Abstract:Despite the considerable progress achieved in the long video generation problem, there is still significant room to improve the consistency of the videos, particularly in terms of smoothness and transitions between scenes. We address these issues to enhance the consistency and coherence of videos generated with either single or multiple prompts. We propose the Time-frequency based temporal Attention Reweighting Algorithm (TiARA), which meticulously edits the attention score matrix based on the Discrete Short-Time Fourier Transform. Our method is supported by a theoretical guarantee, the first-of-its-kind for frequency-based methods in diffusion models. For videos generated by multiple prompts, we further investigate key factors affecting prompt interpolation quality and propose PromptBlend, an advanced prompt interpolation pipeline. The efficacy of our proposed method is validated via extensive experimental results, exhibiting consistent and impressive improvements over baseline methods. The code will be released upon acceptance.
Abstract:Language Models (LMs) assign significant attention to the first token, even if it is not semantically important, which is known as attention sink. This phenomenon has been widely adopted in applications such as streaming/long context generation, KV cache optimization, inference acceleration, model quantization, and others. Despite its widespread use, a deep understanding of attention sink in LMs is still lacking. In this work, we first demonstrate that attention sinks exist universally in LMs with various inputs, even in small models. Furthermore, attention sink is observed to emerge during the LM pre-training, motivating us to investigate how optimization, data distribution, loss function, and model architecture in LM pre-training influence its emergence. We highlight that attention sink emerges after effective optimization on sufficient training data. The sink position is highly correlated with the loss function and data distribution. Most importantly, we find that attention sink acts more like key biases, storing extra attention scores, which could be non-informative and not contribute to the value computation. We also observe that this phenomenon (at least partially) stems from tokens' inner dependence on attention scores as a result of softmax normalization. After relaxing such dependence by replacing softmax attention with other attention operations, such as sigmoid attention without normalization, attention sinks do not emerge in LMs up to 1B parameters. The code is available at https://github.com/sail-sg/Attention-Sink.
Abstract:Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting and its variants have gained popularity as effective methods for solving multi-step reasoning problems using pretrained large language models (LLMs). In this work, we analyze CoT prompting from a statistical estimation perspective, providing a comprehensive characterization of its sample complexity. To this end, we introduce a multi-step latent variable model that encapsulates the reasoning process, where the latent variable encodes the task information. Under this framework, we demonstrate that when the pretraining dataset is sufficiently large, the estimator formed by CoT prompting is equivalent to a Bayesian estimator. This estimator effectively solves the multi-step reasoning problem by aggregating a posterior distribution inferred from the demonstration examples in the prompt. Moreover, we prove that the statistical error of the CoT estimator can be decomposed into two main components: (i) a prompting error, which arises from inferring the true task using CoT prompts, and (ii) the statistical error of the pretrained LLM. We establish that, under appropriate assumptions, the prompting error decays exponentially to zero as the number of demonstrations increases. Additionally, we explicitly characterize the approximation and generalization errors of the pretrained LLM. Notably, we construct a transformer model that approximates the target distribution of the multi-step reasoning problem with an error that decreases exponentially in the number of transformer blocks. Our analysis extends to other variants of CoT, including Self-Consistent CoT, Tree-of-Thought, and Selection-Inference, offering a broad perspective on the efficacy of these methods. We also provide numerical experiments to validate the theoretical findings.
Abstract:In this work, from a theoretical lens, we aim to understand why large language model (LLM) empowered agents are able to solve decision-making problems in the physical world. To this end, consider a hierarchical reinforcement learning (RL) model where the LLM Planner and the Actor perform high-level task planning and low-level execution, respectively. Under this model, the LLM Planner navigates a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) by iteratively generating language-based subgoals via prompting. Under proper assumptions on the pretraining data, we prove that the pretrained LLM Planner effectively performs Bayesian aggregated imitation learning (BAIL) through in-context learning. Additionally, we highlight the necessity for exploration beyond the subgoals derived from BAIL by proving that naively executing the subgoals returned by LLM leads to a linear regret. As a remedy, we introduce an $\epsilon$-greedy exploration strategy to BAIL, which is proven to incur sublinear regret when the pretraining error is small. Finally, we extend our theoretical framework to include scenarios where the LLM Planner serves as a world model for inferring the transition model of the environment and to multi-agent settings, enabling coordination among multiple Actors.
