Abstract:The International Semantic Web Research School (ISWS) is a week-long intensive program designed to immerse participants in the field. This document reports a collaborative effort performed by ten teams of students, each guided by a senior researcher as their mentor, attending ISWS 2023. Each team provided a different perspective to the topic of creative AI, substantiated by a set of research questions as the main subject of their investigation. The 2023 edition of ISWS focuses on the intersection of Semantic Web technologies and Creative AI. ISWS 2023 explored various intersections between Semantic Web technologies and creative AI. A key area of focus was the potential of LLMs as support tools for knowledge engineering. Participants also delved into the multifaceted applications of LLMs, including legal aspects of creative content production, humans in the loop, decentralised approaches to multimodal generative AI models, nanopublications and AI for personal scientific knowledge graphs, commonsense knowledge in automatic story and narrative completion, generative AI for art critique, prompt engineering, automatic music composition, commonsense prototyping and conceptual blending, and elicitation of tacit knowledge. As Large Language Models and semantic technologies continue to evolve, new exciting prospects are emerging: a future where the boundaries between creative expression and factual knowledge become increasingly permeable and porous, leading to a world of knowledge that is both informative and inspiring.
Abstract:Audio-language models (ALMs) process sounds to provide a linguistic description of sound-producing events and scenes. Recent advances in computing power and dataset creation have led to significant progress in this domain. This paper surveys existing datasets used for training audio-language models, emphasizing the recent trend towards using large, diverse datasets to enhance model performance. Key sources of these datasets include the Freesound platform and AudioSet that have contributed to the field's rapid growth. Although prior surveys primarily address techniques and training details, this survey categorizes and evaluates a wide array of datasets, addressing their origins, characteristics, and use cases. It also performs a data leak analysis to ensure dataset integrity and mitigate bias between datasets. This survey was conducted by analyzing research papers up to and including December 2023, and does not contain any papers after that period.
Abstract:This paper presents a comprehensive systematic review of generative models (GANs, VAEs, DMs, and LLMs) used to synthesize various medical data types, including imaging (dermoscopic, mammographic, ultrasound, CT, MRI, and X-ray), text, time-series, and tabular data (EHR). Unlike previous narrowly focused reviews, our study encompasses a broad array of medical data modalities and explores various generative models. Our search strategy queries databases such as Scopus, PubMed, and ArXiv, focusing on recent works from January 2021 to November 2023, excluding reviews and perspectives. This period emphasizes recent advancements beyond GANs, which have been extensively covered previously. The survey reveals insights from three key aspects: (1) Synthesis applications and purpose of synthesis, (2) generation techniques, and (3) evaluation methods. It highlights clinically valid synthesis applications, demonstrating the potential of synthetic data to tackle diverse clinical requirements. While conditional models incorporating class labels, segmentation masks and image translations are prevalent, there is a gap in utilizing prior clinical knowledge and patient-specific context, suggesting a need for more personalized synthesis approaches and emphasizing the importance of tailoring generative approaches to the unique characteristics of medical data. Additionally, there is a significant gap in using synthetic data beyond augmentation, such as for validation and evaluation of downstream medical AI models. The survey uncovers that the lack of standardized evaluation methodologies tailored to medical images is a barrier to clinical application, underscoring the need for in-depth evaluation approaches, benchmarking, and comparative studies to promote openness and collaboration.
Abstract:Rule mining on knowledge graphs allows for explainable link prediction. Contrarily, embedding-based methods for link prediction are well known for their generalization capabilities, but their predictions are not interpretable. Several approaches combining the two families have been proposed in recent years. The majority of the resulting hybrid approaches are usually trained within a unified learning framework, which often leads to convergence issues due to the complexity of the learning task. In this work, we propose a new way to combine the two families of approaches. Specifically, we enrich a given knowledge graph by means of its pre-trained entity and relation embeddings before applying rule mining systems on the enriched knowledge graph. To validate our approach, we conduct extensive experiments on seven benchmark datasets. An analysis of the results generated by our approach suggests that we discover new valuable rules on the enriched graphs. We provide an open source implementation of our approach as well as pretrained models and datasets at https://github.com/Jean-KOUAGOU/EnhancedRuleLearning
Abstract:Automated Audio Captioning is a multimodal task that aims to convert audio content into natural language. The assessment of audio captioning systems is typically based on quantitative metrics applied to text data. Previous studies have employed metrics derived from machine translation and image captioning to evaluate the quality of generated audio captions. Drawing inspiration from auditory cognitive neuroscience research, we introduce a novel metric approach -- Audio Captioning Evaluation on Semantics of Sound (ACES). ACES takes into account how human listeners parse semantic information from sounds, providing a novel and comprehensive evaluation perspective for automated audio captioning systems. ACES combines semantic similarities and semantic entity labeling. ACES outperforms similar automated audio captioning metrics on the Clotho-Eval FENSE benchmark in two evaluation categories.
Abstract:Data science is an interdisciplinary research area where scientists are typically working with data coming from different fields. When using and analyzing data, the scientists implicitly agree to follow standards, procedures, and rules set in these fields. However, guidance on the responsibilities of the data scientists and the other involved actors in a data science project is typically missing. While literature shows that novel frameworks and tools are being proposed in support of open-science, data reuse, and research data management, there are currently no frameworks that can fully express responsibilities of a data science project. In this paper, we describe the Transparency, Accountability, Privacy, and Societal Responsibility Matrix (TAPS-RM) as framework to explore social, legal, and ethical aspects of data science projects. TAPS-RM acts as a tool to provide users with a holistic view of their project beyond key outcomes and clarifies the responsibilities of actors. We map the developed model of TAPS-RM with well-known initiatives for open data (such as FACT, FAIR and Datasheets for datasets). We conclude that TAPS-RM is a tool to reflect on responsibilities at a data science project level and can be used to advance responsible data science by design.
