Abstract:Open-ended learning agents must efficiently prioritize goals in vast possibility spaces, focusing on those that maximize learning progress (LP). When such autotelic exploration is achieved by LLM agents trained with online RL in high-dimensional and evolving goal spaces, a key challenge for LP prediction is modeling one's own competence, a form of metacognitive monitoring. Traditional approaches either require extensive sampling or rely on brittle expert-defined goal groupings. We introduce MAGELLAN, a metacognitive framework that lets LLM agents learn to predict their competence and LP online. By capturing semantic relationships between goals, MAGELLAN enables sample-efficient LP estimation and dynamic adaptation to evolving goal spaces through generalization. In an interactive learning environment, we show that MAGELLAN improves LP prediction efficiency and goal prioritization, being the only method allowing the agent to fully master a large and evolving goal space. These results demonstrate how augmenting LLM agents with a metacognitive ability for LP predictions can effectively scale curriculum learning to open-ended goal spaces.
Abstract:Offline Reinforcement Learning (RL) has emerged as a powerful alternative to imitation learning for behavior modeling in various domains, particularly in complex navigation tasks. An existing challenge with Offline RL is the signal-to-noise ratio, i.e. how to mitigate incorrect policy updates due to errors in value estimates. Towards this, multiple works have demonstrated the advantage of hierarchical offline RL methods, which decouples high-level path planning from low-level path following. In this work, we present a novel hierarchical transformer-based approach leveraging a learned quantizer of the space. This quantization enables the training of a simpler zone-conditioned low-level policy and simplifies planning, which is reduced to discrete autoregressive prediction. Among other benefits, zone-level reasoning in planning enables explicit trajectory stitching rather than implicit stitching based on noisy value function estimates. By combining this transformer-based planner with recent advancements in offline RL, our proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art results in complex long-distance navigation environments.
Abstract:Reinforcement learning (RL) is a promising approach for aligning large language models (LLMs) knowledge with sequential decision-making tasks. However, few studies have thoroughly investigated the impact on LLM agents capabilities of fine-tuning them with RL in a specific environment. In this paper, we propose a novel framework to analyze the sensitivity of LLMs to prompt formulations following RL training in a textual environment. Our findings reveal that the performance of LLMs degrades when faced with prompt formulations different from those used during the RL training phase. Besides, we analyze the source of this sensitivity by examining the model's internal representations and salient tokens. Finally, we propose to use a contrastive loss to mitigate this sensitivity and improve the robustness and generalization capabilities of LLMs.
Abstract:The past years have seen Large Language Models (LLMs) strive not only as generative models but also as agents solving textual sequential decision-making tasks. When facing complex environments where their zero-shot abilities are insufficient, recent work showed online Reinforcement Learning (RL) could be used for the LLM agent to discover and learn efficient strategies interactively. However, most prior work sticks to on-policy algorithms, which greatly reduces the scope of methods such agents could use for both exploration and exploitation, such as experience replay and hindsight relabeling. Yet, such methods may be key for LLM learning agents, and in particular when designing autonomous intrinsically motivated agents sampling and pursuing their own goals (i.e. autotelic agents). This paper presents and studies an adaptation of Soft Actor-Critic and hindsight relabeling to LLM agents. Our method not only paves the path towards autotelic LLM agents that learn online but can also outperform on-policy methods in more classic multi-goal RL environments.
Abstract:Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) is an approach for training autonomous agents across various complex environments. Despite its significant performance in well known environments, it remains susceptible to minor conditions variations, raising concerns about its reliability in real-world applications. To improve usability, DRL must demonstrate trustworthiness and robustness. A way to improve robustness of DRL to unknown changes in the conditions is through Adversarial Training, by training the agent against well suited adversarial attacks on the dynamics of the environment. Addressing this critical issue, our work presents an in-depth analysis of contemporary adversarial attack methodologies, systematically categorizing them and comparing their objectives and operational mechanisms. This classification offers a detailed insight into how adversarial attacks effectively act for evaluating the resilience of DRL agents, thereby paving the way for enhancing their robustness.
