Abstract:The common practice of preprocessing text before feeding it into NLP models introduces many decision points which have unintended consequences on model performance. In this opinion piece, we focus on the handling of diacritics in texts originating in many languages and scripts. We demonstrate, through several case studies, the adverse effects of inconsistent encoding of diacritized characters and of removing diacritics altogether. We call on the community to adopt simple but necessary steps across all models and toolkits in order to improve handling of diacritized text and, by extension, increase equity in multilingual NLP.
Abstract:Using language models as a remote service entails sending private information to an untrusted provider. In addition, potential eavesdroppers can intercept the messages, thereby exposing the information. In this work, we explore the prospects of avoiding such data exposure at the level of text manipulation. We focus on text classification models, examining various token mapping and contextualized manipulation functions in order to see whether classifier accuracy may be maintained while keeping the original text unrecoverable. We find that although some token mapping functions are easy and straightforward to implement, they heavily influence performance on the downstream task, and via a sophisticated attacker can be reconstructed. In comparison, the contextualized manipulation provides an improvement in performance.
Abstract:The popular subword tokenizers of current language models, such as Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE), are known not to respect morpheme boundaries, which affects the downstream performance of the models. While many improved tokenization algorithms have been proposed, their evaluation and cross-comparison is still an open problem. As a solution, we propose a combined intrinsic-extrinsic evaluation framework for subword tokenization. Intrinsic evaluation is based on our new UniMorph Labeller tool that classifies subword tokenization as either morphological or alien. Extrinsic evaluation, in turn, is performed via the Out-of-Vocabulary Generalization Challenge 1.0 benchmark, which consists of three newly specified downstream text classification tasks. Our empirical findings show that the accuracy of UniMorph Labeller is 98%, and that, in all language models studied (including ALBERT, BERT, RoBERTa, and DeBERTa), alien tokenization leads to poorer generalizations compared to morphological tokenization for semantic compositionality of word meanings.
Abstract:We explore threshold vocabulary trimming in Byte-Pair Encoding subword tokenization, a postprocessing step that replaces rare subwords with their component subwords. The technique is available in popular tokenization libraries but has not been subjected to rigorous scientific scrutiny. While the removal of rare subwords is suggested as best practice in machine translation implementations, both as a means to reduce model size and for improving model performance through robustness, our experiments indicate that, across a large space of hyperparameter settings, vocabulary trimming fails to improve performance, and is even prone to incurring heavy degradation.
Abstract:Neural machine translation (NMT) has progressed rapidly in the past few years, promising improvements and quality translations for different languages. Evaluation of this task is crucial to determine the quality of the translation. Overall, insufficient emphasis is placed on the actual sense of the translation in traditional methods. We propose a bidirectional semantic-based evaluation method designed to assess the sense distance of the translation from the source text. This approach employs the comprehensive multilingual encyclopedic dictionary BabelNet. Through the calculation of the semantic distance between the source and its back translation of the output, our method introduces a quantifiable approach that empowers sentence comparison on the same linguistic level. Factual analysis shows a strong correlation between the average evaluation scores generated by our method and the human assessments across various machine translation systems for English-German language pair. Finally, our method proposes a new multilingual approach to rank MT systems without the need for parallel corpora.
Abstract:While subword tokenizers such as BPE and WordPiece are typically used to build vocabularies for NLP models, the method of decoding text into a sequence of tokens from these vocabularies is often left unspecified, or ill-suited to the method in which they were constructed. We provide a controlled analysis of seven tokenizer inference methods across four different algorithms and three vocabulary sizes, performed on a novel intrinsic evaluation suite we curated for English, combining measures rooted in morphology, cognition, and information theory. We show that for the most commonly used tokenizers, greedy inference performs surprisingly well; and that SaGe, a recently-introduced contextually-informed tokenizer, outperforms all others on morphological alignment.
