Abstract:With the wide application of deep neural network models in various computer vision tasks, there has been a proliferation of adversarial example generation strategies aimed at deeply exploring model security. However, existing adversarial training defense models, which rely on single or limited types of attacks under a one-time learning process, struggle to adapt to the dynamic and evolving nature of attack methods. Therefore, to achieve defense performance improvements for models in long-term applications, we propose a novel Sustainable Self-Evolution Adversarial Training (SSEAT) framework. Specifically, we introduce a continual adversarial defense pipeline to realize learning from various kinds of adversarial examples across multiple stages. Additionally, to address the issue of model catastrophic forgetting caused by continual learning from ongoing novel attacks, we propose an adversarial data replay module to better select more diverse and key relearning data. Furthermore, we design a consistency regularization strategy to encourage current defense models to learn more from previously trained ones, guiding them to retain more past knowledge and maintain accuracy on clean samples. Extensive experiments have been conducted to verify the efficacy of the proposed SSEAT defense method, which demonstrates superior defense performance and classification accuracy compared to competitors.
Abstract:Reconstructing 3D visuals from functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) data, introduced as Recon3DMind in our conference work, is of significant interest to both cognitive neuroscience and computer vision. To advance this task, we present the fMRI-3D dataset, which includes data from 15 participants and showcases a total of 4768 3D objects. The dataset comprises two components: fMRI-Shape, previously introduced and accessible at https://huggingface.co/datasets/Fudan-fMRI/fMRI-Shape, and fMRI-Objaverse, proposed in this paper and available at https://huggingface.co/datasets/Fudan-fMRI/fMRI-Objaverse. fMRI-Objaverse includes data from 5 subjects, 4 of whom are also part of the Core set in fMRI-Shape, with each subject viewing 3142 3D objects across 117 categories, all accompanied by text captions. This significantly enhances the diversity and potential applications of the dataset. Additionally, we propose MinD-3D, a novel framework designed to decode 3D visual information from fMRI signals. The framework first extracts and aggregates features from fMRI data using a neuro-fusion encoder, then employs a feature-bridge diffusion model to generate visual features, and finally reconstructs the 3D object using a generative transformer decoder. We establish new benchmarks by designing metrics at both semantic and structural levels to evaluate model performance. Furthermore, we assess our model's effectiveness in an Out-of-Distribution setting and analyze the attribution of the extracted features and the visual ROIs in fMRI signals. Our experiments demonstrate that MinD-3D not only reconstructs 3D objects with high semantic and spatial accuracy but also deepens our understanding of how human brain processes 3D visual information. Project page at: https://jianxgao.github.io/MinD-3D.
Abstract:Existing person re-identification (Re-ID) methods principally deploy the ImageNet-1K dataset for model initialization, which inevitably results in sub-optimal situations due to the large domain gap. One of the key challenges is that building large-scale person Re-ID datasets is time-consuming. Some previous efforts address this problem by collecting person images from the internet e.g., LUPerson, but it struggles to learn from unlabeled, uncontrollable, and noisy data. In this paper, we present a novel paradigm Diffusion-ReID to efficiently augment and generate diverse images based on known identities without requiring any cost of data collection and annotation. Technically, this paradigm unfolds in two stages: generation and filtering. During the generation stage, we propose Language Prompts Enhancement (LPE) to ensure the ID consistency between the input image sequence and the generated images. In the diffusion process, we propose a Diversity Injection (DI) module to increase attribute diversity. In order to make the generated data have higher quality, we apply a Re-ID confidence threshold filter to further remove the low-quality images. Benefiting from our proposed paradigm, we first create a new large-scale person Re-ID dataset Diff-Person, which consists of over 777K images from 5,183 identities. Next, we build a stronger person Re-ID backbone pre-trained on our Diff-Person. Extensive experiments are conducted on four person Re-ID benchmarks in six widely used settings. Compared with other pre-training and self-supervised competitors, our approach shows significant superiority.
