Abstract:Reinforcement Learning (RL) based methods have been increasingly explored for robot learning. However, RL based methods often suffer from low sampling efficiency in the exploration phase, especially for long-horizon manipulation tasks, and generally neglect the semantic information from the task level, resulted in a delayed convergence or even tasks failure. To tackle these challenges, we propose a Temporal-Logic-guided Hybrid policy framework (HyTL) which leverages three-level decision layers to improve the agent's performance. Specifically, the task specifications are encoded via linear temporal logic (LTL) to improve performance and offer interpretability. And a waypoints planning module is designed with the feedback from the LTL-encoded task level as a high-level policy to improve the exploration efficiency. The middle-level policy selects which behavior primitives to execute, and the low-level policy specifies the corresponding parameters to interact with the environment. We evaluate HyTL on four challenging manipulation tasks, which demonstrate its effectiveness and interpretability. Our project is available at: https://sites.google.com/view/hytl-0257/.
Abstract:To enable robots to use tools, the initial step is teaching robots to employ dexterous gestures for touching specific areas precisely where tasks are performed. Affordance features of objects serve as a bridge in the functional interaction between agents and objects. However, leveraging these affordance cues to help robots achieve functional tool grasping remains unresolved. To address this, we propose a granularity-aware affordance feature extraction method for locating functional affordance areas and predicting dexterous coarse gestures. We study the intrinsic mechanisms of human tool use. On one hand, we use fine-grained affordance features of object-functional finger contact areas to locate functional affordance regions. On the other hand, we use highly activated coarse-grained affordance features in hand-object interaction regions to predict grasp gestures. Additionally, we introduce a model-based post-processing module that includes functional finger coordinate localization, finger-to-end coordinate transformation, and force feedback-based coarse-to-fine grasping. This forms a complete dexterous robotic functional grasping framework GAAF-Dex, which learns Granularity-Aware Affordances from human-object interaction for tool-based Functional grasping in Dexterous Robotics. Unlike fully-supervised methods that require extensive data annotation, we employ a weakly supervised approach to extract relevant cues from exocentric (Exo) images of hand-object interactions to supervise feature extraction in egocentric (Ego) images. We have constructed a small-scale dataset, FAH, which includes near 6K images of functional hand-object interaction Exo- and Ego images of 18 commonly used tools performing 6 tasks. Extensive experiments on the dataset demonstrate our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods. The code will be made publicly available at https://github.com/yangfan293/GAAF-DEX.