Abstract:Flexible-geometry arrays have garnered much attention in wireless communications, which dynamically adjust wireless channels to improve the system performance. In this paper, we propose a novel flexible-geometry array for a $360^\circ$ coverage, named flxible cylindrical array (FCLA), comprised of multiple flexible circular arrays (FCAs). The elements in each FCA can revolve around the circle track to change their horizontal positions, and the FCAs can move along the vertical axis to change the elements' heights. Considering that horizontal revolving can change the antenna orientation, we adopt both the omni-directional and the directional antenna patterns. Based on the regularized zero-forcing (RZF) precoding scheme, we formulate a particular compressive sensing (CS) problem incorporating joint precoding and antenna position optimization, and propose two effective methods, namely FCLA-J and FCLA-A, to solve it. Specifically, the first method involves jointly optimizing the element's revolving angle, height, and precoding coefficient within a single CS framework. The second method decouples the CS problem into two subproblems by utilizing an alternative sparse optimization approach for the revolving angle and height, thereby reducing time complexity. Simulation results reveal that, when utilizing directional radiation patterns, FCLA-J and FCLA-A achieve substantial performance improvements of 43.32\% and 25.42\%, respectively, compared to uniform cylindrical arrays (UCLAs) with RZF precoding.
Abstract:As wireless communication advances toward the 6G era, the demand for ultra-reliable, high-speed, and ubiquitous connectivity is driving the exploration of new degrees-of-freedom (DoFs) in communication systems. Among the key enabling technologies, Movable Antennas (MAs) integrated into Flexible Cylindrical Arrays (FCLA) have shown great potential in optimizing wireless communication by providing spatial flexibility. This paper proposes an innovative optimization framework that leverages the dynamic mobility of FCLAs to improve communication rates and overall system performance. By employing Fractional Programming (FP) for alternating optimization of beamforming and antenna positions, the system enhances throughput and resource utilization. Additionally, a novel Constrained Grid Search-Based Adaptive Moment Estimation Algorithm (CGS-Adam) is introduced to optimize antenna positions while adhering to antenna spacing constraints. Extensive simulations validate that the proposed system, utilizing movable antennas, significantly outperforms traditional fixed antenna optimization, achieving up to a 31\% performance gain in general scenarios. The integration of FCLAs in wireless networks represents a promising solution for future 6G systems, offering improved coverage, energy efficiency, and flexibility.
Abstract:Flexible antenna arrays (FAAs), distinguished by their rotatable, bendable, and foldable properties, are extensively employed in flexible radio systems to achieve customized radiation patterns. This paper aims to illustrate that FAAs, capable of dynamically adjusting surface shapes, can enhance communication performances with both omni-directional and directional antenna patterns, in terms of multi-path channel power and channel angle Cram\'{e}r-Rao bounds. To this end, we develop a mathematical model that elucidates the impacts of the variations in antenna positions and orientations as the array transitions from a flat to a rotated, bent, and folded state, all contingent on the flexible degree-of-freedom. Moreover, since the array shape adjustment operates across the entire beamspace, especially with directional patterns, we discuss the sum-rate in the multi-sector base station that covers the $360^\circ$ communication area. Particularly, to thoroughly explore the multi-sector sum-rate, we propose separate flexible precoding (SFP), joint flexible precoding (JFP), and semi-joint flexible precoding (SJFP), respectively. In our numerical analysis comparing the optimized FAA to the fixed uniform planar array, we find that the bendable FAA achieves a remarkable $156\%$ sum-rate improvement compared to the fixed planar array in the case of JFP with the directional pattern. Furthermore, the rotatable FAA exhibits notably superior performance in SFP and SJFP cases with omni-directional patterns, with respective $35\%$ and $281\%$.
Abstract:This paper investigates flexible beamforming design in an integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) network with movable antennas (MAs). A bistatic radar system is integrated into a multi-user multiple-input-single-output (MU-MISO) system, with the base station (BS) equipped with MAs. This enables array response reconfiguration by adjusting the positions of antennas. Thus, a joint beamforming and antenna position optimization problem, namely flexible beamforming, is proposed to maximize communication rate and sensing mutual information (MI). The fractional programming (FP) method is adopted to transform the non-convex objective function, and we alternatively update the beamforming matrix and antenna positions. Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions are employed to derive the close-form solution of the beamforming matrix, while we propose an efficient search-based projected gradient ascent (SPGA) method to update the antenna positions. Simulation results demonstrate that MAs significantly enhance the ISAC performance when employing our proposed algorithm, achieving a 59.8% performance gain compared to fixed uniform arrays.
Abstract:A dual-robust design of beamforming is investigated in an integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) system.Existing research on robust ISAC waveform design, while proposing solutions to imperfect channel state information (CSI), generally depends on prior knowledge of the target's approximate location to design waveforms. This approach, however, limits the precision in sensing the target's exact location. In this paper, considering both CSI imperfection and target location uncertainty, a novel framework of joint robust optimization is proposed by maximizing the weighted sum of worst-case data rate and beampattern gain. To address this challenging problem, we propose an efficient two-layer iteration algorithm based on S-Procedure and convex hull. Finally, numerical results verify the effectiveness and performance improvement of our dual-robust algorithm, as well as the trade-off between communication and sensing performance.
