Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) demonstrate impressive capabilities across many tasks yet risk reproducing copyrighted content verbatim, raising legal and ethical concerns. Although methods like differential privacy or neuron editing can reduce memorization, they typically require costly retraining or direct access to model weights and may degrade performance. To address these challenges, we propose TokenSwap, a lightweight, post-hoc approach that replaces the probabilities of grammar-related tokens with those from a small auxiliary model (e.g., DistilGPT-2). We run extensive experiments on commercial grade models such as Pythia-6.9b and LLaMA-3-8b and demonstrate that our method effectively reduces well-known cases of memorized generation by upto 10x with little to no impact on downstream tasks. Our approach offers a uniquely accessible and effective solution to users of real-world systems.
Abstract:We consider the task of out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization, where the distribution shift is due to an unobserved confounder ($Z$) affecting both the covariates ($X$) and the labels ($Y$). In this setting, traditional assumptions of covariate and label shift are unsuitable due to the confounding, which introduces heterogeneity in the predictor, i.e., $\hat{Y} = f_Z(X)$. OOD generalization differs from traditional domain adaptation by not assuming access to the covariate distribution ($X^\text{te}$) of the test samples during training. These conditions create a challenging scenario for OOD robustness: (a) $Z^\text{tr}$ is an unobserved confounder during training, (b) $P^\text{te}{Z} \neq P^\text{tr}{Z}$, (c) $X^\text{te}$ is unavailable during training, and (d) the posterior predictive distribution depends on $P^\text{te}(Z)$, i.e., $\hat{Y} = E_{P^\text{te}(Z)}[f_Z(X)]$. In general, accurate predictions are unattainable in this scenario, and existing literature has proposed complex predictors based on identifiability assumptions that require multiple additional variables. Our work investigates a set of identifiability assumptions that tremendously simplify the predictor, whose resulting elegant simplicity outperforms existing approaches.
Abstract:We introduce an efficient method for learning linear models from uncertain data, where uncertainty is represented as a set of possible variations in the data, leading to predictive multiplicity. Our approach leverages abstract interpretation and zonotopes, a type of convex polytope, to compactly represent these dataset variations, enabling the symbolic execution of gradient descent on all possible worlds simultaneously. We develop techniques to ensure that this process converges to a fixed point and derive closed-form solutions for this fixed point. Our method provides sound over-approximations of all possible optimal models and viable prediction ranges. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through theoretical and empirical analysis, highlighting its potential to reason about model and prediction uncertainty due to data quality issues in training data.
Abstract:Conditional independence (CI) constraints are critical for defining and evaluating fairness in machine learning, as well as for learning unconfounded or causal representations. Traditional methods for ensuring fairness either blindly learn invariant features with respect to a protected variable (e.g., race when classifying sex from face images) or enforce CI relative to the protected attribute only on the model output (e.g., the sex label). Neither of these methods are effective in enforcing CI in high-dimensional feature spaces. In this paper, we focus on a nascent approach characterizing the CI constraint in terms of two Jensen-Shannon divergence terms, and we extend it to high-dimensional feature spaces using a novel dynamic sampling strategy. In doing so, we introduce a new training paradigm that can be applied to any encoder architecture. We are able to enforce conditional independence of the diffusion autoencoder latent representation with respect to any protected attribute under the equalized odds constraint and show that this approach enables causal image generation with controllable latent spaces. Our experimental results demonstrate that our approach can achieve high accuracy on downstream tasks while upholding equality of odds.
Abstract:Our paper addresses the challenge of inferring causal effects in social network data, characterized by complex interdependencies among individuals resulting in challenges such as non-independence of units, interference (where a unit's outcome is affected by neighbors' treatments), and introduction of additional confounding factors from neighboring units. We propose a novel methodology combining graph neural networks and double machine learning, enabling accurate and efficient estimation of direct and peer effects using a single observational social network. Our approach utilizes graph isomorphism networks in conjunction with double machine learning to effectively adjust for network confounders and consistently estimate the desired causal effects. We demonstrate that our estimator is both asymptotically normal and semiparametrically efficient. A comprehensive evaluation against four state-of-the-art baseline methods using three semi-synthetic social network datasets reveals our method's on-par or superior efficacy in precise causal effect estimation. Further, we illustrate the practical application of our method through a case study that investigates the impact of Self-Help Group participation on financial risk tolerance. The results indicate a significant positive direct effect, underscoring the potential of our approach in social network analysis. Additionally, we explore the effects of network sparsity on estimation performance.
