Abstract:Current evaluations of defenses against prompt attacks in large language model (LLM) applications often overlook two critical factors: the dynamic nature of adversarial behavior and the usability penalties imposed on legitimate users by restrictive defenses. We propose D-SEC (Dynamic Security Utility Threat Model), which explicitly separates attackers from legitimate users, models multi-step interactions, and rigorously expresses the security-utility in an optimizable form. We further address the shortcomings in existing evaluations by introducing Gandalf, a crowd-sourced, gamified red-teaming platform designed to generate realistic, adaptive attack datasets. Using Gandalf, we collect and release a dataset of 279k prompt attacks. Complemented by benign user data, our analysis reveals the interplay between security and utility, showing that defenses integrated in the LLM (e.g., system prompts) can degrade usability even without blocking requests. We demonstrate that restricted application domains, defense-in-depth, and adaptive defenses are effective strategies for building secure and useful LLM applications. Code is available at \href{https://github.com/lakeraai/dsec-gandalf}{\texttt{https://github.com/lakeraai/dsec-gandalf}}.
Abstract:Many existing interpretation methods are based on Partial Dependence (PD) functions that, for a pre-trained machine learning model, capture how a subset of the features affects the predictions by averaging over the remaining features. Notable methods include Shapley additive explanations (SHAP) which computes feature contributions based on a game theoretical interpretation and PD plots (i.e., 1-dim PD functions) that capture average marginal main effects. Recent work has connected these approaches using a functional decomposition and argues that SHAP values can be misleading since they merge main and interaction effects into a single local effect. A major advantage of SHAP compared to other PD-based interpretations, however, has been the availability of fast estimation techniques, such as \texttt{TreeSHAP}. In this paper, we propose a new tree-based estimator, \texttt{FastPD}, which efficiently estimates arbitrary PD functions. We show that \texttt{FastPD} consistently estimates the desired population quantity -- in contrast to path-dependent \texttt{TreeSHAP} which is inconsistent when features are correlated. For moderately deep trees, \texttt{FastPD} improves the complexity of existing methods from quadratic to linear in the number of observations. By estimating PD functions for arbitrary feature subsets, \texttt{FastPD} can be used to extract PD-based interpretations such as SHAP, PD plots and higher order interaction effects.
Abstract:We consider the task of predicting a response Y from a set of covariates X in settings where the conditional distribution of Y given X changes over time. For this to be feasible, assumptions on how the conditional distribution changes over time are required. Existing approaches assume, for example, that changes occur smoothly over time so that short-term prediction using only the recent past becomes feasible. In this work, we propose a novel invariance-based framework for linear conditionals, called Invariant Subspace Decomposition (ISD), that splits the conditional distribution into a time-invariant and a residual time-dependent component. As we show, this decomposition can be utilized both for zero-shot and time-adaptation prediction tasks, that is, settings where either no or a small amount of training data is available at the time points we want to predict Y at, respectively. We propose a practical estimation procedure, which automatically infers the decomposition using tools from approximate joint matrix diagonalization. Furthermore, we provide finite sample guarantees for the proposed estimator and demonstrate empirically that it indeed improves on approaches that do not use the additional invariant structure.
Abstract:We define extrapolation as any type of statistical inference on a conditional function (e.g., a conditional expectation or conditional quantile) evaluated outside of the support of the conditioning variable. This type of extrapolation occurs in many data analysis applications and can invalidate the resulting conclusions if not taken into account. While extrapolating is straightforward in parametric models, it becomes challenging in nonparametric models. In this work, we extend the nonparametric statistical model to explicitly allow for extrapolation and introduce a class of extrapolation assumptions that can be combined with existing inference techniques to draw extrapolation-aware conclusions. The proposed class of extrapolation assumptions stipulate that the conditional function attains its minimal and maximal directional derivative, in each direction, within the observed support. We illustrate how the framework applies to several statistical applications including prediction and uncertainty quantification. We furthermore propose a consistent estimation procedure that can be used to adjust existing nonparametric estimates to account for extrapolation by providing lower and upper extrapolation bounds. The procedure is empirically evaluated on both simulated and real-world data.
Abstract:Existing statistical methods for compositional data analysis are inadequate for many modern applications for two reasons. First, modern compositional datasets, for example in microbiome research, display traits such as high-dimensionality and sparsity that are poorly modelled with traditional approaches. Second, assessing -- in an unbiased way -- how summary statistics of a composition (e.g., racial diversity) affect a response variable is not straightforward. In this work, we propose a framework based on hypothetical data perturbations that addresses both issues. Unlike existing methods for compositional data, we do not transform the data and instead use perturbations to define interpretable statistical functionals on the compositions themselves, which we call average perturbation effects. These average perturbation effects, which can be employed in many applications, naturally account for confounding that biases frequently used marginal dependence analyses. We show how average perturbation effects can be estimated efficiently by deriving a perturbation-dependent reparametrization and applying semiparametric estimation techniques. We analyze the proposed estimators empirically on simulated data and demonstrate advantages over existing techniques on US census and microbiome data. For all proposed estimators, we provide confidence intervals with uniform asymptotic coverage guarantees.