Abstract:Lifelong Person Re-Identification (LReID) extends traditional ReID by requiring systems to continually learn from non-overlapping datasets across different times and locations, adapting to new identities while preserving knowledge of previous ones. Existing approaches, either rehearsal-free or rehearsal-based, still suffer from the problem of catastrophic forgetting since they try to cram diverse knowledge into one fixed model. To overcome this limitation, we introduce a novel framework AdalReID, that adopts knowledge adapters and a parameter-free auto-selection mechanism for lifelong learning. Concretely, we incrementally build distinct adapters to learn domain-specific knowledge at each step, which can effectively learn and preserve knowledge across different datasets. Meanwhile, the proposed auto-selection strategy adaptively calculates the knowledge similarity between the input set and the adapters. On the one hand, the appropriate adapters are selected for the inputs to process ReID, and on the other hand, the knowledge interaction and fusion between adapters are enhanced to improve the generalization ability of the model. Extensive experiments are conducted to demonstrate the superiority of our AdalReID, which significantly outperforms SOTAs by about 10$\sim$20\% mAP on both seen and unseen domains.
Abstract:Amodal object completion is a complex task that involves predicting the invisible parts of an object based on visible segments and background information. Learning shape priors is crucial for effective amodal completion, but traditional methods often rely on two-stage processes or additional information, leading to inefficiencies and potential error accumulation. To address these shortcomings, we introduce a novel framework named the Hyper-Transformer Amodal Network (H-TAN). This framework utilizes a hyper transformer equipped with a dynamic convolution head to directly learn shape priors and accurately predict amodal masks. Specifically, H-TAN uses a dual-branch structure to extract multi-scale features from both images and masks. The multi-scale features from the image branch guide the hyper transformer in learning shape priors and in generating the weights for dynamic convolution tailored to each instance. The dynamic convolution head then uses the features from the mask branch to predict precise amodal masks. We extensively evaluate our model on three benchmark datasets: KINS, COCOA-cls, and D2SA, where H-TAN demonstrated superior performance compared to existing methods. Additional experiments validate the effectiveness and stability of the novel hyper transformer in our framework.
Abstract:In real-world scenarios, person Re-IDentification (Re-ID) systems need to be adaptable to changes in space and time. Therefore, the adaptation of Re-ID models to new domains while preserving previously acquired knowledge is crucial, known as Lifelong person Re-IDentification (LReID). Advanced LReID methods rely on replaying exemplars from old domains and applying knowledge distillation in logits with old models. However, due to privacy concerns, retaining previous data is inappropriate. Additionally, the fine-grained and open-set characteristics of Re-ID limit the effectiveness of the distillation paradigm for accumulating knowledge. We argue that a Re-ID model trained on diverse and challenging pedestrian images at a large scale can acquire robust and general human semantic knowledge. These semantics can be readily utilized as shared knowledge for lifelong applications. In this paper, we identify the challenges and discrepancies associated with adapting a pre-trained model to each application domain, and introduce the Distribution Aligned Semantics Adaption (DASA) framework. It efficiently adjusts Batch Normalization (BN) to mitigate interference from data distribution discrepancy and freezes the pre-trained convolutional layers to preserve shared knowledge. Additionally, we propose the lightweight Semantics Adaption (SA) module, which effectively adapts learned semantics to enhance pedestrian representations. Extensive experiments demonstrate the remarkable superiority of our proposed framework over advanced LReID methods, and it exhibits significantly reduced storage consumption. DASA presents a novel and cost-effective perspective on effectively adapting pre-trained models for LReID.
Abstract:Cloth-changing person Re-IDentification (Re-ID) aims at recognizing the same person with clothing changes across non-overlapping cameras. Conventional person Re-ID methods usually bias the model's focus on cloth-related appearance features rather than identity-sensitive features associated with biological traits. Recently, advanced cloth-changing person Re-ID methods either resort to identity-related auxiliary modalities (e.g., sketches, silhouettes, keypoints and 3D shapes) or clothing labels to mitigate the impact of clothes. However, relying on unpractical and inflexible auxiliary modalities or annotations limits their real-world applicability. In this paper, we promote cloth-changing person Re-ID by effectively leveraging abundant semantics present within pedestrian images without the need for any auxiliaries. Specifically, we propose the Content and Salient Semantics Collaboration (CSSC) framework, facilitating cross-parallel semantics interaction and refinement. Our framework is simple yet effective, and the vital design is the Semantics Mining and Refinement (SMR) module. It extracts robust identity features about content and salient semantics, while mitigating interference from clothing appearances effectively. By capitalizing on the mined abundant semantic features, our proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on three cloth-changing benchmarks as well as conventional benchmarks, demonstrating its superiority over advanced competitors.
