that systems-level understanding cannot be achieved through structural biology alone. Instead, we argue that real progress will require a first-principles perspective on how experiments capture biological phenomena, how data are generated, and how these processes can be reflected in more faithful modelling architectures.
Abstract:The ability to conduct interventions plays a pivotal role in learning causal relationships among variables, thus facilitating applications across diverse scientific disciplines such as genomics, economics, and machine learning. However, in many instances within these applications, the process of generating interventional data is subject to noise: rather than data being sampled directly from the intended interventional distribution, interventions often yield data sampled from a blend of both intended and unintended interventional distributions. We consider the fundamental challenge of disentangling mixed interventional and observational data within linear Structural Equation Models (SEMs) with Gaussian additive noise without the knowledge of the true causal graph. We demonstrate that conducting interventions, whether do or soft, yields distributions with sufficient diversity and properties conducive to efficiently recovering each component within the mixture. Furthermore, we establish that the sample complexity required to disentangle mixed data inversely correlates with the extent of change induced by an intervention in the equations governing the affected variable values. As a result, the causal graph can be identified up to its interventional Markov Equivalence Class, similar to scenarios where no noise influences the generation of interventional data. We further support our theoretical findings by conducting simulations wherein we perform causal discovery from such mixed data.
Abstract:Multimodal representation learning seeks to relate and decompose information inherent in multiple modalities. By disentangling modality-specific information from information that is shared across modalities, we can improve interpretability and robustness and enable downstream tasks such as the generation of counterfactual outcomes. Separating the two types of information is challenging since they are often deeply entangled in many real-world applications. We propose Disentangled Self-Supervised Learning (DisentangledSSL), a novel self-supervised approach for learning disentangled representations. We present a comprehensive analysis of the optimality of each disentangled representation, particularly focusing on the scenario not covered in prior work where the so-called Minimum Necessary Information (MNI) point is not attainable. We demonstrate that DisentangledSSL successfully learns shared and modality-specific features on multiple synthetic and real-world datasets and consistently outperforms baselines on various downstream tasks, including prediction tasks for vision-language data, as well as molecule-phenotype retrieval tasks for biological data.
Abstract:Many questions in science center around the fundamental problem of understanding causal relationships. However, most constraint-based causal discovery algorithms, including the well-celebrated PC algorithm, often incur an exponential number of conditional independence (CI) tests, posing limitations in various applications. Addressing this, our work focuses on characterizing what can be learned about the underlying causal graph with a reduced number of CI tests. We show that it is possible to a learn a coarser representation of the hidden causal graph with a polynomial number of tests. This coarser representation, named Causal Consistent Partition Graph (CCPG), comprises of a partition of the vertices and a directed graph defined over its components. CCPG satisfies consistency of orientations and additional constraints which favor finer partitions. Furthermore, it reduces to the underlying causal graph when the causal graph is identifiable. As a consequence, our results offer the first efficient algorithm for recovering the true causal graph with a polynomial number of tests, in special cases where the causal graph is fully identifiable through observational data and potentially additional interventions.
Abstract:Modern data analysis frequently relies on the use of large datasets, often constructed as amalgamations of diverse populations or data-sources. Heterogeneity across these smaller datasets constitutes two major challenges for causal inference: (1) the source of each sample can introduce latent confounding between treatment and effect, and (2) diverse populations may respond differently to the same treatment, giving rise to heterogeneous treatment effects (HTEs). The issues of latent confounding and HTEs have been studied separately but not in conjunction. In particular, previous works only report the conditional average treatment effect (CATE) among similar individuals (with respect to the measured covariates). CATEs cannot resolve mixtures of potential treatment effects driven by latent heterogeneity, which we call mixtures of treatment effects (MTEs). Inspired by method of moment approaches to mixture models, we propose "synthetic potential outcomes" (SPOs). Our new approach deconfounds heterogeneity while also guaranteeing the identifiability of MTEs. This technique bypasses full recovery of a mixture, which significantly simplifies its requirements for identifiability. We demonstrate the efficacy of SPOs on synthetic data.
