Arizona State University
Abstract:To address the data scarcity associated with 3D assets, 2D-lifting techniques such as Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) have become a widely adopted practice in text-to-3D generation pipelines. However, the diffusion models used in these techniques are prone to viewpoint bias and thus lead to geometric inconsistencies such as the Janus problem. To counter this, we introduce MT3D, a text-to-3D generative model that leverages a high-fidelity 3D object to overcome viewpoint bias and explicitly infuse geometric understanding into the generation pipeline. Firstly, we employ depth maps derived from a high-quality 3D model as control signals to guarantee that the generated 2D images preserve the fundamental shape and structure, thereby reducing the inherent viewpoint bias. Next, we utilize deep geometric moments to ensure geometric consistency in the 3D representation explicitly. By incorporating geometric details from a 3D asset, MT3D enables the creation of diverse and geometrically consistent objects, thereby improving the quality and usability of our 3D representations.
Abstract:Deep learning methods have achieved a lot of success in various applications involving converting wearable sensor data to actionable health insights. A common application areas is activity recognition, where deep-learning methods still suffer from limitations such as sensitivity to signal quality, sensor characteristic variations, and variability between subjects. To mitigate these issues, robust features obtained by topological data analysis (TDA) have been suggested as a potential solution. However, there are two significant obstacles to using topological features in deep learning: (1) large computational load to extract topological features using TDA, and (2) different signal representations obtained from deep learning and TDA which makes fusion difficult. In this paper, to enable integration of the strengths of topological methods in deep-learning for time-series data, we propose to use two teacher networks, one trained on the raw time-series data, and another trained on persistence images generated by TDA methods. The distilled student model utilizes only the raw time-series data at test-time. This approach addresses both issues. The use of KD with multiple teachers utilizes complementary information, and results in a compact model with strong supervisory features and an integrated richer representation. To assimilate desirable information from different modalities, we design new constraints, including orthogonality imposed on feature correlation maps for improving feature expressiveness and allowing the student to easily learn from the teacher. Also, we apply an annealing strategy in KD for fast saturation and better accommodation from different features, while the knowledge gap between the teachers and student is reduced. Finally, a robust student model is distilled, which uses only the time-series data as an input, while implicitly preserving topological features.
Abstract:Deep learning has shown its efficacy in extracting useful features to solve various computer vision tasks. However, when the structure of the data is complex and noisy, capturing effective information to improve performance is very difficult. To this end, topological data analysis (TDA) has been utilized to derive useful representations that can contribute to improving performance and robustness against perturbations. Despite its effectiveness, the requirements for large computational resources and significant time consumption in extracting topological features through TDA are critical problems when implementing it on small devices. To address this issue, we propose a framework called Topological Guidance-based Knowledge Distillation (TGD), which uses topological features in knowledge distillation (KD) for image classification tasks. We utilize KD to train a superior lightweight model and provide topological features with multiple teachers simultaneously. We introduce a mechanism for integrating features from different teachers and reducing the knowledge gap between teachers and the student, which aids in improving performance. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through diverse empirical evaluations.
Abstract:Biased attributes, spuriously correlated with target labels in a dataset, can problematically lead to neural networks that learn improper shortcuts for classifications and limit their capabilities for out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization. Although many debiasing approaches have been proposed to ensure correct predictions from biased datasets, few studies have considered learning latent embedding consisting of intrinsic and biased attributes that contribute to improved performance and explain how the model pays attention to attributes. In this paper, we propose a novel debiasing framework, Debiasing Global Workspace, introducing attention-based information bottlenecks for learning compositional representations of attributes without defining specific bias types. Based on our observation that learning shape-centric representation helps robust performance on OOD datasets, we adopt those abilities to learn robust and generalizable representations of decomposable latent embeddings corresponding to intrinsic and biasing attributes. We conduct comprehensive evaluations on biased datasets, along with both quantitative and qualitative analyses, to showcase our approach's efficacy in attribute-centric representation learning and its ability to differentiate between intrinsic and bias-related features.
Abstract:In this paper, we address the problem of adapting models from a source domain to a target domain, a task that has become increasingly important due to the brittle generalization of deep neural networks. While several test-time adaptation techniques have emerged, they typically rely on synthetic toolbox data augmentations in cases of limited target data availability. We consider the challenging setting of single-shot adaptation and explore the design of augmentation strategies. We argue that augmentations utilized by existing methods are insufficient to handle large distribution shifts, and hence propose a new approach SiSTA, which first fine-tunes a generative model from the source domain using a single-shot target, and then employs novel sampling strategies for curating synthetic target data. Using experiments on a variety of benchmarks, distribution shifts and image corruptions, we find that SiSTA produces significantly improved generalization over existing baselines in face attribute detection and multi-class object recognition. Furthermore, SiSTA performs competitively to models obtained by training on larger target datasets. Our codes can be accessed at
Abstract:This paper investigates the challenge of learning image manifolds, specifically pose manifolds, of 3D objects using limited training data. It proposes a DNN approach to manifold learning and for predicting images of objects for novel, continuous 3D rotations. The approach uses two distinct concepts: (1) Geometric Style-GAN (Geom-SGAN), which maps images to low-dimensional latent representations and maintains the (first-order) manifold geometry. That is, it seeks to preserve the pairwise distances between base points and their tangent spaces, and (2) uses Euler's elastica to smoothly interpolate between directed points (points + tangent directions) in the low-dimensional latent space. When mapped back to the larger image space, the resulting interpolations resemble videos of rotating objects. Extensive experiments establish the superiority of this framework in learning paths on rotation manifolds, both visually and quantitatively, relative to state-of-the-art GANs and VAEs.
