Abstract:To achieve natural and intuitive interaction with people, HRI frameworks combine a wide array of methods for human perception, intention communication, human-aware navigation and collaborative action. In practice, when encountering unpredictable behavior of people or unexpected states of the environment, these frameworks may lack the ability to dynamically recognize such states, adapt and recover to resume the interaction. Large Language Models (LLMs), owing to their advanced reasoning capabilities and context retention, present a promising solution for enhancing robot adaptability. This potential, however, may not directly translate to improved interaction metrics. This paper considers a representative interaction with an industrial robot involving approach, instruction, and object manipulation, implemented in two conditions: (1) fully scripted and (2) including LLM-enhanced responses. We use gaze tracking and questionnaires to measure the participants' task efficiency, engagement, and robot perception. The results indicate higher subjective ratings for the LLM condition, but objective metrics show that the scripted condition performs comparably, particularly in efficiency and focus during simple tasks. We also note that the scripted condition may have an edge over LLM-enhanced responses in terms of response latency and energy consumption, especially for trivial and repetitive interactions.
Abstract:Integrating multimodal foundation models has significantly enhanced autonomous agents' language comprehension, perception, and planning capabilities. However, while existing works adopt a \emph{task-centric} approach with minimal human interaction, applying these models to developing assistive \emph{user-centric} robots that can interact and cooperate with humans remains underexplored. This paper introduces ``Bident'', a framework designed to integrate robots seamlessly into shared spaces with humans. Bident enhances the interactive experience by incorporating multimodal inputs like speech and user gaze dynamics. Furthermore, Bident supports verbal utterances and physical actions like gestures, making it versatile for bidirectional human-robot interactions. Potential applications include personalized education, where robots can adapt to individual learning styles and paces, and healthcare, where robots can offer personalized support, companionship, and everyday assistance in the home and workplace environments.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) are said to possess advanced reasoning abilities. However, some skepticism exists as recent works show how LLMs often bypass true reasoning using shortcuts. Current methods for assessing the reasoning abilities of LLMs typically rely on open-source benchmarks that may be overrepresented in LLM training data, potentially skewing performance. We instead provide a computational theory perspective of reasoning, using 3-SAT -- the prototypical NP-complete problem that lies at the core of logical reasoning and constraint satisfaction tasks. By examining the phase transitions in 3-SAT, we empirically characterize the reasoning abilities of LLMs and show how they vary with the inherent hardness of the problems. Our experimental evidence shows that LLMs cannot perform true reasoning, as is required for solving 3-SAT problems.
Abstract:Designing effective reward functions is crucial to training reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms. However, this design is non-trivial, even for domain experts, due to the subjective nature of certain tasks that are hard to quantify explicitly. In recent works, large language models (LLMs) have been used for reward generation from natural language task descriptions, leveraging their extensive instruction tuning and commonsense understanding of human behavior. In this work, we hypothesize that LLMs, guided by human feedback, can be used to formulate human-aligned reward functions. Specifically, we study this in the challenging setting of autonomous driving (AD), wherein notions of "good" driving are tacit and hard to quantify. To this end, we introduce REvolve, an evolutionary framework that uses LLMs for reward design in AD. REvolve creates and refines reward functions by utilizing human feedback to guide the evolution process, effectively translating implicit human knowledge into explicit reward functions for training (deep) RL agents. We demonstrate that agents trained on REvolve-designed rewards align closely with human driving standards, thereby outperforming other state-of-the-art baselines.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive planning abilities due to their vast "world knowledge". Yet, obtaining plans that are both feasible (grounded in affordances) and cost-effective (in plan length), remains a challenge, despite recent progress. This contrasts with heuristic planning methods that employ domain knowledge (formalized in action models such as PDDL) and heuristic search to generate feasible, optimal plans. Inspired by this, we propose to combine the power of LLMs and heuristic planning by leveraging the world knowledge of LLMs and the principles of heuristic search. Our approach, SayCanPay, employs LLMs to generate actions (Say) guided by learnable domain knowledge, that evaluates actions' feasibility (Can) and long-term reward/payoff (Pay), and heuristic search to select the best sequence of actions. Our contributions are (1) a novel framing of the LLM planning problem in the context of heuristic planning, (2) integrating grounding and cost-effective elements into the generated plans, and (3) using heuristic search over actions. Our extensive evaluations show that our model surpasses other LLM planning approaches.
