Abstract:Pansharpening aims to generate a high spatial resolution multispectral image (HRMS) by fusing a low spatial resolution multispectral image (LRMS) and a panchromatic image (PAN). The most challenging issue for this task is that only the to-be-fused LRMS and PAN are available, and the existing deep learning-based methods are unsuitable since they rely on many training pairs. Traditional variational optimization (VO) based methods are well-suited for addressing such a problem. They focus on carefully designing explicit fusion rules as well as regularizations for an optimization problem, which are based on the researcher's discovery of the image relationships and image structures. Unlike previous VO-based methods, in this work, we explore such complex relationships by a parameterized term rather than a manually designed one. Specifically, we propose a zero-shot pansharpening method by introducing a neural network into the optimization objective. This network estimates a representation component of HRMS, which mainly describes the relationship between HRMS and PAN. In this way, the network achieves a similar goal to the so-called deep image prior because it implicitly regulates the relationship between the HRMS and PAN images through its inherent structure. We directly minimize this optimization objective via network parameters and the expected HRMS image through iterative updating. Extensive experiments on various benchmark datasets demonstrate that our proposed method can achieve better performance compared with other state-of-the-art methods. The codes are available at https://github.com/xyrui/PSDip.
Abstract:Hyperspectral image (HSI) restoration aims at recovering clean images from degraded observations and plays a vital role in downstream tasks. Existing model-based methods have limitations in accurately modeling the complex image characteristics with handcraft priors, and deep learning-based methods suffer from poor generalization ability. To alleviate these issues, this paper proposes an unsupervised HSI restoration framework with pre-trained diffusion model (HIR-Diff), which restores the clean HSIs from the product of two low-rank components, i.e., the reduced image and the coefficient matrix. Specifically, the reduced image, which has a low spectral dimension, lies in the image field and can be inferred from our improved diffusion model where a new guidance function with total variation (TV) prior is designed to ensure that the reduced image can be well sampled. The coefficient matrix can be effectively pre-estimated based on singular value decomposition (SVD) and rank-revealing QR (RRQR) factorization. Furthermore, a novel exponential noise schedule is proposed to accelerate the restoration process (about 5$\times$ acceleration for denoising) with little performance decrease. Extensive experimental results validate the superiority of our method in both performance and speed on a variety of HSI restoration tasks, including HSI denoising, noisy HSI super-resolution, and noisy HSI inpainting. The code is available at https://github.com/LiPang/HIRDiff.
Abstract:Deep neural networks have achieved remarkable progress in enhancing low-light images by improving their brightness and eliminating noise. However, most existing methods construct end-to-end mapping networks heuristically, neglecting the intrinsic prior of image enhancement task and lacking transparency and interpretability. Although some unfolding solutions have been proposed to relieve these issues, they rely on proximal operator networks that deliver ambiguous and implicit priors. In this work, we propose a paradigm for low-light image enhancement that explores the potential of customized learnable priors to improve the transparency of the deep unfolding paradigm. Motivated by the powerful feature representation capability of Masked Autoencoder (MAE), we customize MAE-based illumination and noise priors and redevelop them from two perspectives: 1) \textbf{structure flow}: we train the MAE from a normal-light image to its illumination properties and then embed it into the proximal operator design of the unfolding architecture; and m2) \textbf{optimization flow}: we train MAE from a normal-light image to its gradient representation and then employ it as a regularization term to constrain noise in the model output. These designs improve the interpretability and representation capability of the model.Extensive experiments on multiple low-light image enhancement datasets demonstrate the superiority of our proposed paradigm over state-of-the-art methods. Code is available at https://github.com/zheng980629/CUE.
Abstract:Hyperspectral image (HSI) denoising is essentially ill-posed since a noisy HSI can be degraded from multiple clean HSIs. However, current deep learning-based approaches ignore this fact and restore the clean image with deterministic mapping (i.e., the network receives a noisy HSI and outputs a clean HSI). To alleviate this issue, this paper proposes a flow-based HSI denoising network (HIDFlowNet) to directly learn the conditional distribution of the clean HSI given the noisy HSI and thus diverse clean HSIs can be sampled from the conditional distribution. Overall, our HIDFlowNet is induced from the flow methodology and contains an invertible decoder and a conditional encoder, which can fully decouple the learning of low-frequency and high-frequency information of HSI. Specifically, the invertible decoder is built by staking a succession of invertible conditional blocks (ICBs) to capture the local high-frequency details since the invertible network is information-lossless. The conditional encoder utilizes down-sampling operations to obtain low-resolution images and uses transformers to capture correlations over a long distance so that global low-frequency information can be effectively extracted. Extensive experimental results on simulated and real HSI datasets verify the superiority of our proposed HIDFlowNet compared with other state-of-the-art methods both quantitatively and visually.