Abstract:Implicit neural representations (INR) have gained significant popularity for signal and image representation for many end-tasks, such as superresolution, 3D modeling, and more. Most INR architectures rely on sinusoidal positional encoding, which accounts for high-frequency information in data. However, the finite encoding size restricts the model's representational power. Higher representational power is needed to go from representing a single given image to representing large and diverse datasets. Our approach addresses this gap by representing an image with a polynomial function and eliminates the need for positional encodings. Therefore, to achieve a progressively higher degree of polynomial representation, we use element-wise multiplications between features and affine-transformed coordinate locations after every ReLU layer. The proposed method is evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively on large datasets like ImageNet. The proposed Poly-INR model performs comparably to state-of-the-art generative models without any convolution, normalization, or self-attention layers, and with far fewer trainable parameters. With much fewer training parameters and higher representative power, our approach paves the way for broader adoption of INR models for generative modeling tasks in complex domains. The code is available at \url{}
Abstract:Knowledge distillation as a broad class of methods has led to the development of lightweight and memory efficient models, using a pre-trained model with a large capacity (teacher network) to train a smaller model (student network). Recently, additional variations for knowledge distillation, utilizing activation maps of intermediate layers as the source of knowledge, have been studied. Generally, in computer vision applications, it is seen that the feature activation learned by a higher capacity model contains richer knowledge, highlighting complete objects while focusing less on the background. Based on this observation, we leverage the dual ability of the teacher to accurately distinguish between positive (relevant to the target object) and negative (irrelevant) areas. We propose a new loss function for distillation, called angular margin-based distillation (AMD) loss. AMD loss uses the angular distance between positive and negative features by projecting them onto a hypersphere, motivated by the near angular distributions seen in many feature extractors. Then, we create a more attentive feature that is angularly distributed on the hypersphere by introducing an angular margin to the positive feature. Transferring such knowledge from the teacher network enables the student model to harness the higher discrimination of positive and negative features for the teacher, thus distilling superior student models. The proposed method is evaluated for various student-teacher network pairs on four public datasets. Furthermore, we show that the proposed method has advantages in compatibility with other learning techniques, such as using fine-grained features, augmentation, and other distillation methods.
Abstract:Mixup is a popular data augmentation technique based on creating new samples by linear interpolation between two given data samples, to improve both the generalization and robustness of the trained model. Knowledge distillation (KD), on the other hand, is widely used for model compression and transfer learning, which involves using a larger network's implicit knowledge to guide the learning of a smaller network. At first glance, these two techniques seem very different, however, we found that "smoothness" is the connecting link between the two and is also a crucial attribute in understanding KD's interplay with mixup. Although many mixup variants and distillation methods have been proposed, much remains to be understood regarding the role of a mixup in knowledge distillation. In this paper, we present a detailed empirical study on various important dimensions of compatibility between mixup and knowledge distillation. We also scrutinize the behavior of the networks trained with a mixup in the light of knowledge distillation through extensive analysis, visualizations, and comprehensive experiments on image classification. Finally, based on our findings, we suggest improved strategies to guide the student network to enhance its effectiveness. Additionally, the findings of this study provide insightful suggestions to researchers and practitioners that commonly use techniques from KD. Our code is available at
Abstract:The problem of adapting models from a source domain using data from any target domain of interest has gained prominence, thanks to the brittle generalization in deep neural networks. While several test-time adaptation techniques have emerged, they typically rely on synthetic data augmentations in cases of limited target data availability. In this paper, we consider the challenging setting of single-shot adaptation and explore the design of augmentation strategies. We argue that augmentations utilized by existing methods are insufficient to handle large distribution shifts, and hence propose a new approach SiSTA (Single-Shot Target Augmentations), which first fine-tunes a generative model from the source domain using a single-shot target, and then employs novel sampling strategies for curating synthetic target data. Using experiments with a state-of-the-art domain adaptation method, we find that SiSTA produces improvements as high as 20\% over existing baselines under challenging shifts in face attribute detection, and that it performs competitively to oracle models obtained by training on a larger target dataset.