Abstract:A longstanding goal of artificial general intelligence is highly capable generalists that can learn from diverse experiences and generalize to unseen tasks. The language and vision communities have seen remarkable progress toward this trend by scaling up transformer-based models trained on massive datasets, while reinforcement learning (RL) agents still suffer from poor generalization capacity under such paradigms. To tackle this challenge, we propose Meta Decision Transformer (Meta-DT), which leverages the sequential modeling ability of the transformer architecture and robust task representation learning via world model disentanglement to achieve efficient generalization in offline meta-RL. We pretrain a context-aware world model to learn a compact task representation, and inject it as a contextual condition to the causal transformer to guide task-oriented sequence generation. Then, we subtly utilize history trajectories generated by the meta-policy as a self-guided prompt to exploit the architectural inductive bias. We select the trajectory segment that yields the largest prediction error on the pretrained world model to construct the prompt, aiming to encode task-specific information complementary to the world model maximally. Notably, the proposed framework eliminates the requirement of any expert demonstration or domain knowledge at test time. Experimental results on MuJoCo and Meta-World benchmarks across various dataset types show that Meta-DT exhibits superior few and zero-shot generalization capacity compared to strong baselines while being more practical with fewer prerequisites. Our code is available at https://github.com/NJU-RL/Meta-DT.
Abstract:For on-policy reinforcement learning, discretizing action space for continuous control can easily express multiple modes and is straightforward to optimize. However, without considering the inherent ordering between the discrete atomic actions, the explosion in the number of discrete actions can possess undesired properties and induce a higher variance for the policy gradient estimator. In this paper, we introduce a straightforward architecture that addresses this issue by constraining the discrete policy to be unimodal using Poisson probability distributions. This unimodal architecture can better leverage the continuity in the underlying continuous action space using explicit unimodal probability distributions. We conduct extensive experiments to show that the discrete policy with the unimodal probability distribution provides significantly faster convergence and higher performance for on-policy reinforcement learning algorithms in challenging control tasks, especially in highly complex tasks such as Humanoid. We provide theoretical analysis on the variance of the policy gradient estimator, which suggests that our attentively designed unimodal discrete policy can retain a lower variance and yield a stable learning process.
Abstract:Many real-world applications involve some agents that fall into two teams, with payoffs that are equal within the same team but of opposite sign across the opponent team. The so-called two-team zero-sum Markov games (2t0sMGs) can be resolved with reinforcement learning in recent years. However, existing methods are thus inefficient in light of insufficient consideration of intra-team credit assignment, data utilization and computational intractability. In this paper, we propose the individual-global-minimax (IGMM) principle to ensure the coherence between two-team minimax behaviors and the individual greedy behaviors through Q functions in 2t0sMGs. Based on it, we present a novel multi-agent reinforcement learning framework, Factorized Multi-Agent MiniMax Q-Learning (FM3Q), which can factorize the joint minimax Q function into individual ones and iteratively solve for the IGMM-satisfied minimax Q functions for 2t0sMGs. Moreover, an online learning algorithm with neural networks is proposed to implement FM3Q and obtain the deterministic and decentralized minimax policies for two-team players. A theoretical analysis is provided to prove the convergence of FM3Q. Empirically, we use three environments to evaluate the learning efficiency and final performance of FM3Q and show its superiority on 2t0sMGs.
Abstract:Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) has achieved remarkable success in various challenging problems. Meanwhile, more and more benchmarks have emerged and provided some standards to evaluate the algorithms in different fields. On the one hand, the virtual MARL environments lack knowledge of real-world tasks and actuator abilities, and on the other hand, the current task-specified multi-robot platform has poor support for the generality of multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithms and lacks support for transferring from simulation to the real environment. Bridging the gap between the virtual MARL environments and the real multi-robot platform becomes the key to promoting the practicability of MARL algorithms. This paper proposes a novel MARL environment for real multi-robot tasks named NeuronsMAE (Neurons Multi-Agent Environment). This environment supports cooperative and competitive multi-robot tasks and is configured with rich parameter interfaces to study the multi-agent policy transfer from simulation to reality. With this platform, we evaluate various popular MARL algorithms and build a new MARL benchmark for multi-robot tasks. We hope that this platform will facilitate the research and application of MARL algorithms for real robot tasks. Information about the benchmark and the open-source code will be released.