Abstract:Pansharpening is a process of merging a highresolution panchromatic (PAN) image and a low-resolution multispectral (LRMS) image to create a single high-resolution multispectral (HRMS) image. Most of the existing deep learningbased pansharpening methods have poor generalization ability and the traditional model-based pansharpening methods need careful manual exploration for the image structure prior. To alleviate these issues, this paper proposes an unsupervised pansharpening method by combining the diffusion model with the low-rank matrix factorization technique. Specifically, we assume that the HRMS image is decomposed into the product of two low-rank tensors, i.e., the base tensor and the coefficient matrix. The base tensor lies on the image field and has low spectral dimension, we can thus conveniently utilize a pre-trained remote sensing diffusion model to capture its image structures. Additionally, we derive a simple yet quite effective way to preestimate the coefficient matrix from the observed LRMS image, which preserves the spectral information of the HRMS. Extensive experimental results on some benchmark datasets demonstrate that our proposed method performs better than traditional model-based approaches and has better generalization ability than deep learning-based techniques. The code is released in https://github.com/xyrui/PLRDiff.
Abstract:In this paper, orthogonal to the existing data and model studies, we instead resort our efforts to investigate the potential of loss function in a new perspective and present our belief ``Random Weights Networks can Be Acted as Loss Prior Constraint for Image Restoration''. Inspired by Functional theory, we provide several alternative solutions to implement our belief in the strict mathematical manifolds including Taylor's Unfolding Network, Invertible Neural Network, Central Difference Convolution and Zero-order Filtering as ``random weights network prototype'' with respect of the following four levels: 1) the different random weights strategies; 2) the different network architectures, \emph{eg,} pure convolution layer or transformer; 3) the different network architecture depths; 4) the different numbers of random weights network combination. Furthermore, to enlarge the capability of the randomly initialized manifolds, we devise the manner of random weights in the following two variants: 1) the weights are randomly initialized only once during the whole training procedure; 2) the weights are randomly initialized at each training iteration epoch. Our propose belief can be directly inserted into existing networks without any training and testing computational cost. Extensive experiments across multiple image restoration tasks, including image de-noising, low-light image enhancement, guided image super-resolution demonstrate the consistent performance gains obtained by introducing our belief. To emphasize, our main focus is to spark the realms of loss function and save their current neglected status. Code will be publicly available.
Abstract:Mining structural priors in data is a widely recognized technique for hyperspectral image (HSI) denoising tasks, whose typical ways include model-based methods and data-based methods. The model-based methods have good generalization ability, while the runtime cannot meet the fast processing requirements of the practical situations due to the large size of an HSI data $ \mathbf{X} \in \mathbb{R}^{MN\times B}$. For the data-based methods, they perform very fast on new test data once they have been trained. However, their generalization ability is always insufficient. In this paper, we propose a fast model-based HSI denoising approach. Specifically, we propose a novel regularizer named Representative Coefficient Total Variation (RCTV) to simultaneously characterize the low rank and local smooth properties. The RCTV regularizer is proposed based on the observation that the representative coefficient matrix $\mathbf{U}\in\mathbb{R}^{MN\times R} (R\ll B)$ obtained by orthogonally transforming the original HSI $\mathbf{X}$ can inherit the strong local-smooth prior of $\mathbf{X}$. Since $R/B$ is very small, the HSI denoising model based on the RCTV regularizer has lower time complexity. Additionally, we find that the representative coefficient matrix $\mathbf{U}$ is robust to noise, and thus the RCTV regularizer can somewhat promote the robustness of the HSI denoising model. Extensive experiments on mixed noise removal demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method both in denoising performance and denoising speed compared with other state-of-the-art methods. Remarkably, the denoising speed of our proposed method outperforms all the model-based techniques and is comparable with the deep learning-based approaches.