Abstract:Modern machine learning methods and the availability of large-scale data opened the door to accurately predict target quantities from large sets of covariates. However, existing prediction methods can perform poorly when the training and testing data are different, especially in the presence of hidden confounding. While hidden confounding is well studied for causal effect estimation (e.g., instrumental variables), this is not the case for prediction tasks. This work aims to bridge this gap by addressing predictions under different training and testing distributions in the presence of unobserved confounding. In particular, we establish a novel connection between the field of distribution generalization from machine learning, and simultaneous equation models and control function from econometrics. Central to our contribution are simultaneous equation models for distribution generalization (SIMDGs) which describe the data-generating process under a set of distributional shifts. Within this framework, we propose a strong notion of invariance for a predictive model and compare it with existing (weaker) versions. Building on the control function approach from instrumental variable regression, we propose the boosted control function (BCF) as a target of inference and prove its ability to successfully predict even in intervened versions of the underlying SIMDG. We provide necessary and sufficient conditions for identifying the BCF and show that it is worst-case optimal. We introduce the ControlTwicing algorithm to estimate the BCF and analyze its predictive performance on simulated and real world data.
Abstract:The premise of identifiable and causal representation learning is to improve the current representation learning paradigm in terms of generalizability or robustness. Despite recent progress in questions of identifiability, more theoretical results demonstrating concrete advantages of these methods for downstream tasks are needed. In this paper, we consider the task of intervention extrapolation: predicting how interventions affect an outcome, even when those interventions are not observed at training time, and show that identifiable representations can provide an effective solution to this task even if the interventions affect the outcome non-linearly. Our setup includes an outcome Y, observed features X, which are generated as a non-linear transformation of latent features Z, and exogenous action variables A, which influence Z. The objective of intervention extrapolation is to predict how interventions on A that lie outside the training support of A affect Y. Here, extrapolation becomes possible if the effect of A on Z is linear and the residual when regressing Z on A has full support. As Z is latent, we combine the task of intervention extrapolation with identifiable representation learning, which we call Rep4Ex: we aim to map the observed features X into a subspace that allows for non-linear extrapolation in A. We show using Wiener's Tauberian theorem that the hidden representation is identifiable up to an affine transformation in Z-space, which is sufficient for intervention extrapolation. The identifiability is characterized by a novel constraint describing the linearity assumption of A on Z. Based on this insight, we propose a method that enforces the linear invariance constraint and can be combined with any type of autoencoder. We validate our theoretical findings through synthetic experiments and show that our approach succeeds in predicting the effects of unseen interventions.
Abstract:Policy learning is an important component of many real-world learning systems. A major challenge in policy learning is how to adapt efficiently to unseen environments or tasks. Recently, it has been suggested to exploit invariant conditional distributions to learn models that generalize better to unseen environments. However, assuming invariance of entire conditional distributions (which we call full invariance) may be too strong of an assumption in practice. In this paper, we introduce a relaxation of full invariance called effect-invariance (e-invariance for short) and prove that it is sufficient, under suitable assumptions, for zero-shot policy generalization. We also discuss an extension that exploits e-invariance when we have a small sample from the test environment, enabling few-shot policy generalization. Our work does not assume an underlying causal graph or that the data are generated by a structural causal model; instead, we develop testing procedures to test e-invariance directly from data. We present empirical results using simulated data and a mobile health intervention dataset to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
Abstract:The compositionality and sparsity of high-throughput sequencing data poses a challenge for regression and classification. However, in microbiome research in particular, conditional modeling is an essential tool to investigate relationships between phenotypes and the microbiome. Existing techniques are often inadequate: they either rely on extensions of the linear log-contrast model (which adjusts for compositionality, but is often unable to capture useful signals), or they are based on black-box machine learning methods (which may capture useful signals, but ignore compositionality in downstream analyses). We propose KernelBiome, a kernel-based nonparametric regression and classification framework for compositional data. It is tailored to sparse compositional data and is able to incorporate prior knowledge, such as phylogenetic structure. KernelBiome captures complex signals, including in the zero-structure, while automatically adapting model complexity. We demonstrate on par or improved predictive performance compared with state-of-the-art machine learning methods. Additionally, our framework provides two key advantages: (i) We propose two novel quantities to interpret contributions of individual components and prove that they consistently estimate average perturbation effects of the conditional mean, extending the interpretability of linear log-contrast models to nonparametric models. (ii) We show that the connection between kernels and distances aids interpretability and provides a data-driven embedding that can augment further analysis. Finally, we apply the KernelBiome framework to two public microbiome studies and illustrate the proposed model analysis. KernelBiome is available as an open-source Python package at https://github.com/shimenghuang/KernelBiome.
Abstract:Exogenous heterogeneity, for example, in the form of instrumental variables can help us learn a system's underlying causal structure and predict the outcome of unseen intervention experiments. In this paper, we consider linear models in which the causal effect from covariates $X$ on a response $Y$ is sparse. We provide conditions under which the causal coefficient becomes identifiable from the observed distribution. These conditions can be satisfied even if the number of instruments is as small as the number of causal parents. We also develop graphical criteria under which identifiability holds with probability one if the edge coefficients are sampled randomly from a distribution that is absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure and $Y$ is childless. As an estimator, we propose spaceIV and prove that it consistently estimates the causal effect if the model is identifiable and evaluate its performance on simulated data. If identifiability does not hold, we show that it may still be possible to recover a subset of the causal parents.