Abstract:Constrained learning has become increasingly important, especially in the realm of algorithmic fairness and machine learning. In these settings, predictive models are developed specifically to satisfy pre-defined notions of fairness. Here, we study the general problem of constrained statistical machine learning through a statistical functional lens. We consider learning a function-valued parameter of interest under the constraint that one or several pre-specified real-valued functional parameters equal zero or are otherwise bounded. We characterize the constrained functional parameter as the minimizer of a penalized risk criterion using a Lagrange multiplier formulation. We show that closed-form solutions for the optimal constrained parameter are often available, providing insight into mechanisms that drive fairness in predictive models. Our results also suggest natural estimators of the constrained parameter that can be constructed by combining estimates of unconstrained parameters of the data generating distribution. Thus, our estimation procedure for constructing fair machine learning algorithms can be applied in conjunction with any statistical learning approach and off-the-shelf software. We demonstrate the generality of our method by explicitly considering a number of examples of statistical fairness constraints and implementing the approach using several popular learning approaches.
Abstract:Flexible estimation of the mean outcome under a treatment regimen (i.e., value function) is the key step toward personalized medicine. We define our target parameter as a conditional value function given a set of baseline covariates which we refer to as a stratum based value function. We focus on semiparametric class of decision rules and propose a sieve based nonparametric covariate adjusted regimen-response curve estimator within that class. Our work contributes in several ways. First, we propose an inverse probability weighted nonparametrically efficient estimator of the smoothed regimen-response curve function. We show that asymptotic linearity is achieved when the nuisance functions are undersmoothed sufficiently. Asymptotic and finite sample criteria for undersmoothing are proposed. Second, using Gaussian process theory, we propose simultaneous confidence intervals for the smoothed regimen-response curve function. Third, we provide consistency and convergence rate for the optimizer of the regimen-response curve estimator; this enables us to estimate an optimal semiparametric rule. The latter is important as the optimizer corresponds with the optimal dynamic treatment regimen. Some finite-sample properties are explored with simulations.
Abstract:We propose a novel, fully nonparametric approach for the multi-task learning, the Multi-task Highly Adaptive Lasso (MT-HAL). MT-HAL simultaneously learns features, samples and task associations important for the common model, while imposing a shared sparse structure among similar tasks. Given multiple tasks, our approach automatically finds a sparse sharing structure. The proposed MTL algorithm attains a powerful dimension-free convergence rate of $o_p(n^{-1/4})$ or better. We show that MT-HAL outperforms sparsity-based MTL competitors across a wide range of simulation studies, including settings with nonlinear and linear relationships, varying levels of sparsity and task correlations, and different numbers of covariates and sample size.
Abstract:Strategic test allocation plays a major role in the control of both emerging and existing pandemics (e.g., COVID-19, HIV). Widespread testing supports effective epidemic control by (1) reducing transmission via identifying cases, and (2) tracking outbreak dynamics to inform targeted interventions. However, infectious disease surveillance presents unique statistical challenges. For instance, the true outcome of interest - one's positive infectious status, is often a latent variable. In addition, presence of both network and temporal dependence reduces the data to a single observation. As testing entire populations regularly is neither efficient nor feasible, standard approaches to testing recommend simple rule-based testing strategies (e.g., symptom based, contact tracing), without taking into account individual risk. In this work, we study an adaptive sequential design involving n individuals over a period of {\tau} time-steps, which allows for unspecified dependence among individuals and across time. Our causal target parameter is the mean latent outcome we would have obtained after one time-step, if, starting at time t given the observed past, we had carried out a stochastic intervention that maximizes the outcome under a resource constraint. We propose an Online Super Learner for adaptive sequential surveillance that learns the optimal choice of tests strategies over time while adapting to the current state of the outbreak. Relying on a series of working models, the proposed method learns across samples, through time, or both: based on the underlying (unknown) structure in the data. We present an identification result for the latent outcome in terms of the observed data, and demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed strategy in a simulation modeling a residential university environment during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Abstract:The growth of machine learning as a field has been accelerating with increasing interest and publications across fields, including statistics, but predominantly in computer science. How can we parse this vast literature for developments that exemplify the necessary rigor? How many of these manuscripts incorporate foundational theory to allow for statistical inference? Which advances have the greatest potential for impact in practice? One could posit many answers to these queries. Here, we assert that one essential idea is for machine learning to integrate maximum likelihood for estimation of functional parameters, such as prediction functions and conditional densities.