Abstract:Interventions play a pivotal role in the study of complex biological systems. In drug discovery, genetic interventions (such as CRISPR base editing) have become central to both identifying potential therapeutic targets and understanding a drug's mechanism of action. With the advancement of CRISPR and the proliferation of genome-scale analyses such as transcriptomics, a new challenge is to navigate the vast combinatorial space of concurrent genetic interventions. Addressing this, our work concentrates on estimating the effects of pairwise genetic combinations on the cellular transcriptome. We introduce two novel contributions: Salt, a biologically-inspired baseline that posits the mostly additive nature of combination effects, and Peper, a deep learning model that extends Salt's additive assumption to achieve unprecedented accuracy. Our comprehensive comparison against existing state-of-the-art methods, grounded in diverse metrics, and our out-of-distribution analysis highlight the limitations of current models in realistic settings. This analysis underscores the necessity for improved modelling techniques and data acquisition strategies, paving the way for more effective exploration of genetic intervention effects.
Abstract:Understanding causal relationships between variables is a fundamental problem with broad impact in numerous scientific fields. While extensive research has been dedicated to learning causal graphs from data, its complementary concept of testing causal relationships has remained largely unexplored. While learning involves the task of recovering the Markov equivalence class (MEC) of the underlying causal graph from observational data, the testing counterpart addresses the following critical question: Given a specific MEC and observational data from some causal graph, can we determine if the data-generating causal graph belongs to the given MEC? We explore constraint-based testing methods by establishing bounds on the required number of conditional independence tests. Our bounds are in terms of the size of the maximum undirected clique ($s$) of the given MEC. In the worst case, we show a lower bound of $\exp(\Omega(s))$ independence tests. We then give an algorithm that resolves the task with $\exp(O(s))$ tests, matching our lower bound. Compared to the learning problem, where algorithms often use a number of independence tests that is exponential in the maximum in-degree, this shows that testing is relatively easier. In particular, it requires exponentially less independence tests in graphs featuring high in-degrees and small clique sizes. Additionally, using the DAG associahedron, we provide a geometric interpretation of testing versus learning and discuss how our testing result can aid learning.
Abstract:We consider the task of causal imputation, where we aim to predict the outcomes of some set of actions across a wide range of possible contexts. As a running example, we consider predicting how different drugs affect cells from different cell types. We study the index-only setting, where the actions and contexts are categorical variables with a finite number of possible values. Even in this simple setting, a practical challenge arises, since often only a small subset of possible action-context pairs have been studied. Thus, models must extrapolate to novel action-context pairs, which can be framed as a form of matrix completion with rows indexed by actions, columns indexed by contexts, and matrix entries corresponding to outcomes. We introduce a novel SCM-based model class, where the outcome is expressed as a counterfactual, actions are expressed as interventions on an instrumental variable, and contexts are defined based on the initial state of the system. We show that, under a linearity assumption, this setup induces a latent factor model over the matrix of outcomes, with an additional fixed effect term. To perform causal prediction based on this model class, we introduce simple extension to the Synthetic Interventions estimator (Agarwal et al., 2020). We evaluate several matrix completion approaches on the PRISM drug repurposing dataset, showing that our method outperforms all other considered matrix completion approaches.
Abstract:Causal graph discovery is a significant problem with applications across various disciplines. However, with observational data alone, the underlying causal graph can only be recovered up to its Markov equivalence class, and further assumptions or interventions are necessary to narrow down the true graph. This work addresses the causal discovery problem under the setting of stochastic interventions with the natural goal of minimizing the number of interventions performed. We propose the following stochastic intervention model which subsumes existing adaptive noiseless interventions in the literature while capturing scenarios such as fat-hand interventions and CRISPR gene knockouts: any intervention attempt results in an actual intervention on a random subset of vertices, drawn from a distribution dependent on attempted action. Under this model, we study the two fundamental problems in causal discovery of verification and search and provide approximation algorithms with polylogarithmic competitive ratios and provide some preliminary experimental results.
Abstract:High-throughput drug screening -- using cell imaging or gene expression measurements as readouts of drug effect -- is a critical tool in biotechnology to assess and understand the relationship between the chemical structure and biological activity of a drug. Since large-scale screens have to be divided into multiple experiments, a key difficulty is dealing with batch effects, which can introduce systematic errors and non-biological associations in the data. We propose InfoCORE, an Information maximization approach for COnfounder REmoval, to effectively deal with batch effects and obtain refined molecular representations. InfoCORE establishes a variational lower bound on the conditional mutual information of the latent representations given a batch identifier. It adaptively reweighs samples to equalize their implied batch distribution. Extensive experiments on drug screening data reveal InfoCORE's superior performance in a multitude of tasks including molecular property prediction and molecule-phenotype retrieval. Additionally, we show results for how InfoCORE offers a versatile framework and resolves general distribution shifts and issues of data fairness by minimizing correlation with spurious features or removing sensitive attributes. The code is available at