Abstract:Many critical decisions, such as personalized medical diagnoses and product pricing, are made based on insights gained from designing, observing, and analyzing a series of experiments. This highlights the crucial role of experimental design, which goes beyond merely collecting information on system parameters as in traditional Bayesian experimental design (BED), but also plays a key part in facilitating downstream decision-making. Most recent BED methods use an amortized policy network to rapidly design experiments. However, the information gathered through these methods is suboptimal for down-the-line decision-making, as the experiments are not inherently designed with downstream objectives in mind. In this paper, we present an amortized decision-aware BED framework that prioritizes maximizing downstream decision utility. We introduce a novel architecture, the Transformer Neural Decision Process (TNDP), capable of instantly proposing the next experimental design, whilst inferring the downstream decision, thus effectively amortizing both tasks within a unified workflow. We demonstrate the performance of our method across several tasks, showing that it can deliver informative designs and facilitate accurate decision-making.
Abstract:Amortized meta-learning methods based on pre-training have propelled fields like natural language processing and vision. Transformer-based neural processes and their variants are leading models for probabilistic meta-learning with a tractable objective. Often trained on synthetic data, these models implicitly capture essential latent information in the data-generation process. However, existing methods do not allow users to flexibly inject (condition on) and extract (predict) this probabilistic latent information at runtime, which is key to many tasks. We introduce the Amortized Conditioning Engine (ACE), a new transformer-based meta-learning model that explicitly represents latent variables of interest. ACE affords conditioning on both observed data and interpretable latent variables, the inclusion of priors at runtime, and outputs predictive distributions for discrete and continuous data and latents. We show ACE's modeling flexibility and performance in diverse tasks such as image completion and classification, Bayesian optimization, and simulation-based inference.
Abstract:Eliciting a high-dimensional probability distribution from an expert via noisy judgments is notoriously challenging, yet useful for many applications, such as prior elicitation and reward modeling. We introduce a method for eliciting the expert's belief density as a normalizing flow based solely on preferential questions such as comparing or ranking alternatives. This allows eliciting in principle arbitrarily flexible densities, but flow estimation is susceptible to the challenge of collapsing or diverging probability mass that makes it difficult in practice. We tackle this problem by introducing a novel functional prior for the flow, motivated by a decision-theoretic argument, and show empirically that the belief density can be inferred as the function-space maximum a posteriori estimate. We demonstrate our method by eliciting multivariate belief densities of simulated experts, including the prior belief of a general-purpose large language model over a real-world dataset.
Abstract:Bayesian inference often faces a trade-off between computational speed and sampling accuracy. We propose an adaptive workflow that integrates rapid amortized inference with gold-standard MCMC techniques to achieve both speed and accuracy when performing inference on many observed datasets. Our approach uses principled diagnostics to guide the choice of inference method for each dataset, moving along the Pareto front from fast amortized sampling to slower but guaranteed-accurate MCMC when necessary. By reusing computations across steps, our workflow creates synergies between amortized and MCMC-based inference. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this integrated approach on a generalized extreme value task with 1000 observed data sets, showing 90x time efficiency gains while maintaining high posterior quality.
Abstract:Deep neural networks (DNNs) excel on clean images but struggle with corrupted ones. Incorporating specific corruptions into the data augmentation pipeline can improve robustness to those corruptions but may harm performance on clean images and other types of distortion. In this paper, we introduce an alternative approach that improves the robustness of DNNs to a wide range of corruptions without compromising accuracy on clean images. We first demonstrate that input perturbations can be mimicked by multiplicative perturbations in the weight space. Leveraging this, we propose Data Augmentation via Multiplicative Perturbation (DAMP), a training method that optimizes DNNs under random multiplicative weight perturbations. We also examine the recently proposed Adaptive Sharpness-Aware Minimization (ASAM) and show that it optimizes DNNs under adversarial multiplicative weight perturbations. Experiments on image classification datasets (CIFAR-10/100, TinyImageNet and ImageNet) and neural network architectures (ResNet50, ViT-S/16) show that DAMP enhances model generalization performance in the presence of corruptions across different settings. Notably, DAMP is able to train a ViT-S/16 on ImageNet from scratch, reaching the top-1 error of 23.7% which is comparable to ResNet50 without extensive data augmentations.
