Abstract:We present a method for 3D/2D registration of Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) images to provide valuable insight into brain hemodynamics and angioarchitecture. Our approach formulates the registration as a pose estimation problem, leveraging both anteroposterior and lateral DSA views and employing differentiable rendering. Preliminary experiments on real and synthetic datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, with both qualitative and quantitative evaluations highlighting its potential for clinical applications. The code is available at https://github.com/taewoonglee17/TwoViewsDSAReg.
Abstract:We propose a deep mixture of multimodal hierarchical variational auto-encoders called MMHVAE that synthesizes missing images from observed images in different modalities. MMHVAE's design focuses on tackling four challenges: (i) creating a complex latent representation of multimodal data to generate high-resolution images; (ii) encouraging the variational distributions to estimate the missing information needed for cross-modal image synthesis; (iii) learning to fuse multimodal information in the context of missing data; (iv) leveraging dataset-level information to handle incomplete data sets at training time. Extensive experiments are performed on the challenging problem of pre-operative brain multi-parametric magnetic resonance and intra-operative ultrasound imaging.
Abstract:We present in this paper a novel approach for 3D/2D intraoperative registration during neurosurgery via cross-modal inverse neural rendering. Our approach separates implicit neural representation into two components, handling anatomical structure preoperatively and appearance intraoperatively. This disentanglement is achieved by controlling a Neural Radiance Field's appearance with a multi-style hypernetwork. Once trained, the implicit neural representation serves as a differentiable rendering engine, which can be used to estimate the surgical camera pose by minimizing the dissimilarity between its rendered images and the target intraoperative image. We tested our method on retrospective patients' data from clinical cases, showing that our method outperforms state-of-the-art while meeting current clinical standards for registration. Code and additional resources can be found at https://maxfehrentz.github.io/style-ngp/.
Abstract:We propose in this paper a texture-invariant 2D keypoints descriptor specifically designed for matching preoperative Magnetic Resonance (MR) images with intraoperative Ultrasound (US) images. We introduce a matching-by-synthesis strategy, where intraoperative US images are synthesized from MR images accounting for multiple MR modalities and intraoperative US variability. We build our training set by enforcing keypoints localization over all images then train a patient-specific descriptor network that learns texture-invariant discriminant features in a supervised contrastive manner, leading to robust keypoints descriptors. Our experiments on real cases with ground truth show the effectiveness of the proposed approach, outperforming the state-of-the-art methods and achieving 80.35% matching precision on average.
Abstract:Intraoperative ultrasound (iUS) imaging has the potential to improve surgical outcomes in brain surgery. However, its interpretation is challenging, even for expert neurosurgeons. In this work, we designed the first patient-specific framework that performs brain tumor segmentation in trackerless iUS. To disambiguate ultrasound imaging and adapt to the neurosurgeon's surgical objective, a patient-specific real-time network is trained using synthetic ultrasound data generated by simulating virtual iUS sweep acquisitions in pre-operative MR data. Extensive experiments performed in real ultrasound data demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, allowing for adapting to the surgeon's definition of surgical targets and outperforming non-patient-specific models, neurosurgeon experts, and high-end tracking systems. Our code is available at: \url{https://github.com/ReubenDo/MHVAE-Seg}.
Abstract:Although Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) is the most important imaging for visualizing cerebrovascular anatomy, its interpretation by clinicians remains difficult. This is particularly true when treating arteriovenous malformations (AVMs), where entangled vasculature connecting arteries and veins needs to be carefully identified.The presented method aims to enhance DSA image series by highlighting critical information via automatic classification of vessels using a combination of two learning models: An unsupervised machine learning method based on Independent Component Analysis that decomposes the phases of flow and a convolutional neural network that automatically delineates the vessels in image space. The proposed method was tested on clinical DSA images series and demonstrated efficient differentiation between arteries and veins that provides a viable solution to enhance visualizations for clinical use.
Abstract:Accurate and reliable registration of longitudinal spine images is essential for assessment of disease progression and surgical outcome. Implementing a fully automatic and robust registration is crucial for clinical use, however, it is challenging due to substantial change in shape and appearance due to lesions. In this paper we present a novel method to automatically align longitudinal spine CTs and accurately assess lesion progression. Our method follows a two-step pipeline where vertebrae are first automatically localized, labeled and 3D surfaces are generated using a deep learning model, then longitudinally aligned using a Gaussian mixture model surface registration. We tested our approach on 37 vertebrae, from 5 patients, with baseline CTs and 3, 6, and 12 months follow-ups leading to 111 registrations. Our experiment showed accurate registration with an average Hausdorff distance of 0.65 mm and average Dice score of 0.92.
Abstract:We present a novel method for intraoperative patient-to-image registration by learning Expected Appearances. Our method uses preoperative imaging to synthesize patient-specific expected views through a surgical microscope for a predicted range of transformations. Our method estimates the camera pose by minimizing the dissimilarity between the intraoperative 2D view through the optical microscope and the synthesized expected texture. In contrast to conventional methods, our approach transfers the processing tasks to the preoperative stage, reducing thereby the impact of low-resolution, distorted, and noisy intraoperative images, that often degrade the registration accuracy. We applied our method in the context of neuronavigation during brain surgery. We evaluated our approach on synthetic data and on retrospective data from 6 clinical cases. Our method outperformed state-of-the-art methods and achieved accuracies that met current clinical standards.
Abstract:We introduce MHVAE, a deep hierarchical variational auto-encoder (VAE) that synthesizes missing images from various modalities. Extending multi-modal VAEs with a hierarchical latent structure, we introduce a probabilistic formulation for fusing multi-modal images in a common latent representation while having the flexibility to handle incomplete image sets as input. Moreover, adversarial learning is employed to generate sharper images. Extensive experiments are performed on the challenging problem of joint intra-operative ultrasound (iUS) and Magnetic Resonance (MR) synthesis. Our model outperformed multi-modal VAEs, conditional GANs, and the current state-of-the-art unified method (ResViT) for synthesizing missing images, demonstrating the advantage of using a hierarchical latent representation and a principled probabilistic fusion operation. Our code is publicly available \url{https://github.com/ReubenDo/MHVAE}.
Abstract:With the increasing availability of new image registration approaches, an unbiased evaluation is becoming more needed so that clinicians can choose the most suitable approaches for their applications. Current evaluations typically use landmarks in manually annotated datasets. As a result, the quality of annotations is crucial for unbiased comparisons. Even though most data providers claim to have quality control over their datasets, an objective third-party screening can be reassuring for intended users. In this study, we use the variogram to screen the manually annotated landmarks in two datasets used to benchmark registration in image-guided neurosurgeries. The variogram provides an intuitive 2D representation of the spatial characteristics of annotated landmarks. Using variograms, we identified potentially problematic cases and had them examined by experienced radiologists. We found that (1) a small number of annotations may have fiducial localization errors; (2) the landmark distribution for some cases is not ideal to offer fair comparisons. If unresolved, both findings could incur bias in registration evaluation.