Abstract:To enable progress towards egocentric agents capable of understanding everyday tasks specified in natural language, we propose a benchmark and a synthetic dataset called Egocentric Task Verification (EgoTV). EgoTV contains multi-step tasks with multiple sub-task decompositions, state changes, object interactions, and sub-task ordering constraints, in addition to abstracted task descriptions that contain only partial details about ways to accomplish a task. We also propose a novel Neuro-Symbolic Grounding (NSG) approach to enable the causal, temporal, and compositional reasoning of such tasks. We demonstrate NSG's capability towards task tracking and verification on our EgoTV dataset and a real-world dataset derived from CrossTask (CTV). Our contributions include the release of the EgoTV and CTV datasets, and the NSG model for future research on egocentric assistive agents.
Abstract:Despite numerous successes in Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL), the learned policies are not interpretable. Moreover, since DRL does not exploit symbolic relational representations, it has difficulties in coping with structural changes in its environment (such as increasing the number of objects). Relational Reinforcement Learning, on the other hand, inherits the relational representations from symbolic planning to learn reusable policies. However, it has so far been unable to scale up and exploit the power of deep neural networks. We propose Deep Explainable Relational Reinforcement Learning (DERRL), a framework that exploits the best of both -- neural and symbolic worlds. By resorting to a neuro-symbolic approach, DERRL combines relational representations and constraints from symbolic planning with deep learning to extract interpretable policies. These policies are in the form of logical rules that explain how each decision (or action) is arrived at. Through several experiments, in setups like the Countdown Game, Blocks World, Gridworld, and Traffic, we show that the policies learned by DERRL can be applied to different configurations and contexts, hence generalizing to environmental modifications.
Abstract:gComm is a step towards developing a robust platform to foster research in grounded language acquisition in a more challenging and realistic setting. It comprises a 2-d grid environment with a set of agents (a stationary speaker and a mobile listener connected via a communication channel) exposed to a continuous array of tasks in a partially observable setting. The key to solving these tasks lies in agents developing linguistic abilities and utilizing them for efficiently exploring the environment. The speaker and listener have access to information provided in different modalities, i.e. the speaker's input is a natural language instruction that contains the target and task specifications and the listener's input is its grid-view. Each must rely on the other to complete the assigned task, however, the only way they can achieve the same, is to develop and use some form of communication. gComm provides several tools for studying different forms of communication and assessing their generalization.
Abstract:Human language has been described as a system that makes \textit{use of finite means to express an unlimited array of thoughts}. Of particular interest is the aspect of compositionality, whereby, the meaning of a compound language expression can be deduced from the meaning of its constituent parts. If artificial agents can develop compositional communication protocols akin to human language, they can be made to seamlessly generalize to unseen combinations. Studies have recognized the role of curiosity in enabling linguistic development in children. In this paper, we seek to use this intrinsic feedback in inducing a systematic and unambiguous protolanguage. We demonstrate how compositionality can enable agents to not only interact with unseen objects but also transfer skills from one task to another in a zero-shot setting: \textit{Can an agent, trained to `pull' and `push twice', `pull twice'?}.
Abstract:While deep learning is a powerful tool for natural language processing (NLP) problems, successful solutions to these problems rely heavily on large amounts of annotated samples. However, manually annotating data is expensive and time-consuming. Active Learning (AL) strategies reduce the need for huge volumes of labeled data by iteratively selecting a small number of examples for manual annotation based on their estimated utility in training the given model. In this paper, we argue that since AL strategies choose examples independently, they may potentially select similar examples, all of which may not contribute significantly to the learning process. Our proposed approach, Active$\mathbf{^2}$ Learning (A$\mathbf{^2}$L), actively adapts to the deep learning model being trained to eliminate further such redundant examples chosen by an AL strategy. We show that A$\mathbf{^2}$L is widely applicable by using it in conjunction with several different AL strategies and NLP tasks. We empirically demonstrate that the proposed approach is further able to reduce the data requirements of state-of-the-art AL strategies by an absolute percentage reduction of $\approx\mathbf{3-25\%}$ on multiple NLP tasks while achieving the same performance with no additional computation overhead.