INRIA Saclay - Ile de France, LTCI
Abstract:Learning well-separated features in high-dimensional spaces, such as text or image embeddings, is crucial for many machine learning applications. Achieving such separation can be effectively accomplished through the dispersion of embeddings, where unrelated vectors are pushed apart as much as possible. By constraining features to be on a hypersphere, we can connect dispersion to well-studied problems in mathematics and physics, where optimal solutions are known for limited low-dimensional cases. However, in representation learning we typically deal with a large number of features in high-dimensional space, and moreover, dispersion is usually traded off with some other task-oriented training objective, making existing theoretical and numerical solutions inapplicable. Therefore, it is common to rely on gradient-based methods to encourage dispersion, usually by minimizing some function of the pairwise distances. In this work, we first give an overview of existing methods from disconnected literature, making new connections and highlighting similarities. Next, we introduce some new angles. We propose to reinterpret pairwise dispersion using a maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) motivation. We then propose an online variant of the celebrated Lloyd's algorithm, of K-Means fame, as an effective alternative regularizer for dispersion on generic domains. Finally, we derive a novel dispersion method that directly exploits properties of the hypersphere. Our experiments show the importance of dispersion in image classification and natural language processing tasks, and how algorithms exhibit different trade-offs in different regimes.
Abstract:Associative memory models, such as Hopfield networks and their modern variants, have garnered renewed interest due to advancements in memory capacity and connections with self-attention in transformers. In this work, we introduce a unified framework-Hopfield-Fenchel-Young networks-which generalizes these models to a broader family of energy functions. Our energies are formulated as the difference between two Fenchel-Young losses: one, parameterized by a generalized entropy, defines the Hopfield scoring mechanism, while the other applies a post-transformation to the Hopfield output. By utilizing Tsallis and norm entropies, we derive end-to-end differentiable update rules that enable sparse transformations, uncovering new connections between loss margins, sparsity, and exact retrieval of single memory patterns. We further extend this framework to structured Hopfield networks using the SparseMAP transformation, allowing the retrieval of pattern associations rather than a single pattern. Our framework unifies and extends traditional and modern Hopfield networks and provides an energy minimization perspective for widely used post-transformations like $\ell_2$-normalization and layer normalization-all through suitable choices of Fenchel-Young losses and by using convex analysis as a building block. Finally, we validate our Hopfield-Fenchel-Young networks on diverse memory recall tasks, including free and sequential recall. Experiments on simulated data, image retrieval, multiple instance learning, and text rationalization demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
Abstract:Speech recognition performance varies by language, domain, and speaker characteristics such as accent, and fine-tuning a model on any of these categories may lead to catastrophic forgetting. $k$ nearest neighbor search ($k$NN), first proposed for neural sequence decoders for natural language generation (NLG) and machine translation (MT), is a non-parametric method that can instead adapt by building an external datastore that can then be searched during inference time, without training the underlying model. We show that Whisper, a transformer end-to-end speech model, benefits from $k$NN. We investigate the differences between the speech and text setups. We discuss implications for speaker adaptation, and analyze improvements by gender, accent, and age.
Abstract:Large language models (LLM) are increasingly strong contenders in machine translation. We study document-level translation, where some words cannot be translated without context from outside the sentence. We investigate the ability of prominent LLMs to utilize context by analyzing models' robustness to perturbed and randomized document context. We find that LLMs' improved document-translation performance is not always reflected in pronoun translation performance. We highlight the need for context-aware finetuning of LLMs with a focus on relevant parts of the context to improve their reliability for document-level translation.
Abstract:Language models trained on large amounts of data require careful tuning to be safely deployed in real world. We revisit the guided decoding paradigm, where the goal is to augment the logits of the base language model using the scores from a task-specific reward model. We propose a simple but efficient parameterization of the autoregressive reward model enabling fast and effective guided decoding. On detoxification and sentiment control tasks, we show that our efficient parameterization performs on par with RAD, a strong but less efficient guided decoding approach.
Abstract:Modern Hopfield networks have enjoyed recent interest due to their connection to attention in transformers. Our paper provides a unified framework for sparse Hopfield networks by establishing a link with Fenchel-Young losses. The result is a new family of Hopfield-Fenchel-Young energies whose update rules are end-to-end differentiable sparse transformations. We reveal a connection between loss margins, sparsity, and exact memory retrieval. We further extend this framework to structured Hopfield networks via the SparseMAP transformation, which can retrieve pattern associations instead of a single pattern. Experiments on multiple instance learning and text rationalization demonstrate the usefulness of our approach.
Abstract:Document-level translation models are usually evaluated using general metrics such as BLEU, which are not informative about the benefits of context. Current work on context-aware evaluation, such as contrastive methods, only measure translation accuracy on words that need context for disambiguation. Such measures cannot reveal whether the translation model uses the correct supporting context. We propose to complement accuracy-based evaluation with measures of context utilization. We find that perturbation-based analysis (comparing models' performance when provided with correct versus random context) is an effective measure of overall context utilization. For a finer-grained phenomenon-specific evaluation, we propose to measure how much the supporting context contributes to handling context-dependent discourse phenomena. We show that automatically-annotated supporting context gives similar conclusions to human-annotated context and can be used as alternative for cases where human annotations are not available. Finally, we highlight the importance of using discourse-rich datasets when assessing context utilization.
Abstract:Continuous-output neural machine translation (CoNMT) replaces the discrete next-word prediction problem with an embedding prediction. The semantic structure of the target embedding space (i.e., closeness of related words) is intuitively believed to be crucial. We challenge this assumption and show that completely random output embeddings can outperform laboriously pretrained ones, especially on larger datasets. Further investigation shows this surprising effect is strongest for rare words, due to the geometry of their embeddings. We shed further light on this finding by designing a mixed strategy that combines random and pre-trained embeddings for different tokens.
Abstract:Despite the tremendous success of Neural Machine Translation (NMT), its performance on low-resource language pairs still remains subpar, partly due to the limited ability to handle previously unseen inputs, i.e., generalization. In this paper, we propose a method called Joint Dropout, that addresses the challenge of low-resource neural machine translation by substituting phrases with variables, resulting in significant enhancement of compositionality, which is a key aspect of generalization. We observe a substantial improvement in translation quality for language pairs with minimal resources, as seen in BLEU and Direct Assessment scores. Furthermore, we conduct an error analysis, and find Joint Dropout to also enhance generalizability of low-resource NMT in terms of robustness and adaptability across different domains
Abstract:In this brief note, we formulate Principal Component Analysis (PCA) over datasets consisting not of points but of distributions, characterized by their location and covariance. Just like the usual PCA on points can be equivalently derived via a variance-maximization principle and via a minimization of reconstruction error, we derive a closed-form solution for distributional PCA from both of these perspectives.