Abstract:The growing volume of digitized historical texts requires effective semantic search using text embeddings. However, pre-trained multilingual models, typically evaluated on contemporary texts, face challenges with historical digitized content due to OCR noise and outdated spellings. We explore the use of multilingual embeddings for cross-lingual semantic search on historical Luxembourgish, a low-resource language. We collect historical Luxembourgish news articles spanning various time periods and use GPT-4o to segment and translate them into closely related languages, creating 20,000 parallel training sentences per language pair. We further create a historical bitext mining evaluation set and find that these models struggle to perform cross-lingual search on historical Luxembourgish. To address this, we propose a simple adaptation method using in-domain training data, achieving up to 98\% accuracy in cross-lingual evaluations. We release our adapted models and historical Luxembourgish-German/French bitexts to support further research.
Abstract:The task of determining whether two texts are paraphrases has long been a challenge in NLP. However, the prevailing notion of paraphrase is often quite simplistic, offering only a limited view of the vast spectrum of paraphrase phenomena. Indeed, we find that evaluating models in a paraphrase dataset can leave uncertainty about their true semantic understanding. To alleviate this, we release paraphrasus, a benchmark designed for multi-dimensional assessment of paraphrase detection models and finer model selection. We find that paraphrase detection models under a fine-grained evaluation lens exhibit trade-offs that cannot be captured through a single classification dataset.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) have become capable of generating highly fluent text in certain languages, without modules specially designed to capture grammar or semantic coherence. What does this mean for the future of linguistic expertise in NLP? We highlight several aspects in which NLP (still) relies on linguistics, or where linguistic thinking can illuminate new directions. We argue our case around the acronym $RELIES$ that encapsulates six major facets where linguistics contributes to NLP: $R$esources, $E$valuation, $L$ow-resource settings, $I$nterpretability, $E$xplanation, and the $S$tudy of language. This list is not exhaustive, nor is linguistics the main point of reference for every effort under these themes; but at a macro level, these facets highlight the enduring importance of studying machine systems vis-a-vis systems of human language.
Abstract:Classification systems are evaluated in a countless number of papers. However, we find that evaluation practice is often nebulous. Frequently, metrics are selected without arguments, and blurry terminology invites misconceptions. For instance, many works use so-called 'macro' metrics to rank systems (e.g., 'macro F1') but do not clearly specify what they would expect from such a 'macro' metric. This is problematic, since picking a metric can affect paper findings as well as shared task rankings, and thus any clarity in the process should be maximized. Starting from the intuitive concepts of bias and prevalence, we perform an analysis of common evaluation metrics, considering expectations as found expressed in papers. Equipped with a thorough understanding of the metrics, we survey metric selection in recent shared tasks of Natural Language Processing. The results show that metric choices are often not supported with convincing arguments, an issue that can make any ranking seem arbitrary. This work aims at providing overview and guidance for more informed and transparent metric selection, fostering meaningful evaluation.
Abstract:The Area Under Curve measure (AUC) seems apt to evaluate and compare diverse models, possibly without calibration. An important example of AUC application is the evaluation and benchmarking of models that predict faithfulness of generated text. But we show that the AUC yields an academic and optimistic notion of accuracy that can misalign with the actual accuracy observed in application, yielding significant changes in benchmark rankings. To paint a more realistic picture of downstream model performance (and prepare a model for actual application), we explore different calibration modes, testing calibration data and method.
Abstract:At the heart of the Pyramid evaluation method for text summarization lie human written summary content units (SCUs). These SCUs are concise sentences that decompose a summary into small facts. Such SCUs can be used to judge the quality of a candidate summary, possibly partially automated via natural language inference (NLI) systems. Interestingly, with the aim to fully automate the Pyramid evaluation, Zhang and Bansal (2021) show that SCUs can be approximated by automatically generated semantic role triplets (STUs). However, several questions currently lack answers, in particular: i) Are there other ways of approximating SCUs that can offer advantages? ii) Under which conditions are SCUs (or their approximations) offering the most value? In this work, we examine two novel strategies to approximate SCUs: generating SCU approximations from AMR meaning representations (SMUs) and from large language models (SGUs), respectively. We find that while STUs and SMUs are competitive, the best approximation quality is achieved by SGUs. We also show through a simple sentence-decomposition baseline (SSUs) that SCUs (and their approximations) offer the most value when ranking short summaries, but may not help as much when ranking systems or longer summaries.
Abstract:With an increasing number of parameters and pre-training data, generative large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable capabilities to solve tasks with minimal or no task-related examples. Notably, LLMs have been successfully employed as evaluation metrics in text generation tasks. Within this context, we introduce the Eval4NLP 2023 shared task that asks participants to explore prompting and score extraction for machine translation (MT) and summarization evaluation. Specifically, we propose a novel competition setting in which we select a list of allowed LLMs and disallow fine-tuning to ensure a focus on prompting. We present an overview of participants' approaches and evaluate them on a new reference-free test set spanning three language pairs for MT and a summarization dataset. Notably, despite the task's restrictions, the best-performing systems achieve results on par with or even surpassing recent reference-free metrics developed using larger models, including GEMBA and Comet-Kiwi-XXL. Finally, as a separate track, we perform a small-scale human evaluation of the plausibility of explanations given by the LLMs.
Abstract:The effectiveness of compression in text classification ('gzip') has recently garnered lots of attention. In this note we show that `bag-of-words' approaches can achieve similar or better results, and are more efficient.
Abstract:The task of natural language inference (NLI) asks whether a given premise (expressed in NL) entails a given NL hypothesis. NLI benchmarks contain human ratings of entailment, but the meaning relationships driving these ratings are not formalized. Can the underlying sentence pair relationships be made more explicit in an interpretable yet robust fashion? We compare semantic structures to represent premise and hypothesis, including sets of contextualized embeddings and semantic graphs (Abstract Meaning Representations), and measure whether the hypothesis is a semantic substructure of the premise, utilizing interpretable metrics. Our evaluation on three English benchmarks finds value in both contextualized embeddings and semantic graphs; moreover, they provide complementary signals, and can be leveraged together in a hybrid model.
Abstract:Conditional language models still generate unfaithful output that is not supported by their input. These unfaithful generations jeopardize trust in real-world applications such as summarization or human-machine interaction, motivating a need for automatic faithfulness metrics. To implement such metrics, NLI models seem attractive, since they solve a strongly related task that comes with a wealth of prior research and data. But recent research suggests that NLI models require costly additional machinery to perform reliably across datasets, e.g., by running inference on a cartesian product of input and generated sentences, or supporting them with a question-generation/answering step. In this work we show that pure NLI models _can_ outperform more complex metrics when combining task-adaptive data augmentation with robust inference procedures. We propose: (1) Augmenting NLI training data to adapt NL inferences to the specificities of faithfulness prediction in dialogue; (2) Making use of both entailment and contradiction probabilities in NLI, and (3) Using Monte-Carlo dropout during inference. Applied to the TRUE benchmark, which combines faithfulness datasets across diverse domains and tasks, our approach strongly improves a vanilla NLI model and significantly outperforms previous work, while showing favourable computational cost.