Abstract:PyBADS is a Python implementation of the Bayesian Adaptive Direct Search (BADS) algorithm for fast and robust black-box optimization (Acerbi and Ma 2017). BADS is an optimization algorithm designed to efficiently solve difficult optimization problems where the objective function is rough (non-convex, non-smooth), mildly expensive (e.g., the function evaluation requires more than 0.1 seconds), possibly noisy, and gradient information is unavailable. With BADS, these issues are well addressed, making it an excellent choice for fitting computational models using methods such as maximum-likelihood estimation. The algorithm scales efficiently to black-box functions with up to $D \approx 20$ continuous input parameters and supports bounds or no constraints. PyBADS comes along with an easy-to-use Pythonic interface for running the algorithm and inspecting its results. PyBADS only requires the user to provide a Python function for evaluating the target function, and optionally other constraints. Extensive benchmarks on both artificial test problems and large real model-fitting problems models drawn from cognitive, behavioral and computational neuroscience, show that BADS performs on par with or better than many other common and state-of-the-art optimizers (Acerbi and Ma 2017), making it a general model-fitting tool which provides fast and robust solutions.
Abstract:Conditional Neural Processes (CNPs) are a class of metalearning models popular for combining the runtime efficiency of amortized inference with reliable uncertainty quantification. Many relevant machine learning tasks, such as spatio-temporal modeling, Bayesian Optimization and continuous control, contain equivariances -- for example to translation -- which the model can exploit for maximal performance. However, prior attempts to include equivariances in CNPs do not scale effectively beyond two input dimensions. In this work, we propose Relational Conditional Neural Processes (RCNPs), an effective approach to incorporate equivariances into any neural process model. Our proposed method extends the applicability and impact of equivariant neural processes to higher dimensions. We empirically demonstrate the competitive performance of RCNPs on a large array of tasks naturally containing equivariances.
Abstract:Deep Ensembles (DEs) demonstrate improved accuracy, calibration and robustness to perturbations over single neural networks partly due to their functional diversity. Particle-based variational inference (ParVI) methods enhance diversity by formalizing a repulsion term based on a network similarity kernel. However, weight-space repulsion is inefficient due to over-parameterization, while direct function-space repulsion has been found to produce little improvement over DEs. To sidestep these difficulties, we propose First-order Repulsive Deep Ensemble (FoRDE), an ensemble learning method based on ParVI, which performs repulsion in the space of first-order input gradients. As input gradients uniquely characterize a function up to translation and are much smaller in dimension than the weights, this method guarantees that ensemble members are functionally different. Intuitively, diversifying the input gradients encourages each network to learn different features, which is expected to improve the robustness of an ensemble. Experiments on image classification datasets show that FoRDE significantly outperforms the gold-standard DEs and other ensemble methods in accuracy and calibration under covariate shift due to input perturbations.
Abstract:Simulation-based inference (SBI) methods such as approximate Bayesian computation (ABC), synthetic likelihood, and neural posterior estimation (NPE) rely on simulating statistics to infer parameters of intractable likelihood models. However, such methods are known to yield untrustworthy and misleading inference outcomes under model misspecification, thus hindering their widespread applicability. In this work, we propose the first general approach to handle model misspecification that works across different classes of SBI methods. Leveraging the fact that the choice of statistics determines the degree of misspecification in SBI, we introduce a regularized loss function that penalises those statistics that increase the mismatch between the data and the model. Taking NPE and ABC as use cases, we demonstrate the superior performance of our method on high-dimensional time-series models that are artificially misspecified. We also apply our method to real data from the field of radio propagation where the model is known to be misspecified. We show empirically that the method yields robust inference in misspecified scenarios, whilst still being accurate when the model is well-specified.
Abstract:PyVBMC is a Python implementation of the Variational Bayesian Monte Carlo (VBMC) algorithm for posterior and model inference for black-box computational models (Acerbi, 2018, 2020). VBMC is an approximate inference method designed for efficient parameter estimation and model assessment when model evaluations are mildly-to-very expensive (e.g., a second or more) and/or noisy. Specifically, VBMC computes: - a flexible (non-Gaussian) approximate posterior distribution of the model parameters, from which statistics and posterior samples can be easily extracted; - an approximation of the model evidence or marginal likelihood, a metric used for Bayesian model selection. PyVBMC can be applied to any computational or statistical model with up to roughly 10-15 continuous parameters, with the only requirement that the user can provide a Python function that computes the target log likelihood of the model, or an approximation thereof (e.g., an estimate of the likelihood obtained via simulation or Monte Carlo methods). PyVBMC is particularly effective when the model takes more than about a second per evaluation, with dramatic speed-ups of 1-2 orders of magnitude when compared to traditional approximate inference methods. Extensive benchmarks on both artificial test problems and a large number of real models from the computational sciences, particularly computational and cognitive neuroscience, show that VBMC generally - and often vastly - outperforms alternative methods for sample-efficient Bayesian inference, and is applicable to both exact and simulator-based models (Acerbi, 2018, 2019, 2020). PyVBMC brings this state-of-the-art inference algorithm to Python, along with an easy-to-use Pythonic interface for running the algorithm and manipulating and visualizing its results.