Abstract:Traffic prediction is critical for optimizing travel scheduling and enhancing public safety, yet the complex spatial and temporal dynamics within traffic data present significant challenges for accurate forecasting. In this paper, we introduce a novel model, the Spatiotemporal-aware Trend-Seasonality Decomposition Network (STDN). This model begins by constructing a dynamic graph structure to represent traffic flow and incorporates novel spatio-temporal embeddings to jointly capture global traffic dynamics. The representations learned are further refined by a specially designed trend-seasonality decomposition module, which disentangles the trend-cyclical component and seasonal component for each traffic node at different times within the graph. These components are subsequently processed through an encoder-decoder network to generate the final predictions. Extensive experiments conducted on real-world traffic datasets demonstrate that STDN achieves superior performance with remarkable computation cost. Furthermore, we have released a new traffic dataset named JiNan, which features unique inner-city dynamics, thereby enriching the scenario comprehensiveness in traffic prediction evaluation.
Abstract:As deep neural networks (DNNs) are increasingly deployed on edge devices, optimizing models for constrained computational resources is critical. Existing auto-pruning methods face challenges due to the diversity of DNN models, various operators (e.g., filters), and the difficulty in balancing pruning granularity with model accuracy. To address these limitations, we introduce AutoSculpt, a pattern-based automated pruning framework designed to enhance efficiency and accuracy by leveraging graph learning and deep reinforcement learning (DRL). AutoSculpt automatically identifies and prunes regular patterns within DNN architectures that can be recognized by existing inference engines, enabling runtime acceleration. Three key steps in AutoSculpt include: (1) Constructing DNNs as graphs to encode their topology and parameter dependencies, (2) embedding computationally efficient pruning patterns, and (3) utilizing DRL to iteratively refine auto-pruning strategies until the optimal balance between compression and accuracy is achieved. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of AutoSculpt across various architectures, including ResNet, MobileNet, VGG, and Vision Transformer, achieving pruning rates of up to 90% and nearly 18% improvement in FLOPs reduction, outperforming all baselines. The codes can be available at https://anonymous.4open.science/r/AutoSculpt-DDA0
Abstract:In compute-first networking, maintaining fresh and accurate status information at the network edge is crucial for effective access to remote services. This process typically involves three phases: Status updating, user accessing, and user requesting. However, current studies on status effectiveness, such as Age of Information at Query (QAoI), do not comprehensively cover all these phases. Therefore, this paper introduces a novel metric, TPAoI, aimed at optimizing update decisions by measuring the freshness of service status. The stochastic nature of edge environments, characterized by unpredictable communication delays in updating, requesting, and user access times, poses a significant challenge when modeling. To address this, we model the problem as a Markov Decision Process (MDP) and employ a Dueling Double Deep Q-Network (D3QN) algorithm for optimization. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed TPAoI metric effectively minimizes AoI, ensuring timely and reliable service updates in dynamic edge environments. Results indicate that TPAoI reduces AoI by an average of 47\% compared to QAoI metrics and decreases update frequency by an average of 48\% relative to conventional AoI metrics, showing significant improvement.
Abstract:Shared-account Sequential Recommendation (SSR) aims to provide personalized recommendations for accounts shared by multiple users with varying sequential preferences. Previous studies on SSR struggle to capture the fine-grained associations between interactions and different latent users within the shared account's hybrid sequences. Moreover, most existing SSR methods (e.g., RNN-based or GCN-based methods) have quadratic computational complexities, hindering the deployment of SSRs on resource-constrained devices. To this end, we propose a Lightweight Graph Capsule Convolutional Network with subspace alignment for shared-account sequential recommendation, named LightGC$^2$N. Specifically, we devise a lightweight graph capsule convolutional network. It facilitates the fine-grained matching between interactions and latent users by attentively propagating messages on the capsule graphs. Besides, we present an efficient subspace alignment method. This method refines the sequence representations and then aligns them with the finely clustered preferences of latent users. The experimental results on four real-world datasets indicate that LightGC$^2$N outperforms nine state-of-the-art methods in accuracy and efficiency.
