Abstract:This paper investigates whether large language models (LLMs) utilize numerical attributes encoded in a low-dimensional subspace of the embedding space when answering logical comparison questions (e.g., Was Cristiano born before Messi?). We first identified these subspaces using partial least squares regression, which effectively encodes the numerical attributes associated with the entities in comparison prompts. Further, we demonstrate causality by intervening in these subspaces to manipulate hidden states, thereby altering the LLM's comparison outcomes. Experimental results show that our findings hold for different numerical attributes, indicating that LLMs utilize the linearly encoded information for numerical reasoning.
Abstract:This paper introduces repetition neurons, regarded as skill neurons responsible for the repetition problem in text generation tasks. These neurons are progressively activated more strongly as repetition continues, indicating that they perceive repetition as a task to copy the previous context repeatedly, similar to in-context learning. We identify these repetition neurons by comparing activation values before and after the onset of repetition in texts generated by recent pre-trained language models. We analyze the repetition neurons in three English and one Japanese pre-trained language models and observe similar patterns across them.
Abstract:Many datasets of natural language processing (NLP) sometimes include annotation errors. Researchers have attempted to develop methods to reduce the adverse effect of errors in datasets automatically. However, an existing method is time-consuming because it requires many trained models to detect errors. We propose a novel method to reduce the time of error detection. Specifically, we use a tokenization technique called subword regularization to create pseudo-multiple models which are used to detect errors. Our proposed method, SubRegWeigh, can perform annotation weighting four to five times faster than the existing method. Additionally, SubRegWeigh improved performance in both document classification and named entity recognition tasks. In experiments with pseudo-incorrect labels, pseudo-incorrect labels were adequately detected.
Abstract:This paper introduces LLM-jp, a cross-organizational project for the research and development of Japanese large language models (LLMs). LLM-jp aims to develop open-source and strong Japanese LLMs, and as of this writing, more than 1,500 participants from academia and industry are working together for this purpose. This paper presents the background of the establishment of LLM-jp, summaries of its activities, and technical reports on the LLMs developed by LLM-jp. For the latest activities, visit https://llm-jp.nii.ac.jp/en/.
Abstract:We explore threshold vocabulary trimming in Byte-Pair Encoding subword tokenization, a postprocessing step that replaces rare subwords with their component subwords. The technique is available in popular tokenization libraries but has not been subjected to rigorous scientific scrutiny. While the removal of rare subwords is suggested as best practice in machine translation implementations, both as a means to reduce model size and for improving model performance through robustness, our experiments indicate that, across a large space of hyperparameter settings, vocabulary trimming fails to improve performance, and is even prone to incurring heavy degradation.
Abstract:Do pretrained language models have knowledge regarding the surface information of tokens? We examined the surface information stored in word or subword embeddings acquired by pretrained language models from the perspectives of token length, substrings, and token constitution. Additionally, we evaluated the ability of models to generate knowledge regarding token surfaces. We focused on 12 pretrained language models that were mainly trained on English and Japanese corpora. Experimental results demonstrate that pretrained language models have knowledge regarding token length and substrings but not token constitution. Additionally, the results imply that there is a bottleneck on the decoder side in terms of effectively utilizing acquired knowledge.
Abstract:Is tractable tokenization for humans also tractable for machine learning models? This study investigates relations between tractable tokenization for humans (e.g., appropriateness and readability) and one for models of machine learning (e.g., performance on an NLP task). We compared six tokenization methods on the Japanese commonsense question-answering dataset (JCommmonsenseQA in JGLUE). We tokenized question texts of the QA dataset with different tokenizers and compared the performance of human annotators and machine-learning models. Besides,we analyze relationships among the performance, appropriateness of tokenization, and response time to questions. This paper provides a quantitative investigation result that shows the tractable tokenizations for humans and machine learning models are not necessarily the same as each other.
Abstract:This paper proposes a method to optimize tokenization for the performance improvement of already trained downstream models. Our method generates tokenization results attaining lower loss values of a given downstream model on the training data for restricting vocabularies and trains a tokenizer reproducing the tokenization results. Therefore, our method can be applied to variety of tokenization methods, while existing work cannot due to the simultaneous learning of the tokenizer and the downstream model. This paper proposes an example of the BiLSTM-based tokenizer with vocabulary restriction, which can capture wider contextual information for the tokenization process than non-neural-based tokenization methods used in existing work. Experimental results on text classification in Japanese, Chinese, and English text classification tasks show that the proposed method improves performance compared to the existing methods for tokenization optimization.
Abstract:We present a subword regularization method for WordPiece, which uses a maximum matching algorithm for tokenization. The proposed method, MaxMatch-Dropout, randomly drops words in a search using the maximum matching algorithm. It realizes finetuning with subword regularization for popular pretrained language models such as BERT-base. The experimental results demonstrate that MaxMatch-Dropout improves the performance of text classification and machine translation tasks as well as other subword regularization methods. Moreover, we provide a comparative analysis of subword regularization methods: subword regularization with SentencePiece (Unigram), BPE-Dropout, and MaxMatch-Dropout.
Abstract:Subword regularizations use multiple subword segmentations during training to improve the robustness of neural machine translation models. In previous subword regularizations, we use multiple segmentations in the training process but use only one segmentation in the inference. In this study, we propose an inference strategy to address this discrepancy. The proposed strategy approximates the marginalized likelihood by using multiple segmentations including the most plausible segmentation and several sampled segmentations. Because the proposed strategy aggregates predictions from several segmentations, we can regard it as a single model ensemble that does not require any additional cost for training. Experimental results show that the proposed strategy improves the performance of models trained with subword regularization in low-resource machine translation tasks.