Abstract:With the continuous expansion of intelligent surveillance networks, lifelong person re-identification (LReID) has received widespread attention, pursuing the need of self-evolution across different domains. However, existing LReID studies accumulate knowledge with the assumption that people would not change their clothes. In this paper, we propose a more practical task, namely lifelong person re-identification with hybrid clothing states (LReID-Hybrid), which takes a series of cloth-changing and cloth-consistent domains into account during lifelong learning. To tackle the challenges of knowledge granularity mismatch and knowledge presentation mismatch that occurred in LReID-Hybrid, we take advantage of the consistency and generalization of the text space, and propose a novel framework, dubbed $Teata$, to effectively align, transfer and accumulate knowledge in an "image-text-image" closed loop. Concretely, to achieve effective knowledge transfer, we design a Structured Semantic Prompt (SSP) learning to decompose the text prompt into several structured pairs to distill knowledge from the image space with a unified granularity of text description. Then, we introduce a Knowledge Adaptation and Projection strategy (KAP), which tunes text knowledge via a slow-paced learner to adapt to different tasks without catastrophic forgetting. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our proposed $Teata$ for LReID-Hybrid as well as on conventional LReID benchmarks over advanced methods.
Abstract:Recent fMRI-to-image approaches mainly focused on associating fMRI signals with specific conditions of pre-trained diffusion models. These approaches, while producing high-quality images, capture only a limited aspect of the complex information in fMRI signals and offer little detailed control over image creation. In contrast, this paper proposes to directly modulate the generation process of diffusion models using fMRI signals. Our approach, NeuroPictor, divides the fMRI-to-image process into three steps: i) fMRI calibrated-encoding, to tackle multi-individual pre-training for a shared latent space to minimize individual difference and enable the subsequent cross-subject training; ii) fMRI-to-image cross-subject pre-training, perceptually learning to guide diffusion model with high- and low-level conditions across different individuals; iii) fMRI-to-image single-subject refining, similar with step ii but focus on adapting to particular individual. NeuroPictor extracts high-level semantic features from fMRI signals that characterizing the visual stimulus and incrementally fine-tunes the diffusion model with a low-level manipulation network to provide precise structural instructions. By training with over 60,000 fMRI-image pairs from various individuals, our model enjoys superior fMRI-to-image decoding capacity, particularly in the within-subject setting, as evidenced in benchmark datasets. Project page: https://jingyanghuo.github.io/neuropictor/.
Abstract:Auto-regressive models have achieved impressive results in 2D image generation by modeling joint distributions in grid space. In this paper, we extend auto-regressive models to 3D domains, and seek a stronger ability of 3D shape generation by improving auto-regressive models at capacity and scalability simultaneously. Firstly, we leverage an ensemble of publicly available 3D datasets to facilitate the training of large-scale models. It consists of a comprehensive collection of approximately 900,000 objects, with multiple properties of meshes, points, voxels, rendered images, and text captions. This diverse labeled dataset, termed Objaverse-Mix, empowers our model to learn from a wide range of object variations. However, directly applying 3D auto-regression encounters critical challenges of high computational demands on volumetric grids and ambiguous auto-regressive order along grid dimensions, resulting in inferior quality of 3D shapes. To this end, we then present a novel framework Argus3D in terms of capacity. Concretely, our approach introduces discrete representation learning based on a latent vector instead of volumetric grids, which not only reduces computational costs but also preserves essential geometric details by learning the joint distributions in a more tractable order. The capacity of conditional generation can thus be realized by simply concatenating various conditioning inputs to the latent vector, such as point clouds, categories, images, and texts. In addition, thanks to the simplicity of our model architecture, we naturally scale up our approach to a larger model with an impressive 3.6 billion parameters, further enhancing the quality of versatile 3D generation. Extensive experiments on four generation tasks demonstrate that Argus3D can synthesize diverse and faithful shapes across multiple categories, achieving remarkable performance.