Abstract:Neural network verification is a new and rapidly developing field of research. So far, the main priority has been establishing efficient verification algorithms and tools, while proper support from the programming language perspective has been considered secondary or unimportant. Yet, there is mounting evidence that insights from the programming language community may make a difference in the future development of this domain. In this paper, we formulate neural network verification challenges as programming language challenges and suggest possible future solutions.
Abstract:As machine intelligence evolves, the need to test and compare the problem-solving abilities of different AI models grows. However, current benchmarks are often overly simplistic, allowing models to perform uniformly well, making it difficult to distinguish their capabilities. Additionally, benchmarks typically rely on static question-answer pairs, which models might memorize or guess. To address these limitations, we introduce the Dynamic Intelligence Assessment (DIA), a novel methodology for testing AI models using dynamic question templates and improved metrics across multiple disciplines such as mathematics, cryptography, cybersecurity, and computer science. The accompanying DIA-Bench dataset, which includes 150 diverse and challenging task templates with mutable parameters, is presented in various formats such as text, PDFs, compiled binaries, and visual puzzles. Our framework introduces four new metrics to assess a model's reliability and confidence across multiple attempts. These metrics revealed that even simple questions are frequently answered incorrectly when posed in varying forms, highlighting significant gaps in models' reliability. Notably, models like GPT-4o tended to overestimate their mathematical abilities, while ChatGPT-4o demonstrated better decision-making and performance through effective tool usage. We evaluated eight state-of-the-art large language models (LLMs) using DIA-Bench, showing that current models struggle with complex tasks and often display unexpectedly low confidence, even with simpler questions. The DIA framework sets a new standard for assessing not only problem-solving but also a model's adaptive intelligence and ability to assess its own limitations. The dataset is publicly available on our project's website.
Abstract:In heterogeneous scenarios where the data distribution amongst the Federated Learning (FL) participants is Non-Independent and Identically distributed (Non-IID), FL suffers from the well known problem of data heterogeneity. This leads the performance of FL to be significantly degraded, as the global model tends to struggle to converge. To solve this problem, we propose Differentially Private Synthetic Data Aided Federated Learning Using Foundation Models (DPSDA-FL), a novel data augmentation strategy that aids in homogenizing the local data present on the clients' side. DPSDA-FL improves the training of the local models by leveraging differentially private synthetic data generated from foundation models. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by evaluating it on the benchmark image dataset: CIFAR-10. Our experimental results have shown that DPSDA-FL can improve class recall and classification accuracy of the global model by up to 26% and 9%, respectively, in FL with Non-IID issues.
Abstract:The next generation of AI systems requires strong safety guarantees. This report looks at the software implementation of neural networks and related memory safety properties, including NULL pointer deference, out-of-bound access, double-free, and memory leaks. Our goal is to detect these vulnerabilities, and automatically repair them with the help of large language models. To this end, we first expand the size of NeuroCodeBench, an existing dataset of neural network code, to about 81k programs via an automated process of program mutation. Then, we verify the memory safety of the mutated neural network implementations with ESBMC, a state-of-the-art software verifier. Whenever ESBMC spots a vulnerability, we invoke a large language model to repair the source code. For the latest task, we compare the performance of various state-of-the-art prompt engineering techniques, and an iterative approach that repeatedly calls the large language model.
Abstract:This study provides a comparative analysis of state-of-the-art large language models (LLMs), analyzing how likely they generate vulnerabilities when writing simple C programs using a neutral zero-shot prompt. We address a significant gap in the literature concerning the security properties of code produced by these models without specific directives. N. Tihanyi et al. introduced the FormAI dataset at PROMISE '23, containing 112,000 GPT-3.5-generated C programs, with over 51.24% identified as vulnerable. We expand that work by introducing the FormAI-v2 dataset comprising 265,000 compilable C programs generated using various LLMs, including robust models such as Google's GEMINI-pro, OpenAI's GPT-4, and TII's 180 billion-parameter Falcon, to Meta's specialized 13 billion-parameter CodeLLama2 and various other compact models. Each program in the dataset is labelled based on the vulnerabilities detected in its source code through formal verification using the Efficient SMT-based Context-Bounded Model Checker (ESBMC). This technique eliminates false positives by delivering a counterexample and ensures the exclusion of false negatives by completing the verification process. Our study reveals that at least 63.47% of the generated programs are vulnerable. The differences between the models are minor, as they all display similar coding errors with slight variations. Our research highlights that while LLMs offer promising capabilities for code generation, deploying their output in a production environment requires risk assessment and validation.