Abstract:Graph anomaly detection (GAD) is a critical task in graph machine learning, with the primary objective of identifying anomalous nodes that deviate significantly from the majority. This task is widely applied in various real-world scenarios, including fraud detection and social network analysis. However, existing GAD methods still face two major challenges: (1) They are often limited to detecting anomalies in single-type interaction graphs and struggle with multiple interaction types in multiplex heterogeneous graphs; (2) In unsupervised scenarios, selecting appropriate anomaly score thresholds remains a significant challenge for accurate anomaly detection. To address the above challenges, we propose a novel Unsupervised Multiplex Graph Anomaly Detection method, named UMGAD. We first learn multi-relational correlations among nodes in multiplex heterogeneous graphs and capture anomaly information during node attribute and structure reconstruction through graph-masked autoencoder (GMAE). Then, to further weaken the influence of noise and redundant information on abnormal information extraction, we generate attribute-level and subgraph-level augmented-view graphs respectively, and perform attribute and structure reconstruction through GMAE. Finally, We learn to optimize node attributes and structural features through contrastive learning between original-view and augmented-view graphs to improve the model's ability to capture anomalies. Meanwhile, we also propose a new anomaly score threshold selection strategy, which allows the model to be independent of the ground truth in real unsupervised scenarios. Extensive experiments on four datasets show that our \model significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods, achieving average improvements of 13.48% in AUC and 11.68% in Macro-F1 across all datasets.
Abstract:Rating is a typical user explicit feedback that visually reflects how much a user likes a related item. The (rating) matrix completion is essentially a rating prediction process, which is also a significant problem in recommender systems. Recently, graph neural networks (GNNs) have been widely used in matrix completion, which captures users' preferences over items by formulating a rating matrix as a bipartite graph. However, existing methods are susceptible due to data sparsity and long-tail distribution in real-world scenarios. Moreover, the messaging mechanism of GNNs makes it difficult to capture high-order correlations and constraints between nodes, which are essentially useful in recommendation tasks. To tackle these challenges, we propose a Multi-Channel Hypergraph Contrastive Learning framework for matrix completion, named MHCL. Specifically, MHCL adaptively learns hypergraph structures to capture high-order correlations between nodes and jointly captures local and global collaborative relationships through attention-based cross-view aggregation. Additionally, to consider the magnitude and order information of ratings, we treat different rating subgraphs as different channels, encourage alignment between adjacent ratings, and further achieve the mutual enhancement between different ratings through multi-channel cross-rating contrastive learning. Extensive experiments on five public datasets demonstrate that the proposed method significantly outperforms the current state-of-the-art approaches.
Abstract:Efficient recommender systems play a crucial role in accurately capturing user and item attributes that mirror individual preferences. Some existing recommendation techniques have started to shift their focus towards modeling various types of interaction relations between users and items in real-world recommendation scenarios, such as clicks, marking favorites, and purchases on online shopping platforms. Nevertheless, these approaches still grapple with two significant shortcomings: (1) Insufficient modeling and exploitation of the impact of various behavior patterns formed by multiplex relations between users and items on representation learning, and (2) ignoring the effect of different relations in the behavior patterns on the target relation in recommender system scenarios. In this study, we introduce a novel recommendation framework, Dual-Channel Multiplex Graph Neural Network (DCMGNN), which addresses the aforementioned challenges. It incorporates an explicit behavior pattern representation learner to capture the behavior patterns composed of multiplex user-item interaction relations, and includes a relation chain representation learning and a relation chain-aware encoder to discover the impact of various auxiliary relations on the target relation, the dependencies between different relations, and mine the appropriate order of relations in a behavior pattern. Extensive experiments on three real-world datasets demonstrate that our \model surpasses various state-of-the-art recommendation methods. It outperforms the best baselines by 10.06\% and 12.15\% on average across all datasets in terms of R@10 and N@10 respectively.
