Abstract:Fuzz testing effectively uncovers software vulnerabilities; however, it faces challenges with Autonomous Systems (AS) due to their vast search spaces and complex state spaces, which reflect the unpredictability and complexity of real-world environments. This paper presents a universal framework aimed at improving the efficiency of fuzz testing for AS. At its core is SaFliTe, a predictive component that evaluates whether a test case meets predefined safety criteria. By leveraging the large language model (LLM) with information about the test objective and the AS state, SaFliTe assesses the relevance of each test case. We evaluated SaFliTe by instantiating it with various LLMs, including GPT-3.5, Mistral-7B, and Llama2-7B, and integrating it into four fuzz testing tools: PGFuzz, DeepHyperion-UAV, CAMBA, and TUMB. These tools are designed specifically for testing autonomous drone control systems, such as ArduPilot, PX4, and PX4-Avoidance. The experimental results demonstrate that, compared to PGFuzz, SaFliTe increased the likelihood of selecting operations that triggered bug occurrences in each fuzzing iteration by an average of 93.1\%. Additionally, after integrating SaFliTe, the ability of DeepHyperion-UAV, CAMBA, and TUMB to generate test cases that caused system violations increased by 234.5\%, 33.3\%, and 17.8\%, respectively. The benchmark for this evaluation was sourced from a UAV Testing Competition.
Abstract:Existing algorithms for explaining the output of image classifiers use different definitions of explanations and a variety of techniques to extract them. However, none of the existing tools use a principled approach based on formal definitions of causes and explanations for the explanation extraction. In this paper we present a novel black-box approach to computing explanations grounded in the theory of actual causality. We prove relevant theoretical results and present an algorithm for computing approximate explanations based on these definitions. We prove termination of our algorithm and discuss its complexity and the amount of approximation compared to the precise definition. We implemented the framework in a tool rex and we present experimental results and a comparison with state-of-the-art tools. We demonstrate that rex is the most efficient tool and produces the smallest explanations, in addition to outperforming other black-box tools on standard quality measures.
Abstract:Due to the vast testing space, the increasing demand for effective and efficient testing of deep neural networks (DNNs) has led to the development of various DNN test case prioritization techniques. However, the fact that DNNs can deliver high-confidence predictions for incorrectly predicted examples, known as the over-confidence problem, causes these methods to fail to reveal high-confidence errors. To address this limitation, in this work, we propose FAST, a method that boosts existing prioritization methods through guided FeAture SelecTion. FAST is based on the insight that certain features may introduce noise that affects the model's output confidence, thereby contributing to high-confidence errors. It quantifies the importance of each feature for the model's correct predictions, and then dynamically prunes the information from the noisy features during inference to derive a new probability vector for the uncertainty estimation. With the help of FAST, the high-confidence errors and correctly classified examples become more distinguishable, resulting in higher APFD (Average Percentage of Fault Detection) values for test prioritization, and higher generalization ability for model enhancement. We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate FAST across a diverse set of model structures on multiple benchmark datasets to validate the effectiveness, efficiency, and scalability of FAST compared to the state-of-the-art prioritization techniques.
Abstract:Smart meters play a crucial role in enhancing energy management and efficiency, but they raise significant privacy concerns by potentially revealing detailed user behaviors through energy consumption patterns. Recent scholarly efforts have focused on developing battery-aided load-shaping techniques to protect user privacy while balancing costs. This paper proposes a novel deep reinforcement learning-based load-shaping algorithm (PLS-DQN) designed to protect user privacy by proactively creating artificial load signatures that mislead potential attackers. We evaluate our proposed algorithm against a non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) adversary. The results demonstrate that our approach not only effectively conceals real energy usage patterns but also outperforms state-of-the-art methods in enhancing user privacy while maintaining cost efficiency.
Abstract:Recommender systems (RSs) are designed to provide personalized recommendations to users. Recently, knowledge graphs (KGs) have been widely introduced in RSs to improve recommendation accuracy. In this study, however, we demonstrate that RSs do not necessarily perform worse even if the KG is downgraded to the user-item interaction graph only (or removed). We propose an evaluation framework KG4RecEval to systematically evaluate how much a KG contributes to the recommendation accuracy of a KG-based RS, using our defined metric KGER (KG utilization efficiency in recommendation). We consider the scenarios where knowledge in a KG gets completely removed, randomly distorted and decreased, and also where recommendations are for cold-start users. Our extensive experiments on four commonly used datasets and a number of state-of-the-art KG-based RSs reveal that: to remove, randomly distort or decrease knowledge does not necessarily decrease recommendation accuracy, even for cold-start users. These findings inspire us to rethink how to better utilize knowledge from existing KGs, whereby we discuss and provide insights into what characteristics of datasets and KG-based RSs may help improve KG utilization efficiency.