Abstract:Prompting has become one of the main approaches to leverage emergent capabilities of Large Language Models [Brown et al. NeurIPS 2020, Wei et al. TMLR 2022, Wei et al. NeurIPS 2022]. During the last year, researchers and practitioners have been playing with prompts to see how to make the most of LLMs. By homogeneously dissecting 80 papers, we investigate in deep how software testing and verification research communities have been abstractly architecting their LLM-enabled solutions. More precisely, first, we want to validate whether downstream tasks are an adequate concept to convey the blueprint of prompt-based solutions. We also aim at identifying number and nature of such tasks in solutions. For such goal, we develop a novel downstream task taxonomy that enables pinpointing some engineering patterns in a rather varied spectrum of Software Engineering problems that encompasses testing, fuzzing, debugging, vulnerability detection, static analysis and program verification approaches.
Abstract:Safety-critical systems with neural network components require strong guarantees. While existing neural network verification techniques have shown great progress towards this goal, they cannot prove the absence of software faults in the network implementation. This paper presents NeuroCodeBench - a verification benchmark for neural network code written in plain C. It contains 32 neural networks with 607 safety properties divided into 6 categories: maths library, activation functions, error-correcting networks, transfer function approximation, probability density estimation and reinforcement learning. Our preliminary evaluation shows that state-of-the-art software verifiers struggle to provide correct verdicts, due to their incomplete support of the standard C mathematical library and the complexity of larger neural networks.
Abstract:Software vulnerabilities leading to various detriments such as crashes, data loss, and security breaches, significantly hinder the quality, affecting the market adoption of software applications and systems. Although traditional methods such as automated software testing, fault localization, and repair have been intensively studied, static analysis tools are most commonly used and have an inherent false positives rate, posing a solid challenge to developer productivity. Large Language Models (LLMs) offer a promising solution to these persistent issues. Among these, FalconLLM has shown substantial potential in identifying intricate patterns and complex vulnerabilities, hence crucial in software vulnerability detection. In this paper, for the first time, FalconLLM is being fine-tuned for cybersecurity applications, thus introducing SecureFalcon, an innovative model architecture built upon FalconLLM. SecureFalcon is trained to differentiate between vulnerable and non-vulnerable C code samples. We build a new training dataset, FormAI, constructed thanks to Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and formal verification to evaluate its performance. SecureFalcon achieved an impressive 94% accuracy rate in detecting software vulnerabilities, emphasizing its significant potential to redefine software vulnerability detection methods in cybersecurity.
Abstract:This paper presents the FormAI dataset, a large collection of 112,000 AI-generated compilable and independent C programs with vulnerability classification. We introduce a dynamic zero-shot prompting technique, constructed to spawn a diverse set of programs utilizing Large Language Models (LLMs). The dataset is generated by GPT-3.5-turbo and comprises programs with varying levels of complexity. Some programs handle complicated tasks such as network management, table games, or encryption, while others deal with simpler tasks like string manipulation. Every program is labeled with the vulnerabilities found within the source code, indicating the type, line number, and vulnerable function name. This is accomplished by employing a formal verification method using the Efficient SMT-based Bounded Model Checker (ESBMC), which performs model checking, abstract interpretation, constraint programming, and satisfiability modulo theories, to reason over safety/security properties in programs. This approach definitively detects vulnerabilities and offers a formal model known as a counterexample, thus eliminating the possibility of generating false positive reports. This property of the dataset makes it suitable for evaluating the effectiveness of various static and dynamic analysis tools. Furthermore, we have associated the identified vulnerabilities with relevant Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) numbers. We make the source code available for the 112,000 programs, accompanied by a comprehensive list detailing the vulnerabilities detected in each individual program including location and function name, which makes the dataset ideal to train LLMs and machine learning algorithms.
Abstract:We present QNNRepair, the first method in the literature for repairing quantized neural networks (QNNs). QNNRepair aims to improve the accuracy of a neural network model after quantization. It accepts the full-precision and weight-quantized neural networks and a repair dataset of passing and failing tests. At first, QNNRepair applies a software fault localization method to identify the neurons that cause performance degradation during neural network quantization. Then, it formulates the repair problem into a linear programming problem of solving neuron weights parameters, which corrects the QNN's performance on failing tests while not compromising its performance on passing tests. We evaluate QNNRepair with widely used neural network architectures such as MobileNetV2, ResNet, and VGGNet on popular datasets, including high-resolution images. We also compare QNNRepair with the state-of-the-art data-free quantization method SQuant. According to the experiment results, we conclude that QNNRepair is effective in improving the quantized model's performance in most cases. Its repaired models have 24% higher accuracy than SQuant's in the independent validation set, especially for the ImageNet dataset.