Abstract:Trajectory computing is a pivotal domain encompassing trajectory data management and mining, garnering widespread attention due to its crucial role in various practical applications such as location services, urban traffic, and public safety. Traditional methods, focusing on simplistic spatio-temporal features, face challenges of complex calculations, limited scalability, and inadequate adaptability to real-world complexities. In this paper, we present a comprehensive review of the development and recent advances in deep learning for trajectory computing (DL4Traj). We first define trajectory data and provide a brief overview of widely-used deep learning models. Systematically, we explore deep learning applications in trajectory management (pre-processing, storage, analysis, and visualization) and mining (trajectory-related forecasting, trajectory-related recommendation, trajectory classification, travel time estimation, anomaly detection, and mobility generation). Notably, we encapsulate recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) that hold the potential to augment trajectory computing. Additionally, we summarize application scenarios, public datasets, and toolkits. Finally, we outline current challenges in DL4Traj research and propose future directions. Relevant papers and open-source resources have been collated and are continuously updated at: \href{https://github.com/yoshall/Awesome-Trajectory-Computing}{DL4Traj Repo}.
Abstract:Time series data has been demonstrated to be crucial in various research fields. The management of large quantities of time series data presents challenges in terms of deep learning tasks, particularly for training a deep neural network. Recently, a technique named \textit{Dataset Condensation} has emerged as a solution to this problem. This technique generates a smaller synthetic dataset that has comparable performance to the full real dataset in downstream tasks such as classification. However, previous methods are primarily designed for image and graph datasets, and directly adapting them to the time series dataset leads to suboptimal performance due to their inability to effectively leverage the rich information inherent in time series data, particularly in the frequency domain. In this paper, we propose a novel framework named Dataset \textit{\textbf{Cond}}ensation for \textit{\textbf{T}}ime \textit{\textbf{S}}eries \textit{\textbf{C}}lassification via Dual Domain Matching (\textbf{CondTSC}) which focuses on the time series classification dataset condensation task. Different from previous methods, our proposed framework aims to generate a condensed dataset that matches the surrogate objectives in both the time and frequency domains. Specifically, CondTSC incorporates multi-view data augmentation, dual domain training, and dual surrogate objectives to enhance the dataset condensation process in the time and frequency domains. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework, which outperforms other baselines and learns a condensed synthetic dataset that exhibits desirable characteristics such as conforming to the distribution of the original data.
Abstract:Traffic forecasting is crucial for intelligent transportation systems (ITS), aiding in efficient resource allocation and effective traffic control. However, its effectiveness often relies heavily on abundant traffic data, while many cities lack sufficient data due to limited device support, posing a significant challenge for traffic forecasting. Recognizing this challenge, we have made a noteworthy observation: traffic patterns exhibit similarities across diverse cities. Building on this key insight, we propose a solution for the cross-city few-shot traffic forecasting problem called Multi-scale Traffic Pattern Bank (MTPB). Primarily, MTPB initiates its learning process by leveraging data-rich source cities, effectively acquiring comprehensive traffic knowledge through a spatial-temporal-aware pre-training process. Subsequently, the framework employs advanced clustering techniques to systematically generate a multi-scale traffic pattern bank derived from the learned knowledge. Next, the traffic data of the data-scarce target city could query the traffic pattern bank, facilitating the aggregation of meta-knowledge. This meta-knowledge, in turn, assumes a pivotal role as a robust guide in subsequent processes involving graph reconstruction and forecasting. Empirical assessments conducted on real-world traffic datasets affirm the superior performance of MTPB, surpassing existing methods across various categories and exhibiting numerous attributes conducive to the advancement of cross-city few-shot forecasting methodologies. The code is available in https://github.com/zhyliu00/MTPB.