Abstract:Unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV) combat is a challenging scenario with continuous action space. In this paper, we propose a general hierarchical framework to resolve the within-vision-range (WVR) air-to-air combat problem under 6 dimensions of degree (6-DOF) dynamics. The core idea is to divide the whole decision process into two loops and use reinforcement learning (RL) to solve them separately. The outer loop takes into account the current combat situation and decides the expected macro behavior of the aircraft according to a combat strategy. Then the inner loop tracks the macro behavior with a flight controller by calculating the actual input signals for the aircraft. We design the Markov decision process for both the outer loop strategy and inner loop controller, and train them by proximal policy optimization (PPO) algorithm. For the inner loop controller, we design an effective reward function to accurately track various macro behavior. For the outer loop strategy, we further adopt a fictitious self-play mechanism to improve the combat performance by constantly combating against the historical strategies. Experiment results show that the inner loop controller can achieve better tracking performance than fine-tuned PID controller, and the outer loop strategy can perform complex maneuvers to get higher and higher winning rate, with the generation evolves.
Abstract:The Fighting Game AI Competition (FTGAIC) provides a challenging benchmark for 2-player video game AI. The challenge arises from the large action space, diverse styles of characters and abilities, and the real-time nature of the game. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm that combines Rolling Horizon Evolution Algorithm (RHEA) with opponent model learning. The approach is readily applicable to any 2-player video game. In contrast to conventional RHEA, an opponent model is proposed and is optimized by supervised learning with cross-entropy and reinforcement learning with policy gradient and Q-learning respectively, based on history observations from opponent. The model is learned during the live gameplay. With the learned opponent model, the extended RHEA is able to make more realistic plans based on what the opponent is likely to do. This tends to lead to better results. We compared our approach directly with the bots from the FTGAIC 2018 competition, and found our method to significantly outperform all of them, for all three character. Furthermore, our proposed bot with the policy-gradient-based opponent model is the only one without using Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) among top five bots in the 2019 competition in which it achieved second place, while using much less domain knowledge than the winner.
Abstract:Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has made great achievements since proposed. Generally, DRL agents receive high-dimensional inputs at each step, and make actions according to deep-neural-network-based policies. This learning mechanism updates the policy to maximize the return with an end-to-end method. In this paper, we survey the progress of DRL methods, including value-based, policy gradient, and model-based algorithms, and compare their main techniques and properties. Besides, DRL plays an important role in game artificial intelligence (AI). We also take a review of the achievements of DRL in various video games, including classical Arcade games, first-person perspective games and multi-agent real-time strategy games, from 2D to 3D, and from single-agent to multi-agent. A large number of video game AIs with DRL have achieved super-human performance, while there are still some challenges in this domain. Therefore, we also discuss some key points when applying DRL methods to this field, including exploration-exploitation, sample efficiency, generalization and transfer, multi-agent learning, imperfect information, and delayed spare rewards, as well as some research directions.
Abstract:Real-time strategy games have been an important field of game artificial intelligence in recent years. This paper presents a reinforcement learning and curriculum transfer learning method to control multiple units in StarCraft micromanagement. We define an efficient state representation, which breaks down the complexity caused by the large state space in the game environment. Then a parameter sharing multi-agent gradientdescent Sarsa({\lambda}) (PS-MAGDS) algorithm is proposed to train the units. The learning policy is shared among our units to encourage cooperative behaviors. We use a neural network as a function approximator to estimate the action-value function, and propose a reward function to help units balance their move and attack. In addition, a transfer learning method is used to extend our model to more difficult scenarios, which accelerates the training process and improves the learning performance. In small scale scenarios, our units successfully learn to combat and defeat the built-in AI with 100% win rates. In large scale scenarios, curriculum transfer learning method is used to progressively train a group of units, and shows superior performance over some baseline methods in target scenarios. With reinforcement learning and curriculum transfer learning, our units are able to learn appropriate strategies in StarCraft micromanagement scenarios.