Abstract:Combinatorial Multi-Armed Bandit with fairness constraints is a framework where multiple arms form a super arm and can be pulled in each round under uncertainty to maximize cumulative rewards while ensuring the minimum average reward required by each arm. The existing pessimistic-optimistic algorithm linearly combines virtual queue-lengths (tracking the fairness violations) and Upper Confidence Bound estimates as a weight for each arm and selects a super arm with the maximum total weight. The number of super arms could be exponential to the number of arms in many scenarios. In wireless networks, interference constraints can cause the number of super arms to grow exponentially with the number of arms. Evaluating all the feasible super arms to find the one with the maximum total weight can incur extremely high computational complexity in the pessimistic-optimistic algorithm. To avoid this, we develop a low-complexity fair learning algorithm based on the so-called pick-and-compare approach that involves randomly picking $M$ feasible super arms to evaluate. By setting $M$ to a constant, the number of comparison steps in the pessimistic-optimistic algorithm can be reduced to a constant, thereby significantly reducing the computational complexity. Our theoretical proof shows this low-complexity design incurs only a slight sacrifice in fairness and regret performance. Finally, we validate the theoretical result by extensive simulations.
Abstract:The introduction of Feature Pyramid Network (FPN) has significantly improved object detection performance. However, substantial challenges remain in detecting tiny objects, as their features occupy only a very small proportion of the feature maps. Although FPN integrates multi-scale features, it does not directly enhance or enrich the features of tiny objects. Furthermore, FPN lacks spatial perception ability. To address these issues, we propose a novel High Frequency and Spatial Perception Feature Pyramid Network (HS-FPN) with two innovative modules. First, we designed a high frequency perception module (HFP) that generates high frequency responses through high pass filters. These high frequency responses are used as mask weights from both spatial and channel perspectives to enrich and highlight the features of tiny objects in the original feature maps. Second, we developed a spatial dependency perception module (SDP) to capture the spatial dependencies that FPN lacks. Our experiments demonstrate that detectors based on HS-FPN exhibit competitive advantages over state-of-the-art models on the AI-TOD dataset for tiny object detection.
Abstract:Standard single-image super-resolution (SR) upsamples and restores entire images. Yet several real-world applications require higher resolutions only in specific regions, such as license plates or faces, making the super-resolution of the entire image, along with the associated memory and computational cost, unnecessary. We propose a novel task, called LocalSR, to restore only local regions of the low-resolution image. For this problem setting, we propose a context-based local super-resolution (CLSR) to super-resolve only specified regions of interest (ROI) while leveraging the entire image as context. Our method uses three parallel processing modules: a base module for super-resolving the ROI, a global context module for gathering helpful features from across the image, and a proximity integration module for concentrating on areas surrounding the ROI, progressively propagating features from distant pixels to the target region. Experimental results indicate that our approach, with its reduced low complexity, outperforms variants that focus exclusively on the ROI.
Abstract:State-of-the-art video deblurring methods use deep network architectures to recover sharpened video frames. Blurring especially degrades high-frequency (HF) information, yet this aspect is often overlooked by recent models that focus more on enhancing architectural design. Recovering these fine details is challenging, partly due to the spectral bias of neural networks, which are inclined towards learning low-frequency functions. To address this, we enforce explicit network structures to capture the fine details and edges. We dynamically predict adaptive high-pass kernels from a linear combination of high-pass basis kernels to extract high-frequency features. This strategy is highly efficient, resulting in low-memory footprints for training and fast run times for inference, all while achieving state-of-the-art when compared to low-budget models. The code is available at https://github.com/jibo27/AHFNet.
Abstract:Standard 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) relies on known or pre-computed camera poses and a sparse point cloud, obtained from structure-from-motion (SfM) preprocessing, to initialize and grow 3D Gaussians. We propose a novel SfM-Free 3DGS (SFGS) method for video input, eliminating the need for known camera poses and SfM preprocessing. Our approach introduces a hierarchical training strategy that trains and merges multiple 3D Gaussian representations -- each optimized for specific scene regions -- into a single, unified 3DGS model representing the entire scene. To compensate for large camera motions, we leverage video frame interpolation models. Additionally, we incorporate multi-source supervision to reduce overfitting and enhance representation. Experimental results reveal that our approach significantly surpasses state-of-the-art SfM-free novel view synthesis methods. On the Tanks and Temples dataset, we improve PSNR by an average of 2.25dB, with a maximum gain of 3.72dB in the best scene. On the CO3D-V2 dataset, we achieve an average PSNR boost of 1.74dB, with a top gain of 3.90dB. The code is available at https://github.com/jibo27/3DGS_Hierarchical_Training.
Abstract:High-resolution Vision-Language Models (VLMs) have been widely used in multimodal tasks to enhance accuracy by preserving detailed image information. However, these models often generate excessive visual tokens due to encoding multiple partitions of the input image. Processing these excessive visual tokens is computationally challenging, especially in resource-constrained environments with commodity GPUs. To support high-resolution images while meeting resource constraints, we propose High-Resolution Early Dropping (HiRED), a token-dropping scheme that operates within a fixed token budget before the Large Language Model (LLM) stage. HiRED can be integrated with existing high-resolution VLMs in a plug-and-play manner, as it requires no additional training while still maintaining superior accuracy. We strategically use the vision encoder's attention in the initial layers to assess the visual content of each image partition and allocate the token budget accordingly. Then, using the attention in the final layer, we select the most important visual tokens from each partition within the allocated budget, dropping the rest. Empirically, when applied to LLaVA-Next-7B on NVIDIA TESLA P40 GPU, HiRED with a 20% token budget increases token generation throughput by 4.7, reduces first-token generation latency by 15 seconds, and saves 2.3 GB of GPU memory for a single inference.
