Abstract:Large agent networks are abundant in applications and nature and pose difficult challenges in the field of multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) due to their computational and theoretical complexity. While graphon mean field games and their extensions provide efficient learning algorithms for dense and moderately sparse agent networks, the case of realistic sparser graphs remains largely unsolved. Thus, we propose a novel mean field control model inspired by local weak convergence to include sparse graphs such as power law networks with coefficients above two. Besides a theoretical analysis, we design scalable learning algorithms which apply to the challenging class of graph sequences with finite first moment. We compare our model and algorithms for various examples on synthetic and real world networks with mean field algorithms based on Lp graphons and graphexes. As it turns out, our approach outperforms existing methods in many examples and on various networks due to the special design aiming at an important, but so far hard to solve class of MARL problems.
Abstract:Mean field games (MFGs) tractably model behavior in large agent populations. The literature on learning MFG equilibria typically focuses on finding Nash equilibria (NE), which assume perfectly rational agents and are hence implausible in many realistic situations. To overcome these limitations, we incorporate bounded rationality into MFGs by leveraging the well-known concept of quantal response equilibria (QRE). Two novel types of MFG QRE enable the modeling of large agent populations where individuals only noisily estimate the true objective. We also introduce a second source of bounded rationality to MFGs by restricting agents' planning horizon. The resulting novel receding horizon (RH) MFGs are combined with QRE and existing approaches to model different aspects of bounded rationality in MFGs. We formally define MFG QRE and RH MFGs and compare them to existing equilibrium concepts such as entropy-regularized NE. Subsequently, we design generalized fixed point iteration and fictitious play algorithms to learn QRE and RH equilibria. After a theoretical analysis, we give different examples to evaluate the capabilities of our learning algorithms and outline practical differences between the equilibrium concepts.
Abstract:The advent of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has improved a variety of fields by providing a versatile, cost-effective and accessible platform for implementing state-of-the-art algorithms. To accomplish a broader range of tasks, there is a growing need for enhanced on-board computing to cope with increasing complexity and dynamic environmental conditions. Recent advances have seen the application of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), particularly in combination with Reinforcement Learning (RL), to improve the adaptability and performance of UAVs, especially in unknown environments. However, the computational requirements of DNNs pose a challenge to the limited computing resources available on many UAVs. This work explores the use of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) as a viable solution to this challenge, offering flexibility, high performance, energy and time efficiency. We propose a novel hardware board equipped with an Artix-7 FPGA for a popular open-source micro-UAV platform. We successfully validate its functionality by implementing an RL-based low-level controller using real-world experiments.
Abstract:The standard quadrotor is one of the most popular and widely used aerial vehicle of recent decades, offering great maneuverability with mechanical simplicity. However, the under-actuation characteristic limits its applications, especially when it comes to generating desired wrench with six degrees of freedom (DOF). Therefore, existing work often compromises between mechanical complexity and the controllable DOF of the aerial system. To take advantage of the mechanical simplicity of a standard quadrotor, we propose a modular aerial system, IdentiQuad, that combines only homogeneous quadrotor-based modules. Each IdentiQuad can be operated alone like a standard quadrotor, but at the same time allows task-specific assembly, increasing the controllable DOF of the system. Each module is interchangeable within its assembly. We also propose a general controller for different configurations of assemblies, capable of tolerating rotor failures and balancing the energy consumption of each module. The functionality and robustness of the system and its controller are validated using physics-based simulations for different assembly configurations.
Abstract:Learning the behavior of large agent populations is an important task for numerous research areas. Although the field of multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) has made significant progress towards solving these systems, solutions for many agents often remain computationally infeasible and lack theoretical guarantees. Mean Field Games (MFGs) address both of these issues and can be extended to Graphon MFGs (GMFGs) to include network structures between agents. Despite their merits, the real world applicability of GMFGs is limited by the fact that graphons only capture dense graphs. Since most empirically observed networks show some degree of sparsity, such as power law graphs, the GMFG framework is insufficient for capturing these network topologies. Thus, we introduce the novel concept of Graphex MFGs (GXMFGs) which builds on the graph theoretical concept of graphexes. Graphexes are the limiting objects to sparse graph sequences that also have other desirable features such as the small world property. Learning equilibria in these games is challenging due to the rich and sparse structure of the underlying graphs. To tackle these challenges, we design a new learning algorithm tailored to the GXMFG setup. This hybrid graphex learning approach leverages that the system mainly consists of a highly connected core and a sparse periphery. After defining the system and providing a theoretical analysis, we state our learning approach and demonstrate its learning capabilities on both synthetic graphs and real-world networks. This comparison shows that our GXMFG learning algorithm successfully extends MFGs to a highly relevant class of hard, realistic learning problems that are not accurately addressed by current MARL and MFG methods.