Abstract:Table Question-Answering involves both understanding the natural language query and grounding it in the context of the input table to extract the relevant information. In this context, many methods have highlighted the benefits of intermediate pre-training from SQL queries. However, while most approaches aim at generating final answers from inputs directly, we claim that there is better to do with SQL queries during training. By learning to imitate a restricted portion of SQL-like algebraic operations, we show that their execution flow provides intermediate supervision steps that allow increased generalization and structural reasoning compared with classical approaches of the field. Our study bridges the gap between semantic parsing and direct answering methods and provides useful insights regarding what types of operations should be predicted by a generative architecture or be preferably executed by an external algorithm.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a new deinterleaving method for mixtures of discrete renewal Markov chains. This method relies on the maximization of a penalized likelihood score. It exploits all available information about both the sequence of the different symbols and their arrival times. A theoretical analysis is carried out to prove that minimizing this score allows to recover the true partition of symbols in the large sample limit, under mild conditions on the component processes. This theoretical analysis is then validated by experiments on synthetic data. Finally, the method is applied to deinterleave pulse trains received from different emitters in a RESM (Radar Electronic Support Measurements) context and we show that the proposed method competes favorably with state-of-the-art methods on simulated warfare datasets.
Abstract:In the field of algorithmic fairness, significant attention has been put on group fairness criteria, such as Demographic Parity and Equalized Odds. Nevertheless, these objectives, measured as global averages, have raised concerns about persistent local disparities between sensitive groups. In this work, we address the problem of local fairness, which ensures that the predictor is unbiased not only in terms of expectations over the whole population, but also within any subregion of the feature space, unknown at training time. To enforce this objective, we introduce ROAD, a novel approach that leverages the Distributionally Robust Optimization (DRO) framework within a fair adversarial learning objective, where an adversary tries to infer the sensitive attribute from the predictions. Using an instance-level re-weighting strategy, ROAD is designed to prioritize inputs that are likely to be locally unfair, i.e. where the adversary faces the least difficulty in reconstructing the sensitive attribute. Numerical experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method: it achieves Pareto dominance with respect to local fairness and accuracy for a given global fairness level across three standard datasets, and also enhances fairness generalization under distribution shift.
Abstract:Symbolic regression (SR) is the problem of learning a symbolic expression from numerical data. Recently, deep neural models trained on procedurally-generated synthetic datasets showed competitive performance compared to more classical Genetic Programming (GP) algorithms. Unlike their GP counterparts, these neural approaches are trained to generate expressions from datasets given as context. This allows them to produce accurate expressions in a single forward pass at test time. However, they usually do not benefit from search abilities, which result in low performance compared to GP on out-of-distribution datasets. In this paper, we propose a novel method which provides the best of both worlds, based on a Monte-Carlo Tree Search procedure using a context-aware neural mutation model, which is initially pre-trained to learn promising mutations, and further refined from successful experiences in an online fashion. The approach demonstrates state-of-the-art performance on the well-known \texttt{SRBench} benchmark.
Abstract:Recent works successfully leveraged Large Language Models' (LLM) abilities to capture abstract knowledge about world's physics to solve decision-making problems. Yet, the alignment between LLMs' knowledge and the environment can be wrong and limit functional competence due to lack of grounding. In this paper, we study an approach to achieve this alignment through functional grounding: we consider an agent using an LLM as a policy that is progressively updated as the agent interacts with the environment, leveraging online Reinforcement Learning to improve its performance to solve goals. Using an interactive textual environment designed to study higher-level forms of functional grounding, and a set of spatial and navigation tasks, we study several scientific questions: 1) Can LLMs boost sample efficiency for online learning of various RL tasks? 2) How can it boost different forms of generalization? 3) What is the impact of online learning? We study these questions by functionally grounding several variants (size, architecture) of FLAN-T5.