Abstract:We present RASO, a foundation model designed to Recognize Any Surgical Object, offering robust open-set recognition capabilities across a broad range of surgical procedures and object classes, in both surgical images and videos. RASO leverages a novel weakly-supervised learning framework that generates tag-image-text pairs automatically from large-scale unannotated surgical lecture videos, significantly reducing the need for manual annotations. Our scalable data generation pipeline gatherers to 2,200 surgical procedures and produces 3.6 million tag annotations across 2,066 unique surgical tags. Our experiments show that RASO achieves improvements of 2.9 mAP, 4.5 mAP, 10.6 mAP, and 7.2 mAP on four standard surgical benchmarks respectively in zero-shot settings, and surpasses state-of-the-art models in supervised surgical action recognition tasks. We will open-source our code, model, and dataset to facilitate further research.
Abstract:The combination of Large Language Models (LLM) and Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), when deployed on edge devices (called edge ASR-LLM), can serve as a powerful personalized assistant to enable audio-based interaction for users. Compared to text-based interaction, edge ASR-LLM allows accessible and natural audio interactions. Unfortunately, existing ASR-LLM models are mainly trained in high-performance computing environments and produce substantial model weights, making them difficult to deploy on edge devices. More importantly, to better serve users' personalized needs, the ASR-LLM must be able to learn from each distinct user, given that audio input often contains highly personalized characteristics that necessitate personalized on-device training. Since individually fine-tuning the ASR or LLM often leads to suboptimal results due to modality-specific limitations, end-to-end training ensures seamless integration of audio features and language understanding (cross-modal alignment), ultimately enabling a more personalized and efficient adaptation on edge devices. However, due to the complex training requirements and substantial computational demands of existing approaches, cross-modal alignment between ASR audio and LLM can be challenging on edge devices. In this work, we propose a resource-efficient cross-modal alignment framework that bridges ASR and LLMs on edge devices to handle personalized audio input. Our framework enables efficient ASR-LLM alignment on resource-constrained devices like NVIDIA Jetson Orin (8GB RAM), achieving 50x training time speedup while improving the alignment quality by more than 50\%. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to study efficient ASR-LLM alignment on resource-constrained edge devices.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) deployed on edge devices, known as edge LLMs, need to continuously fine-tune their model parameters from user-generated data under limited resource constraints. However, most existing learning methods are not applicable for edge LLMs because of their reliance on high resources and low learning capacity. Prompt tuning (PT) has recently emerged as an effective fine-tuning method for edge LLMs by only modifying a small portion of LLM parameters, but it suffers from user domain shifts, resulting in repetitive training and losing resource efficiency. Conventional techniques to address domain shift issues often involve complex neural networks and sophisticated training, which are incompatible for PT for edge LLMs. Therefore, an open research question is how to address domain shift issues for edge LLMs with limited resources. In this paper, we propose a prompt tuning framework for edge LLMs, exploiting the benefits offered by non-volatile computing-in-memory (NVCiM) architectures. We introduce a novel NVCiM-assisted PT framework, where we narrow down the core operations to matrix-matrix multiplication, which can then be accelerated by performing in-situ computation on NVCiM. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work employing NVCiM to improve the edge LLM PT performance.
Abstract:Speech is a fundamental aspect of human life, crucial not only for communication but also for cognitive, social, and academic development. Children with speech disorders (SD) face significant challenges that, if unaddressed, can result in lasting negative impacts. Traditionally, speech and language assessments (SLA) have been conducted by skilled speech-language pathologists (SLPs), but there is a growing need for efficient and scalable SLA methods powered by artificial intelligence. This position paper presents a survey of existing techniques suitable for automating SLA pipelines, with an emphasis on adapting automatic speech recognition (ASR) models for children's speech, an overview of current SLAs and their automated counterparts to demonstrate the feasibility of AI-enhanced SLA pipelines, and a discussion of practical considerations, including accessibility and privacy concerns, associated with the deployment of AI-powered SLAs.
Abstract:The diagnosis and treatment of individuals with communication disorders offers many opportunities for the application of speech technology, but research so far has not adequately considered: the diversity of conditions, the role of pragmatic deficits, and the challenges of limited data. This paper explores how a general-purpose model of perceived pragmatic similarity may overcome these limitations. It explains how it might support several use cases for clinicians and clients, and presents evidence that a simple model can provide value, and in particular can capture utterance aspects that are relevant to diagnoses of autism and specific language impairment.