Abstract:This letter rethinks traditional precoding in multi-user wireless communications with movable antennas (MAs). Utilizing MAs for optimal antenna positioning, we introduce a sparse optimization (SO)-based approach focusing on regularized zero-forcing (RZF). This framework targets the optimization of antenna positions and the precoding matrix to minimize inter-user interference and transmit power. We propose an off-grid regularized least squares-based orthogonal matching pursuit (RLS-OMP) method for this purpose. Moreover, we provide deeper insights into antenna position optimization using RLS-OMP, viewed from a subspace projection angle. Overall, our proposed flexible precoding scheme demonstrates a sum rate that exceeds more than twice that of fixed antenna positions.
Abstract:In this paper, reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) is employed in a millimeter wave (mmWave) integrated sensing and communications (ISAC) system. To alleviate the multi-hop attenuation, the semi-self sensing RIS approach is adopted, wherein sensors are configured at the RIS to receive the radar echo signal. Focusing on the estimation accuracy, the Cramer-Rao bound (CRB) for estimating the direction-of-the-angles is derived as the metric for sensing performance. A joint optimization problem on hybrid beamforming and RIS phaseshifts is proposed to minimize the CRB, while maintaining satisfactory communication performance evaluated by the achievable data rate. The CRB minimization problem is first transformed as a more tractable form based on Fisher information matrix (FIM). To solve the complex non-convex problem, a double layer loop algorithm is proposed based on penalty concave-convex procedure (penalty-CCCP) and block coordinate descent (BCD) method with two sub-problems. Successive convex approximation (SCA) algorithm and second order cone (SOC) constraints are employed to tackle the non-convexity in the hybrid beamforming optimization. To optimize the unit modulus constrained analog beamforming and phase shifts, manifold optimization (MO) is adopted. Finally, the numerical results verify the effectiveness of the proposed CRB minimization algorithm, and show the performance improvement compared with other baselines. Additionally, the proposed hybrid beamforming algorithm can achieve approximately 96% of the sensing performance exhibited by the full digital approach within only a limited number of radio frequency (RF) chains.
Abstract:In this letter, a weighted minimum mean square error (WMMSE) empowered integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) system is investigated. One transmitting base station and one receiving wireless access point are considered to serve multiple users a sensing target. Based on the theory of mutual-information (MI), communication MI and sensing MI rate are utilized as the performance metrics under the presence of clutters. In particular, we propose an novel MI-based WMMSE-ISAC method by developing a unique transceiver design mechanism to maximize the weighted sensing and communication sum-rate of this system. Such a maximization process is achieved by utilizing the classical method -- WMMSE, aiming to better manage the effect of sensing clutters and the interference among users. Numerical results show the effectiveness of our proposed method, and the performance trade-off between sensing and communication is also validated.
Abstract:As a promising technique, extremely large-scale (XL)-arrays offer potential solutions for overcoming the severe path loss in millimeter-wave (mmWave) and TeraHertz (THz) channels, crucial for enabling 6G. Nevertheless, XL-arrays introduce deviations in electromagnetic propagation compared to traditional arrays, fundamentally challenging the assumption with the planar-wave model. Instead, it ushers in the spherical-wave (SW) model to accurately represent the near-field propagation characteristics, significantly increasing signal processing complexity. Fortunately, the SW model shows remarkable benefits on sensing and communications (S\&C), e.g., improving communication multiplexing capability, spatial resolution, and degrees of freedom. In this context, this article first overviews hardware/algorithm challenges, fundamental potentials, promising applications of near-field S\&C enabled by XL-arrays. To overcome the limitations of existing XL-arrays with dense uniform array layouts and improve S\&C applications, we introduce sparse arrays (SAs). Exploring their potential, we propose XL-SAs for mmWave/THz systems using multi-subarray designs. Finally, several applications, challenges and resarch directions are identified.
Abstract:This paper investigates the potential of near-field localization using widely-spaced multi-subarrays (WSMSs) and analyzing the corresponding angle and range Cram\'er-Rao bounds (CRBs). By employing the Riemann sum, closed-form CRB expressions are derived for the spherical wavefront-based WSMS (SW-WSMS). We find that the CRBs can be characterized by the angular span formed by the line connecting the array's two ends to the target, and the different WSMSs with same angular spans but different number of subarrays have identical normalized CRBs. We provide a theoretical proof that, in certain scenarios, the CRB of WSMSs is smaller than that of uniform arrays. We further yield the closed-form CRBs for the hybrid spherical and planar wavefront-based WSMS (HSPW-WSMS), and its components can be seen as decompositions of the parameters from the CRBs for the SW-WSMS. Simulations are conducted to validate the accuracy of the derived closed-form CRBs and provide further insights into various system characteristics. Basically, this paper underscores the high resolution of utilizing WSMS for localization, reinforces the validity of adopting the HSPW assumption, and, considering its applications in communications, indicates a promising outlook for integrated sensing and communications based on HSPW-WSMSs.