Abstract:Despite the remarkable success of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) on text, images, and videos, generating high-quality tabular data is still under development owing to some unique challenges such as capturing dependencies in imbalanced data, optimizing the quality of synthetic patient data while preserving privacy. In this paper, we propose DP-CGANS, a differentially private conditional GAN framework consisting of data transformation, sampling, conditioning, and networks training to generate realistic and privacy-preserving tabular data. DP-CGANS distinguishes categorical and continuous variables and transforms them to latent space separately. Then, we structure a conditional vector as an additional input to not only presents the minority class in the imbalanced data, but also capture the dependency between variables. We inject statistical noise to the gradients in the networking training process of DP-CGANS to provide a differential privacy guarantee. We extensively evaluate our model with state-of-the-art generative models on three public datasets and two real-world personal health datasets in terms of statistical similarity, machine learning performance, and privacy measurement. We demonstrate that our model outperforms other comparable models, especially in capturing dependency between variables. Finally, we present the balance between data utility and privacy in synthetic data generation considering the different data structure and characteristics of real-world datasets such as imbalance variables, abnormal distributions, and sparsity of data.
Abstract:One of the grand challenges discussed during the Dagstuhl Seminar "Knowledge Graphs: New Directions for Knowledge Representation on the Semantic Web" and described in its report is that of a: "Public FAIR Knowledge Graph of Everything: We increasingly see the creation of knowledge graphs that capture information about the entirety of a class of entities. [...] This grand challenge extends this further by asking if we can create a knowledge graph of "everything" ranging from common sense concepts to location based entities. This knowledge graph should be "open to the public" in a FAIR manner democratizing this mass amount of knowledge." Although linked open data (LOD) is one knowledge graph, it is the closest realisation (and probably the only one) to a public FAIR Knowledge Graph (KG) of everything. Surely, LOD provides a unique testbed for experimenting and evaluating research hypotheses on open and FAIR KG. One of the most neglected FAIR issues about KGs is their ongoing evolution and long term preservation. We want to investigate this problem, that is to understand what preserving and supporting the evolution of KGs means and how these problems can be addressed. Clearly, the problem can be approached from different perspectives and may require the development of different approaches, including new theories, ontologies, metrics, strategies, procedures, etc. This document reports a collaborative effort performed by 9 teams of students, each guided by a senior researcher as their mentor, attending the International Semantic Web Research School (ISWS 2019). Each team provides a different perspective to the problem of knowledge graph evolution substantiated by a set of research questions as the main subject of their investigation. In addition, they provide their working definition for KG preservation and evolution.
Abstract:It is essential for the advancement of science that scientists and researchers share, reuse and reproduce workflows and protocols used by others. The FAIR principles are a set of guidelines that aim to maximize the value and usefulness of research data, and emphasize a number of important points regarding the means by which digital objects are found and reused by others. The question of how to apply these principles not just to the static input and output data but also to the dynamic workflows and protocols that consume and produce them is still under debate and poses a number of challenges. In this paper we describe our inclusive and overarching approach to apply the FAIR principles to workflows and protocols and demonstrate its benefits. We apply and evaluate our approach on a case study that consists of making the PREDICT workflow, a highly cited drug repurposing workflow, open and FAIR. This includes FAIRification of the involved datasets, as well as applying semantic technologies to represent and store data about the detailed versions of the general protocol, of the concrete workflow instructions, and of their execution traces. A semantic model was proposed to better address these specific requirements and were evaluated by answering competency questions. This semantic model consists of classes and relations from a number of existing ontologies, including Workflow4ever, PROV, EDAM, and BPMN. This allowed us then to formulate and answer new kinds of competency questions. Our evaluation shows the high degree to which our FAIRified OpenPREDICT workflow now adheres to the FAIR principles and the practicality and usefulness of being able to answer our new competency questions.
Abstract:Combining data from varied sources has considerable potential for knowledge discovery: collaborating data parties can mine data in an expanded feature space, allowing them to explore a larger range of scientific questions. However, data sharing among different parties is highly restricted by legal conditions, ethical concerns, and / or data volume. Fueled by these concerns, the fields of cryptography and distributed learning have made great progress towards privacy-preserving and distributed data mining. However, practical implementations have been hampered by the limited scope or computational complexity of these methods. In this paper, we greatly extend the range of analyses available for vertically partitioned data, i.e., data collected by separate parties with different features on the same subjects. To this end, we present a novel approach for privacy-preserving generalized linear models, a fundamental and powerful framework underlying many prediction and classification procedures. We base our method on a distributed block coordinate descent algorithm to obtain parameter estimates, and we develop an extension to compute accurate standard errors without additional communication cost. We critically evaluate the information transfer for semi-honest collaborators and show that our protocol is secure against data reconstruction. Through both simulated and real-world examples we illustrate the functionality of our proposed algorithm. Without leaking information, our method performs as well on vertically partitioned data as existing methods on combined data -- all within mere minutes of computation time. We conclude that our method is a viable approach for vertically partitioned data analysis with a wide range of real-world applications.