Abstract:Multimodal large language models (LLMs) have achieved notable success across various domains, while research in the medical field has largely focused on unimodal images. Meanwhile, current general-domain multimodal models for videos still lack the capabilities to understand and engage in conversations about surgical videos. One major contributing factor is the absence of datasets in the surgical field. In this paper, we create a new dataset, Surg-QA, consisting of 102,000 surgical video-instruction pairs, the largest of its kind so far. To build such a dataset, we propose a novel two-stage question-answer generation pipeline with LLM to learn surgical knowledge in a structured manner from the publicly available surgical lecture videos. The pipeline breaks down the generation process into two stages to significantly reduce the task complexity, allowing us to use a more affordable, locally deployed open-source LLM than the premium paid LLM services. It also mitigates the risk of LLM hallucinations during question-answer generation, thereby enhancing the overall quality of the generated data. We further train LLaVA-Surg, a novel vision-language conversational assistant capable of answering open-ended questions about surgical videos, on this Surg-QA dataset, and conduct comprehensive evaluations on zero-shot surgical video question-answering tasks. We show that LLaVA-Surg significantly outperforms all previous general-domain models, demonstrating exceptional multimodal conversational skills in answering open-ended questions about surgical videos. We will release our code, model, and the instruction-tuning dataset.
Abstract:Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) for adults' speeches has made significant progress by employing deep neural network (DNN) models recently, but improvement in children's speech is still unsatisfactory due to children's speech's distinct characteristics. DNN models pre-trained on adult data often struggle in generalizing children's speeches with fine tuning because of the lack of high-quality aligned children's speeches. When generating datasets, human annotations are not scalable, and existing forced-alignment tools are not usable as they make impractical assumptions about the quality of the input transcriptions. To address these challenges, we propose a new forced-alignment tool, FASA, as a flexible and automatic speech aligner to extract high-quality aligned children's speech data from many of the existing noisy children's speech data. We demonstrate its usage on the CHILDES dataset and show that FASA can improve data quality by 13.6$\times$ over human annotations.
Abstract:As edge-based automatic speech recognition (ASR) technologies become increasingly prevalent for the development of intelligent and personalized assistants, three important challenges must be addressed for these resource-constrained ASR models, i.e., adaptivity, incrementality, and inclusivity. We propose a novel ASR framework, PI-Whisper, in this work and show how it can improve an ASR's recognition capabilities adaptively by identifying different speakers' characteristics in real-time, how such an adaption can be performed incrementally without repetitive retraining, and how it can improve the equity and fairness for diverse speaker groups. More impressively, our proposed PI-Whisper framework attains all of these nice properties while still achieving state-of-the-art accuracy with up to 13.7% reduction of the word error rate (WER) with linear scalability with respect to computing resources.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) have attracted significant attention for their remarkable abilities in various natural language processing tasks, but they suffer from hallucinations that will cause performance degradation. One promising solution to improve the LLMs' performance is to ask LLMs to revise their answer after generation, a technique known as self-correction. Among the two types of self-correction, intrinsic self-correction is considered a promising direction because it does not utilize external knowledge. However, recent works doubt the validity of LLM's ability to conduct intrinsic self-correction. In this paper, we present a novel perspective on the intrinsic self-correction capabilities of LLMs through theoretical analyses and empirical experiments. In addition, we identify two critical factors for successful self-correction: zero temperature and fair prompts. Leveraging these factors, we demonstrate that intrinsic self-correction ability is exhibited across multiple existing LLMs. Our findings offer insights into the fundamental theories underlying the self-correction behavior of LLMs and remark on the importance of unbiased prompts and zero temperature settings in harnessing their full potential.
Abstract:The scaling laws have become the de facto guidelines for designing large language models (LLMs), but they were studied under the assumption of unlimited computing resources for both training and inference. As LLMs are increasingly used as personalized intelligent assistants, their customization (i.e., learning through fine-tuning) and deployment onto resource-constrained edge devices will become more and more prevalent. An urging but open question is how a resource-constrained computing environment would affect the design choices for a personalized LLM. We study this problem empirically in this work. In particular, we consider the tradeoffs among a number of key design factors and their intertwined impacts on learning efficiency and accuracy. The factors include the learning methods for LLM customization, the amount of personalized data used for learning customization, the types and sizes of LLMs, the compression methods of LLMs, the amount of time afforded to learn, and the difficulty levels of the target use cases. Through extensive experimentation and benchmarking, we draw a number of surprisingly insightful guidelines for deploying LLMs onto resource-constrained devices. For example, an optimal choice between parameter learning and RAG may vary depending on the difficulty of the downstream task, the longer fine-tuning time does not necessarily help the model, and a compressed LLM may be a better choice than an uncompressed LLM to learn from limited personalized data.