Abstract:Preference-based reinforcement learning (PbRL) provides a powerful paradigm to avoid meticulous reward engineering by learning rewards based on human preferences. However, real-time human feedback is hard to obtain in online tasks. Most work suppose there is a "scripted teacher" that utilizes privileged predefined reward to provide preference feedback. In this paper, we propose a RL Self-augmented Large Language Model Feedback (RL-SaLLM-F) technique that does not rely on privileged information for online PbRL. RL-SaLLM-F leverages the reflective and discriminative capabilities of LLM to generate self-augmented trajectories and provide preference labels for reward learning. First, we identify an failure issue in LLM-based preference discrimination, specifically "query ambiguity", in online PbRL. Then LLM is employed to provide preference labels and generate self-augmented imagined trajectories that better achieve the task goal, thereby enhancing the quality and efficiency of feedback. Additionally, a double-check mechanism is introduced to mitigate randomness in the preference labels, improving the reliability of LLM feedback. The experiment across multiple tasks in the MetaWorld benchmark demonstrates the specific contributions of each proposed module in RL-SaLLM-F, and shows that self-augmented LLM feedback can effectively replace the impractical "scripted teacher" feedback. In summary, RL-SaLLM-F introduces a new direction of feedback acquisition in online PbRL that does not rely on any online privileged information, offering an efficient and lightweight solution with LLM-driven feedback.
Abstract:Offline preference-based reinforcement learning (PbRL) typically operates in two phases: first, use human preferences to learn a reward model and annotate rewards for a reward-free offline dataset; second, learn a policy by optimizing the learned reward via offline RL. However, accurately modeling step-wise rewards from trajectory-level preference feedback presents inherent challenges. The reward bias introduced, particularly the overestimation of predicted rewards, leads to optimistic trajectory stitching, which undermines the pessimism mechanism critical to the offline RL phase. To address this challenge, we propose In-Dataset Trajectory Return Regularization (DTR) for offline PbRL, which leverages conditional sequence modeling to mitigate the risk of learning inaccurate trajectory stitching under reward bias. Specifically, DTR employs Decision Transformer and TD-Learning to strike a balance between maintaining fidelity to the behavior policy with high in-dataset trajectory returns and selecting optimal actions based on high reward labels. Additionally, we introduce an ensemble normalization technique that effectively integrates multiple reward models, balancing the tradeoff between reward differentiation and accuracy. Empirical evaluations on various benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of DTR over other state-of-the-art baselines