Abstract:Discovering causal structures with latent variables from observational data is a fundamental challenge in causal discovery. Existing methods often rely on constraint-based, iterative discrete searches, limiting their scalability to large numbers of variables. Moreover, these methods frequently assume linearity or invertibility, restricting their applicability to real-world scenarios. We present new theoretical results on the identifiability of nonlinear latent hierarchical causal models, relaxing previous assumptions in literature about the deterministic nature of latent variables and exogenous noise. Building on these insights, we develop a novel differentiable causal discovery algorithm that efficiently estimates the structure of such models. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to propose a differentiable causal discovery method for nonlinear latent hierarchical models. Our approach outperforms existing methods in both accuracy and scalability. We demonstrate its practical utility by learning interpretable hierarchical latent structures from high-dimensional image data and demonstrate its effectiveness on downstream tasks.
Abstract:We consider the task of out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization, where the distribution shift is due to an unobserved confounder ($Z$) affecting both the covariates ($X$) and the labels ($Y$). In this setting, traditional assumptions of covariate and label shift are unsuitable due to the confounding, which introduces heterogeneity in the predictor, i.e., $\hat{Y} = f_Z(X)$. OOD generalization differs from traditional domain adaptation by not assuming access to the covariate distribution ($X^\text{te}$) of the test samples during training. These conditions create a challenging scenario for OOD robustness: (a) $Z^\text{tr}$ is an unobserved confounder during training, (b) $P^\text{te}{Z} \neq P^\text{tr}{Z}$, (c) $X^\text{te}$ is unavailable during training, and (d) the posterior predictive distribution depends on $P^\text{te}(Z)$, i.e., $\hat{Y} = E_{P^\text{te}(Z)}[f_Z(X)]$. In general, accurate predictions are unattainable in this scenario, and existing literature has proposed complex predictors based on identifiability assumptions that require multiple additional variables. Our work investigates a set of identifiability assumptions that tremendously simplify the predictor, whose resulting elegant simplicity outperforms existing approaches.