Abstract:The use of low-rank adaptation (LoRA) with frozen pretrained language models (PLMs) has become increasing popular as a mainstream, resource-efficient modeling approach for memory-constrained hardware. In this study, we first explore how to enhance model performance by introducing various LoRA training strategies, achieving relative word error rate reductions of 3.50\% on the public Librispeech dataset and of 3.67\% on an internal dataset in the messaging domain. To further characterize the stability of LoRA-based second-pass speech recognition models, we examine robustness against input perturbations. These perturbations are rooted in homophone replacements and a novel metric called N-best Perturbation-based Rescoring Robustness (NPRR), both designed to measure the relative degradation in the performance of rescoring models. Our experimental results indicate that while advanced variants of LoRA, such as dynamic rank-allocated LoRA, lead to performance degradation in $1$-best perturbation, they alleviate the degradation in $N$-best perturbation. This finding is in comparison to fully-tuned models and vanilla LoRA tuning baselines, suggesting that a comprehensive selection is needed when using LoRA-based adaptation for compute-cost savings and robust language modeling.
Abstract:We propose a neural language modeling system based on low-rank adaptation (LoRA) for speech recognition output rescoring. Although pretrained language models (LMs) like BERT have shown superior performance in second-pass rescoring, the high computational cost of scaling up the pretraining stage and adapting the pretrained models to specific domains limit their practical use in rescoring. Here we present a method based on low-rank decomposition to train a rescoring BERT model and adapt it to new domains using only a fraction (0.08%) of the pretrained parameters. These inserted matrices are optimized through a discriminative training objective along with a correlation-based regularization loss. The proposed low-rank adaptation Rescore-BERT (LoRB) architecture is evaluated on LibriSpeech and internal datasets with decreased training times by factors between 5.4 and 3.6.
Abstract:End-to-End (E2E) automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems used in voice assistants often have difficulties recognizing infrequent words personalized to the user, such as names and places. Rare words often have non-trivial pronunciations, and in such cases, human knowledge in the form of a pronunciation lexicon can be useful. We propose a PROnunCiation-aware conTextual adaptER (PROCTER) that dynamically injects lexicon knowledge into an RNN-T model by adding a phonemic embedding along with a textual embedding. The experimental results show that the proposed PROCTER architecture outperforms the baseline RNN-T model by improving the word error rate (WER) by 44% and 57% when measured on personalized entities and personalized rare entities, respectively, while increasing the model size (number of trainable parameters) by only 1%. Furthermore, when evaluated in a zero-shot setting to recognize personalized device names, we observe 7% WER improvement with PROCTER, as compared to only 1% WER improvement with text-only contextual attention
Abstract:In this work, we aim to enhance the system robustness of end-to-end automatic speech recognition (ASR) against adversarially-noisy speech examples. We focus on a rigorous and empirical "closed-model adversarial robustness" setting (e.g., on-device or cloud applications). The adversarial noise is only generated by closed-model optimization (e.g., evolutionary and zeroth-order estimation) without accessing gradient information of a targeted ASR model directly. We propose an advanced Bayesian neural network (BNN) based adversarial detector, which could model latent distributions against adaptive adversarial perturbation with divergence measurement. We further simulate deployment scenarios of RNN Transducer, Conformer, and wav2vec-2.0 based ASR systems with the proposed adversarial detection system. Leveraging the proposed BNN based detection system, we improve detection rate by +2.77 to +5.42% (relative +3.03 to +6.26%) and reduce the word error rate by 5.02 to 7.47% on LibriSpeech datasets compared to the current model enhancement methods against the adversarial speech examples.