Abstract:Adaptation-relevant predictions of climate change are often derived by combining climate models in a multi-model ensemble. Model evaluation methods used in performance-based ensemble weighting schemes have limitations in the context of high-impact extreme events. We introduce a locally time-invariant model evaluation method with focus on assessing the simulation of extremes. We explore the behaviour of the proposed method in predicting extreme heat days in Nairobi.
Abstract:Ice cores record crucial information about past climate. However, before ice core data can have scientific value, the chronology must be inferred by estimating the age as a function of depth. Under certain conditions, chemicals locked in the ice display quasi-periodic cycles that delineate annual layers. Manually counting these noisy seasonal patterns to infer the chronology can be an imperfect and time-consuming process, and does not capture uncertainty in a principled fashion. In addition, several ice cores may be collected from a region, introducing an aspect of spatial correlation between them. We present an exploration of the use of probabilistic models for automatic dating of ice cores, using probabilistic programming to showcase its use for prototyping, automatic inference and maintainability, and demonstrate common failure modes of these tools.
Abstract:Gaussian processes (GPs) are nonparametric priors over functions, and fitting a GP to the data implies computing the posterior distribution of the functions consistent with the observed data. Similarly, deep Gaussian processes (DGPs) [Damianou:2013] should allow us to compute the posterior distribution of compositions of multiple functions giving rise to the observations. However, exact Bayesian inference is usually intractable for DGPs, motivating the use of various approximations. We show that the simplifying assumptions for a common type of Variational inference approximation imply that all but one layer of a DGP collapse to a deterministic transformation. We argue that such an inference scheme is suboptimal, not taking advantage of the potential of the model to discover the compositional structure in the data, and propose possible modifications addressing this issue.
Abstract:In this paper, we present a Bayesian view on model-based reinforcement learning. We use expert knowledge to impose structure on the transition model and present an efficient learning scheme based on variational inference. This scheme is applied to a heteroskedastic and bimodal benchmark problem on which we compare our results to NFQ and show how our approach yields human-interpretable insight about the underlying dynamics while also increasing data-efficiency.
Abstract:We present an approach to Bayesian Optimization that allows for robust search strategies over a large class of challenging functions. Our method is motivated by the belief that the trends useful to exploit in search of the optimum typically are a subset of the characteristics of the true objective function. At the core of our approach is the use of a Latent Gaussian Process Regression model that allows us to modulate the input domain with an orthogonal latent space. Using this latent space we can encapsulate local information about each observed data point that can be used to guide the search problem. We show experimentally that our method can be used to significantly improve performance on challenging benchmarks.
Abstract:We propose a novel Bayesian approach to modelling multimodal data generated by multiple independent processes, simultaneously solving the data association and induced supervised learning problems. Underpinning our approach is the use of Gaussian process priors which encode structure both on the functions and the associations themselves. The association of samples and functions are determined by taking both inputs and outputs into account while also obtaining a posterior belief about the relevance of the global components throughout the input space. We present an efficient learning scheme based on doubly stochastic variational inference and discuss how it can be applied to deep Gaussian process priors. We show results for an artificial data set, a noise separation problem, and a multimodal regression problem based on the cart-pole benchmark.
Abstract:We propose a novel Bayesian approach to modelling nonlinear alignments of time series based on latent shared information. We apply the method to the real-world problem of finding common structure in the sensor data of wind turbines introduced by the underlying latent and turbulent wind field. The proposed model allows for both arbitrary alignments of the inputs and non-parametric output warpings to transform the observations. This gives rise to multiple deep Gaussian process models connected via latent generating processes. We present an efficient variational approximation based on nested variational compression and show how the model can be used to extract shared information between dependent time series, recovering an interpretable functional decomposition of the learning problem. We show results for an artificial data set and real-world data of two wind turbines.