Abstract:Scalable load balancing algorithms are of great interest in cloud networks and data centers, necessitating the use of tractable techniques to compute optimal load balancing policies for good performance. However, most existing scalable techniques, especially asymptotically scaling methods based on mean field theory, have not been able to model large queueing networks with strong locality. Meanwhile, general multi-agent reinforcement learning techniques can be hard to scale and usually lack a theoretical foundation. In this work, we address this challenge by leveraging recent advances in sparse mean field theory to learn a near-optimal load balancing policy in sparsely connected queueing networks in a tractable manner, which may be preferable to global approaches in terms of communication overhead. Importantly, we obtain a general load balancing framework for a large class of sparse bounded-degree topologies. By formulating a novel mean field control problem in the context of graphs with bounded degree, we reduce the otherwise difficult multi-agent problem to a single-agent problem. Theoretically, the approach is justified by approximation guarantees. Empirically, the proposed methodology performs well on several realistic and scalable network topologies. Moreover, we compare it with a number of well-known load balancing heuristics and with existing scalable multi-agent reinforcement learning methods. Overall, we obtain a tractable approach for load balancing in highly localized networks.
Abstract:The significance of the freshness of sensor and control data at the receiver side, often referred to as Age of Information (AoI), is fundamentally constrained by contention for limited network resources. Evidently, network congestion is detrimental for AoI, where this congestion is partly self-induced by the sensor transmission process in addition to the contention from other transmitting sensors. In this work, we devise a decentralized AoI-minimizing transmission policy for a number of sensor agents sharing capacity-limited, non-FIFO duplex channels that introduce random delays in communication with a common receiver. By implementing the same policy, however with no explicit inter-agent communication, the agents minimize the expected AoI in this partially observable system. We cater to the partial observability due to random channel delays by designing a bootstrap particle filter that independently maintains a belief over the AoI of each agent. We also leverage mean-field control approximations and reinforcement learning to derive scalable and optimal solutions for minimizing the expected AoI collaboratively.
Abstract:Recent techniques based on Mean Field Games (MFGs) allow the scalable analysis of multi-player games with many similar, rational agents. However, standard MFGs remain limited to homogeneous players that weakly influence each other, and cannot model major players that strongly influence other players, severely limiting the class of problems that can be handled. We propose a novel discrete time version of major-minor MFGs (M3FGs), along with a learning algorithm based on fictitious play and partitioning the probability simplex. Importantly, M3FGs generalize MFGs with common noise and can handle not only random exogeneous environment states but also major players. A key challenge is that the mean field is stochastic and not deterministic as in standard MFGs. Our theoretical investigation verifies both the M3FG model and its algorithmic solution, showing firstly the well-posedness of the M3FG model starting from a finite game of interest, and secondly convergence and approximation guarantees of the fictitious play algorithm. Then, we empirically verify the obtained theoretical results, ablating some of the theoretical assumptions made, and show successful equilibrium learning in three example problems. Overall, we establish a learning framework for a novel and broad class of tractable games.
Abstract:Swarms of aerial drones have recently been considered for last-mile deliveries in urban logistics or automated construction. At the same time, collaborative transportation of payloads by multiple drones is another important area of recent research. However, efficient coordination algorithms for collaborative transportation of many payloads by many drones remain to be considered. In this work, we formulate the collaborative transportation of payloads by a swarm of drones as a novel, under-capacitated generalization of vehicle routing problems (VRP), which may also be of separate interest. In contrast to standard VRP and capacitated VRP, we must additionally consider waiting times for payloads lifted cooperatively by multiple drones, and the corresponding coordination. Algorithmically, we provide a solution encoding that avoids deadlocks and formulate an appropriate alternating minimization scheme to solve the problem. On the hardware side, we integrate our algorithms with collision avoidance and drone controllers. The approach and the impact of the system integration are successfully verified empirically, both on a swarm of real nano-quadcopters and for large swarms in simulation. Overall, we provide a framework for collaborative transportation with aerial drone swarms, that uses only as many drones as necessary for the transportation of any single payload.
Abstract:Recent reinforcement learning (RL) methods have achieved success in various domains. However, multi-agent RL (MARL) remains a challenge in terms of decentralization, partial observability and scalability to many agents. Meanwhile, collective behavior requires resolution of the aforementioned challenges, and remains of importance to many state-of-the-art applications such as active matter physics, self-organizing systems, opinion dynamics, and biological or robotic swarms. Here, MARL via mean field control (MFC) offers a potential solution to scalability, but fails to consider decentralized and partially observable systems. In this paper, we enable decentralized behavior of agents under partial information by proposing novel models for decentralized partially observable MFC (Dec-POMFC), a broad class of problems with permutation-invariant agents allowing for reduction to tractable single-agent Markov decision processes (MDP) with single-agent RL solution. We provide rigorous theoretical results, including a dynamic programming principle, together with optimality guarantees for Dec-POMFC solutions applied to finite swarms of interest. Algorithmically, we propose Dec-POMFC-based policy gradient methods for MARL via centralized training and decentralized execution, together with policy gradient approximation guarantees. In addition, we improve upon state-of-the-art histogram-based MFC by kernel methods, which is of separate interest also for fully observable MFC. We evaluate numerically on representative collective behavior tasks such as adapted Kuramoto and Vicsek swarming models, being on par with state-of-the-art MARL. Overall, our framework takes a step towards RL-based engineering of artificial collective behavior via MFC.