Abstract:Tokenization is a foundational step in Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks, bridging raw text and language models. Existing tokenization approaches like Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE) originate from the field of data compression, and it has been suggested that the effectiveness of BPE stems from its ability to condense text into a relatively small number of tokens. We test the hypothesis that fewer tokens lead to better downstream performance by introducing PathPiece, a new tokenizer that segments a document's text into the minimum number of tokens for a given vocabulary. Through extensive experimentation we find this hypothesis not to be the case, casting doubt on the understanding of the reasons for effective tokenization. To examine which other factors play a role, we evaluate design decisions across all three phases of tokenization: pre-tokenization, vocabulary construction, and segmentation, offering new insights into the design of effective tokenizers. Specifically, we illustrate the importance of pre-tokenization and the benefits of using BPE to initialize vocabulary construction. We train 64 language models with varying tokenization, ranging in size from 350M to 2.4B parameters, all of which are made publicly available.
Abstract:The imperative need to scale computation across numerous nodes highlights the significance of efficient parallel computing, particularly in the realm of Message Passing Interface (MPI) integration. The challenging parallel programming task of generating MPI-based parallel programs has remained unexplored. This study first investigates the performance of state-of-the-art language models in generating MPI-based parallel programs. Findings reveal that widely used models such as GPT-3.5 and PolyCoder (specialized multi-lingual code models) exhibit notable performance degradation, when generating MPI-based programs compared to general-purpose programs. In contrast, domain-specific models such as MonoCoder, which are pretrained on MPI-related programming languages of C and C++, outperform larger models. Subsequently, we introduce a dedicated downstream task of MPI-based program generation by fine-tuning MonoCoder on HPCorpusMPI. We call the resulting model as MPIrigen. We propose an innovative preprocessing for completion only after observing the whole code, thus enabling better completion with a wider context. Comparative analysis against GPT-3.5 zero-shot performance, using a novel HPC-oriented evaluation method, demonstrates that MPIrigen excels in generating accurate MPI functions up to 0.8 accuracy in location and function predictions, and with more than 0.9 accuracy for argument predictions. The success of this tailored solution underscores the importance of domain-specific fine-tuning in optimizing language models for parallel computing code generation, paving the way for a new generation of automatic parallelization tools. The sources of this work are available at our GitHub MPIrigen repository: https://github.com/Scientific-Computing-Lab-NRCN/MPI-rigen
Abstract:With easier access to powerful compute resources, there is a growing trend in AI for software development to develop larger language models (LLMs) to address a variety of programming tasks. Even LLMs applied to tasks from the high-performance computing (HPC) domain are huge in size and demand expensive compute resources for training. This is partly because these LLMs for HPC tasks are obtained by finetuning existing LLMs that support several natural and/or programming languages. We found this design choice confusing - why do we need large LMs trained on natural languages and programming languages unrelated to HPC for HPC-specific tasks? In this line of work, we aim to question choices made by existing LLMs by developing smaller LMs for specific domains - we call them domain-specific LMs. Specifically, we start off with HPC as a domain and build an HPC-specific LM, named MonoCoder, that is orders of magnitude smaller than existing LMs but delivers similar, if not better performance, on non-HPC and HPC tasks. Specifically, we pre-trained MonoCoder on an HPC-specific dataset (named HPCorpus) of C and C++ programs mined from GitHub. We evaluated the performance of MonoCoder against conventional multi-lingual LLMs. Results demonstrate that MonoCoder, although much smaller than existing LMs, achieves similar results on normalized-perplexity tests and much better ones in CodeBLEU competence for high-performance and parallel code generations. Furthermore, fine-tuning the base model for the specific task of parallel code generation (OpenMP parallel for pragmas) demonstrates outstanding results compared to GPT, especially when local misleading semantics are removed by our novel pre-processor Tokompiler, showcasing the ability of domain-specific models to assist in HPC-relevant tasks.
Abstract:We introduce Universal NER (UNER), an open, community-driven project to develop gold-standard NER benchmarks in many languages. The overarching goal of UNER is to provide high-quality, cross-lingually consistent annotations to facilitate and standardize multilingual NER research. UNER v1 contains 18 datasets annotated with named entities in a cross-lingual consistent schema across 12 diverse languages. In this paper, we detail the dataset creation and composition of UNER; we also provide initial modeling baselines on both in-language and cross-lingual learning settings. We release the data, code, and fitted models to the public.