Abstract:Ensuring Conditional Independence (CI) constraints is pivotal for the development of fair and trustworthy machine learning models. In this paper, we introduce \sys, a framework that harnesses optimal transport theory for data repair under CI constraints. Optimal transport theory provides a rigorous framework for measuring the discrepancy between probability distributions, thereby ensuring control over data utility. We formulate the data repair problem concerning CIs as a Quadratically Constrained Linear Program (QCLP) and propose an alternating method for its solution. However, this approach faces scalability issues due to the computational cost associated with computing optimal transport distances, such as the Wasserstein distance. To overcome these scalability challenges, we reframe our problem as a regularized optimization problem, enabling us to develop an iterative algorithm inspired by Sinkhorn's matrix scaling algorithm, which efficiently addresses high-dimensional and large-scale data. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate the efficacy and efficiency of our proposed methods, showcasing their practical utility in real-world data cleaning and preprocessing tasks. Furthermore, we provide comparisons with traditional approaches, highlighting the superiority of our techniques in terms of preserving data utility while ensuring adherence to the desired CI constraints.
Abstract:A recent explosion of research focuses on developing methods and tools for building fair predictive models. However, most of this work relies on the assumption that the training and testing data are representative of the target population on which the model will be deployed. However, real-world training data often suffer from selection bias and are not representative of the target population for many reasons, including the cost and feasibility of collecting and labeling data, historical discrimination, and individual biases. In this paper, we introduce a new framework for certifying and ensuring the fairness of predictive models trained on biased data. We take inspiration from query answering over incomplete and inconsistent databases to present and formalize the problem of consistent range approximation (CRA) of answers to queries about aggregate information for the target population. We aim to leverage background knowledge about the data collection process, biased data, and limited or no auxiliary data sources to compute a range of answers for aggregate queries over the target population that are consistent with available information. We then develop methods that use CRA of such aggregate queries to build predictive models that are certifiably fair on the target population even when no external information about that population is available during training. We evaluate our methods on real data and demonstrate improvements over state of the art. Significantly, we show that enforcing fairness using our methods can lead to predictive models that are not only fair, but more accurate on the target population.
Abstract:With the widespread use of sophisticated machine learning models in sensitive applications, understanding their decision-making has become an essential task. Models trained on tabular data have witnessed significant progress in explanations of their underlying decision making processes by virtue of having a small number of discrete features. However, applying these methods to high-dimensional inputs such as images is not a trivial task. Images are composed of pixels at an atomic level and do not carry any interpretability by themselves. In this work, we seek to use annotated high-level interpretable features of images to provide explanations. We leverage the Shapley value framework from Game Theory, which has garnered wide acceptance in general XAI problems. By developing a pipeline to generate counterfactuals and subsequently using it to estimate Shapley values, we obtain contrastive and interpretable explanations with strong axiomatic guarantees.
Abstract:Despite their high accuracies, modern complex image classifiers cannot be trusted for sensitive tasks due to their unknown decision-making process and potential biases. Counterfactual explanations are very effective in providing transparency for these black-box algorithms. Nevertheless, generating counterfactuals that can have a consistent impact on classifier outputs and yet expose interpretable feature changes is a very challenging task. We introduce a novel method to generate causal and yet interpretable counterfactual explanations for image classifiers using pretrained generative models without any re-training or conditioning. The generative models in this technique are not bound to be trained on the same data as the target classifier. We use this framework to obtain contrastive and causal sufficiency and necessity scores as global explanations for black-box classifiers. On the task of face attribute classification, we show how different attributes influence the classifier output by providing both causal and contrastive feature attributions, and the corresponding counterfactual images.
Abstract:A wide variety of fairness metrics and eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) approaches have been proposed in the literature to identify bias in machine learning models that are used in critical real-life contexts. However, merely reporting on a model's bias, or generating explanations using existing XAI techniques is insufficient to locate and eventually mitigate sources of bias. In this work, we introduce Gopher, a system that produces compact, interpretable, and causal explanations for bias or unexpected model behavior by identifying coherent subsets of the training data that are root-causes for this behavior. Specifically, we introduce the concept of causal responsibility that quantifies the extent to which intervening on training data by removing or updating subsets of it can resolve the bias. Building on this concept, we develop an efficient approach for generating the top-k patterns that explain model bias that utilizes techniques from the ML community to approximate causal responsibility and uses pruning rules to manage the large search space for patterns. Our experimental evaluation demonstrates the effectiveness of Gopher in generating interpretable explanations for identifying and debugging sources of bias.