Abstract:We present QNNRepair, the first method in the literature for repairing quantized neural networks (QNNs). QNNRepair aims to improve the accuracy of a neural network model after quantization. It accepts the full-precision and weight-quantized neural networks and a repair dataset of passing and failing tests. At first, QNNRepair applies a software fault localization method to identify the neurons that cause performance degradation during neural network quantization. Then, it formulates the repair problem into a linear programming problem of solving neuron weights parameters, which corrects the QNN's performance on failing tests while not compromising its performance on passing tests. We evaluate QNNRepair with widely used neural network architectures such as MobileNetV2, ResNet, and VGGNet on popular datasets, including high-resolution images. We also compare QNNRepair with the state-of-the-art data-free quantization method SQuant. According to the experiment results, we conclude that QNNRepair is effective in improving the quantized model's performance in most cases. Its repaired models have 24% higher accuracy than SQuant's in the independent validation set, especially for the ImageNet dataset.
Abstract:In this paper we present a novel solution that combines the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) with Formal Verification strategies to verify and automatically repair software vulnerabilities. Initially, we employ Bounded Model Checking (BMC) to locate the software vulnerability and derive a counterexample. The counterexample provides evidence that the system behaves incorrectly or contains a vulnerability. The counterexample that has been detected, along with the source code, are provided to the LLM engine. Our approach involves establishing a specialized prompt language for conducting code debugging and generation to understand the vulnerability's root cause and repair the code. Finally, we use BMC to verify the corrected version of the code generated by the LLM. As a proof of concept, we create ESBMC-AI based on the Efficient SMT-based Context-Bounded Model Checker (ESBMC) and a pre-trained Transformer model, specifically gpt-3.5-turbo, to detect and fix errors in C programs. Our experimentation involved generating a dataset comprising 1000 C code samples, each consisting of 20 to 50 lines of code. Notably, our proposed method achieved an impressive success rate of up to 80% in repairing vulnerable code encompassing buffer overflow and pointer dereference failures. We assert that this automated approach can effectively incorporate into the software development lifecycle's continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) process.
Abstract:We present AIREPAIR, a platform for repairing neural networks. It features the integration of existing network repair tools. Based on AIREPAIR, one can run different repair methods on the same model, thus enabling the fair comparison of different repair techniques. We evaluate AIREPAIR with three state-of-the-art repair tools on popular deep-learning datasets and models. Our evaluation confirms the utility of AIREPAIR, by comparing and analyzing the results from different repair techniques. A demonstration is available at https://youtu.be/UkKw5neeWhw.
Abstract:We present a practical verification method for safety analysis of the autonomous driving system (ADS). The main idea is to build a surrogate model that quantitatively depicts the behaviour of an ADS in the specified traffic scenario. The safety properties proved in the resulting surrogate model apply to the original ADS with a probabilistic guarantee. Furthermore, we explore the safe and the unsafe parameter space of the traffic scenario for driving hazards. We demonstrate the utility of the proposed approach by evaluating safety properties on the state-of-the-art ADS in literature, with a variety of simulated traffic scenarios.
Abstract:Deep neural network (DNN) models, including those used in safety-critical domains, need to be thoroughly tested to ensure that they can reliably perform well in different scenarios. In this article, we provide an overview of structural coverage metrics for testing DNN models, including neuron coverage (NC), k-multisection neuron coverage (kMNC), top-k neuron coverage (TKNC), neuron boundary coverage (NBC), strong neuron activation coverage (SNAC) and modified condition/decision coverage (MC/DC). We evaluate the metrics on realistic DNN models used for perception tasks (including LeNet-1, LeNet-4, LeNet-5, and ResNet20) as well as on networks used in autonomy (TaxiNet). We also provide a tool, DNNCov, which can measure the testing coverage for all these metrics. DNNCov outputs an informative coverage report to enable researchers and practitioners to assess the adequacy of DNN testing, compare different coverage measures, and to more conveniently inspect the model's internals during testing.