Abstract:In this work, we introduce the Personalized Online Super Learner (POSL) -- an online ensembling algorithm for streaming data whose optimization procedure accommodates varying degrees of personalization. Namely, POSL optimizes predictions with respect to baseline covariates, so personalization can vary from completely individualized (i.e., optimization with respect to baseline covariate subject ID) to many individuals (i.e., optimization with respect to common baseline covariates). As an online algorithm, POSL learns in real-time. POSL can leverage a diversity of candidate algorithms, including online algorithms with different training and update times, fixed algorithms that are never updated during the procedure, pooled algorithms that learn from many individuals' time-series, and individualized algorithms that learn from within a single time-series. POSL's ensembling of this hybrid of base learning strategies depends on the amount of data collected, the stationarity of the time-series, and the mutual characteristics of a group of time-series. In essence, POSL decides whether to learn across samples, through time, or both, based on the underlying (unknown) structure in the data. For a wide range of simulations that reflect realistic forecasting scenarios, and in a medical data application, we examine the performance of POSL relative to other current ensembling and online learning methods. We show that POSL is able to provide reliable predictions for time-series data and adjust to changing data-generating environments. We further cultivate POSL's practicality by extending it to settings where time-series enter/exit dynamically over chronological time.
Abstract:The current work is motivated by the need for robust statistical methods for precision medicine; as such, we address the need for statistical methods that provide actionable inference for a single unit at any point in time. We aim to learn an optimal, unknown choice of the controlled components of the design in order to optimize the expected outcome; with that, we adapt the randomization mechanism for future time-point experiments based on the data collected on the individual over time. Our results demonstrate that one can learn the optimal rule based on a single sample, and thereby adjust the design at any point t with valid inference for the mean target parameter. This work provides several contributions to the field of statistical precision medicine. First, we define a general class of averages of conditional causal parameters defined by the current context for the single unit time-series data. We define a nonparametric model for the probability distribution of the time-series under few assumptions, and aim to fully utilize the sequential randomization in the estimation procedure via the double robust structure of the efficient influence curve of the proposed target parameter. We present multiple exploration-exploitation strategies for assigning treatment, and methods for estimating the optimal rule. Lastly, we present the study of the data-adaptive inference on the mean under the optimal treatment rule, where the target parameter adapts over time in response to the observed context of the individual. Our target parameter is pathwise differentiable with an efficient influence function that is doubly robust - which makes it easier to estimate than previously proposed variations. We characterize the limit distribution of our estimator under a Donsker condition expressed in terms of a notion of bracketing entropy adapted to martingale settings.
Abstract:Targeted Learning is a subfield of statistics that unifies advances in causal inference, machine learning and statistical theory to help answer scientifically impactful questions with statistical confidence. Targeted Learning is driven by complex problems in data science and has been implemented in a diversity of real-world scenarios: observational studies with missing treatments and outcomes, personalized interventions, longitudinal settings with time-varying treatment regimes, survival analysis, adaptive randomized trials, mediation analysis, and networks of connected subjects. In contrast to the (mis)application of restrictive modeling strategies that dominate the current practice of statistics, Targeted Learning establishes a principled standard for statistical estimation and inference (i.e., confidence intervals and p-values). This multiply robust approach is accompanied by a guiding roadmap and a burgeoning software ecosystem, both of which provide guidance on the construction of estimators optimized to best answer the motivating question. The roadmap of Targeted Learning emphasizes tailoring statistical procedures so as to minimize their assumptions, carefully grounding them only in the scientific knowledge available. The end result is a framework that honestly reflects the uncertainty in both the background knowledge and the available data in order to draw reliable conclusions from statistical analyses - ultimately enhancing the reproducibility and rigor of scientific findings.
Abstract:We consider the model selection task in the stochastic contextual bandit setting. Suppose we are given a collection of base contextual bandit algorithms. We provide a master algorithm that combines them and achieves the same performance, up to constants, as the best base algorithm would, if it had been run on its own. Our approach only requires that each algorithm satisfy a high probability regret bound. Our procedure is very simple and essentially does the following: for a well chosen sequence of probabilities $(p_{t})_{t\geq 1}$, at each round $t$, it either chooses at random which candidate to follow (with probability $p_{t}$) or compares, at the same internal sample size for each candidate, the cumulative reward of each, and selects the one that wins the comparison (with probability $1-p_{t}$). To the best of our knowledge, our proposal is the first one to be rate-adaptive for a collection of general black-box contextual bandit algorithms: it achieves the same regret rate as the best candidate. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method with simulation studies.
Abstract:Inverse probability weighted estimators are the oldest and potentially most commonly used class of procedures for the estimation of causal effects. By adjusting for selection biases via a weighting mechanism, these procedures estimate an effect of interest by constructing a pseudo-population in which selection biases are eliminated. Despite their ease of use, these estimators require the correct specification of a model for the weighting mechanism, are known to be inefficient, and suffer from the curse of dimensionality. We propose a class of nonparametric inverse probability weighted estimators in which the weighting mechanism is estimated via undersmoothing of the highly adaptive lasso, a nonparametric regression function proven to converge at $n^{-1/3}$-rate to the true weighting mechanism. We demonstrate that our estimators are asymptotically linear with variance converging to the nonparametric efficiency bound. Unlike doubly robust estimators, our procedures require neither derivation of the efficient influence function nor specification of the conditional outcome model. Our theoretical developments have broad implications for the construction of efficient inverse probability weighted estimators in large statistical models and a variety of problem settings. We assess the practical performance of our estimators in simulation studies and demonstrate use of our proposed methodology with data from a large-scale epidemiologic study.