Abstract:We consider a discrete-time system where a resource-constrained source (e.g., a small sensor) transmits its time-sensitive data to a destination over a time-varying wireless channel. Each transmission incurs a fixed transmission cost (e.g., energy cost), and no transmission results in a staleness cost represented by the Age-of-Information. The source must balance the tradeoff between transmission and staleness costs. To address this challenge, we develop a robust online algorithm to minimize the sum of transmission and staleness costs, ensuring a worst-case performance guarantee. While online algorithms are robust, they are usually overly conservative and may have a poor average performance in typical scenarios. In contrast, by leveraging historical data and prediction models, machine learning (ML) algorithms perform well in average cases. However, they typically lack worst-case performance guarantees. To achieve the best of both worlds, we design a learning-augmented online algorithm that exhibits two desired properties: (i) consistency: closely approximating the optimal offline algorithm when the ML prediction is accurate and trusted; (ii) robustness: ensuring worst-case performance guarantee even ML predictions are inaccurate. Finally, we perform extensive simulations to show that our online algorithm performs well empirically and that our learning-augmented algorithm achieves both consistency and robustness.
Abstract:In this paper, we study the two-level ski-rental problem,where a user needs to fulfill a sequence of demands for multiple items by choosing one of the three payment options: paying for the on-demand usage (i.e., rent), buying individual items (i.e., single purchase), and buying all the items (i.e., combo purchase). Without knowing future demands, the user aims to minimize the total cost (i.e., the sum of the rental, single purchase, and combo purchase costs) by balancing the trade-off between the expensive upfront costs (for purchase) and the potential future expenses (for rent). We first design a robust online algorithm (RDTSR) that offers a worst-case performance guarantee. While online algorithms are robust against the worst-case scenarios, they are often overly cautious and thus suffer a poor average performance in typical scenarios. On the other hand, Machine Learning (ML) algorithms typically show promising average performance in various applications but lack worst-case performance guarantees. To harness the benefits of both methods, we develop a learning-augmented algorithm (LADTSR) by integrating ML predictions into the robust online algorithm, which outperforms the robust online algorithm under accurate predictions while ensuring worst-case performance guarantees even when predictions are inaccurate. Finally, we conduct numerical experiments on both synthetic and real-world trace data to corroborate the effectiveness of our approach.
Abstract:In this paper, we study the role of feedback in online learning with switching costs. It has been shown that the minimax regret is $\widetilde{\Theta}(T^{2/3})$ under bandit feedback and improves to $\widetilde{\Theta}(\sqrt{T})$ under full-information feedback, where $T$ is the length of the time horizon. However, it remains largely unknown how the amount and type of feedback generally impact regret. To this end, we first consider the setting of bandit learning with extra observations; that is, in addition to the typical bandit feedback, the learner can freely make a total of $B_{\mathrm{ex}}$ extra observations. We fully characterize the minimax regret in this setting, which exhibits an interesting phase-transition phenomenon: when $B_{\mathrm{ex}} = O(T^{2/3})$, the regret remains $\widetilde{\Theta}(T^{2/3})$, but when $B_{\mathrm{ex}} = \Omega(T^{2/3})$, it becomes $\widetilde{\Theta}(T/\sqrt{B_{\mathrm{ex}}})$, which improves as the budget $B_{\mathrm{ex}}$ increases. To design algorithms that can achieve the minimax regret, it is instructive to consider a more general setting where the learner has a budget of $B$ total observations. We fully characterize the minimax regret in this setting as well and show that it is $\widetilde{\Theta}(T/\sqrt{B})$, which scales smoothly with the total budget $B$. Furthermore, we propose a generic algorithmic framework, which enables us to design different learning algorithms that can achieve matching upper bounds for both settings based on the amount and type of feedback. One interesting finding is that while bandit feedback can still guarantee optimal regret when the budget is relatively limited, it no longer suffices to achieve optimal regret when the budget is relatively large.
Abstract:In this paper, we study kernelized bandits with distributed biased feedback. This problem is motivated by several real-world applications (such as dynamic pricing, cellular network configuration, and policy making), where users from a large population contribute to the reward of the action chosen by a central entity, but it is difficult to collect feedback from all users. Instead, only biased feedback (due to user heterogeneity) from a subset of users may be available. In addition to such partial biased feedback, we are also faced with two practical challenges due to communication cost and computation complexity. To tackle these challenges, we carefully design a new \emph{distributed phase-then-batch-based elimination (\texttt{DPBE})} algorithm, which samples users in phases for collecting feedback to reduce the bias and employs \emph{maximum variance reduction} to select actions in batches within each phase. By properly choosing the phase length, the batch size, and the confidence width used for eliminating suboptimal actions, we show that \texttt{DPBE} achieves a sublinear regret of $\tilde{O}(T^{1-\alpha/2}+\sqrt{\gamma_T T})$, where $\alpha\in (0,1)$ is the user-sampling parameter one can tune. Moreover, \texttt{DPBE} can significantly reduce both communication cost and computation complexity in distributed kernelized bandits, compared to some variants of the state-of-the-art algorithms (originally developed for standard kernelized bandits). Furthermore, by incorporating various \emph{differential privacy} models (including the central, local, and shuffle models), we generalize \texttt{DPBE} to provide privacy guarantees for users participating in the distributed learning process. Finally, we conduct extensive simulations to validate our theoretical results and evaluate the empirical performance.