Abstract:Today's robot policies exhibit subpar performance when faced with the challenge of generalizing to novel environments. Human corrective feedback is a crucial form of guidance to enable such generalization. However, adapting to and learning from online human corrections is a non-trivial endeavor: not only do robots need to remember human feedback over time to retrieve the right information in new settings and reduce the intervention rate, but also they would need to be able to respond to feedback that can be arbitrary corrections about high-level human preferences to low-level adjustments to skill parameters. In this work, we present Distillation and Retrieval of Online Corrections (DROC), a large language model (LLM)-based system that can respond to arbitrary forms of language feedback, distill generalizable knowledge from corrections, and retrieve relevant past experiences based on textual and visual similarity for improving performance in novel settings. DROC is able to respond to a sequence of online language corrections that address failures in both high-level task plans and low-level skill primitives. We demonstrate that DROC effectively distills the relevant information from the sequence of online corrections in a knowledge base and retrieves that knowledge in settings with new task or object instances. DROC outperforms other techniques that directly generate robot code via LLMs by using only half of the total number of corrections needed in the first round and requires little to no corrections after two iterations. We show further results, videos, prompts and code on https://sites.google.com/stanford.edu/droc .
Abstract:Large language models encode a vast amount of semantic knowledge and possess remarkable understanding and reasoning capabilities. Previous research has explored how to ground language models in robotic tasks to ensure that the sequences generated by the language model are both logically correct and practically executable. However, low-level execution may deviate from the high-level plan due to environmental perturbations or imperfect controller design. In this paper, we propose DoReMi, a novel language model grounding framework that enables immediate Detection and Recovery from Misalignments between plan and execution. Specifically, during low-level skill execution, we use a vision question answering (VQA) model to regularly detect plan-execution misalignments. If certain misalignment occurs, our method will call the language model to re-plan in order to recover from misalignments. Experiments on various complex tasks including robot arms and humanoid robots demonstrate that our method can lead to higher task success rates and shorter task completion times. Videos of DoReMi are available at https://sites.google.com/view/doremi-paper.