Abstract:We design and analyze reinforcement learning algorithms for Graphon Mean-Field Games (GMFGs). In contrast to previous works that require the precise values of the graphons, we aim to learn the Nash Equilibrium (NE) of the regularized GMFGs when the graphons are unknown. Our contributions are threefold. First, we propose the Proximal Policy Optimization for GMFG (GMFG-PPO) algorithm and show that it converges at a rate of $O(T^{-1/3})$ after $T$ iterations with an estimation oracle, improving on a previous work by Xie et al. (ICML, 2021). Second, using kernel embedding of distributions, we design efficient algorithms to estimate the transition kernels, reward functions, and graphons from sampled agents. Convergence rates are then derived when the positions of the agents are either known or unknown. Results for the combination of the optimization algorithm GMFG-PPO and the estimation algorithm are then provided. These algorithms are the first specifically designed for learning graphons from sampled agents. Finally, the efficacy of the proposed algorithms are corroborated through simulations. These simulations demonstrate that learning the unknown graphons reduces the exploitability effectively.
Abstract:This paper studies two fundamental problems in regularized Graphon Mean-Field Games (GMFGs). First, we establish the existence of a Nash Equilibrium (NE) of any $\lambda$-regularized GMFG (for $\lambda\geq 0$). This result relies on weaker conditions than those in previous works for analyzing both unregularized GMFGs ($\lambda=0$) and $\lambda$-regularized MFGs, which are special cases of GMFGs. Second, we propose provably efficient algorithms to learn the NE in weakly monotone GMFGs, motivated by Lasry and Lions [2007]. Previous literature either only analyzed continuous-time algorithms or required extra conditions to analyze discrete-time algorithms. In contrast, we design a discrete-time algorithm and derive its convergence rate solely under weakly monotone conditions. Furthermore, we develop and analyze the action-value function estimation procedure during the online learning process, which is absent from algorithms for monotone GMFGs. This serves as a sub-module in our optimization algorithm. The efficiency of the designed algorithm is corroborated by empirical evaluations.
Abstract:In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive study of In-Context Learning (ICL) by addressing several open questions: (a) What type of ICL estimator is learned within language models? (b) What are suitable performance metrics to evaluate ICL accurately and what are the error rates? (c) How does the transformer architecture enable ICL? To answer (a), we take a Bayesian view and demonstrate that ICL implicitly implements the Bayesian model averaging algorithm. This Bayesian model averaging algorithm is proven to be approximately parameterized by the attention mechanism. For (b), we analyze the ICL performance from an online learning perspective and establish a regret bound $\mathcal{O}(1/T)$, where $T$ is the ICL input sequence length. To address (c), in addition to the encoded Bayesian model averaging algorithm in attention, we show that during pertaining, the total variation distance between the learned model and the nominal model is bounded by a sum of an approximation error and a generalization error of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(1/\sqrt{N_{\mathrm{p}}T_{\mathrm{p}}})$, where $N_{\mathrm{p}}$ and $T_{\mathrm{p}}$ are the number of token sequences and the length of each sequence in pretraining, respectively. Our results provide a unified understanding of the transformer and its ICL ability with bounds on ICL regret, approximation, and generalization, which deepens our knowledge of these essential aspects of modern language models.
Abstract:The cooperative Multi-A gent R einforcement Learning (MARL) with permutation invariant agents framework has achieved tremendous empirical successes in real-world applications. Unfortunately, the theoretical understanding of this MARL problem is lacking due to the curse of many agents and the limited exploration of the relational reasoning in existing works. In this paper, we verify that the transformer implements complex relational reasoning, and we propose and analyze model-free and model-based offline MARL algorithms with the transformer approximators. We prove that the suboptimality gaps of the model-free and model-based algorithms are independent of and logarithmic in the number of agents respectively, which mitigates the curse of many agents. These results are consequences of a novel generalization error bound of the transformer and a novel analysis of the Maximum Likelihood Estimate (MLE) of the system dynamics with the transformer. Our model-based algorithm is the first provably efficient MARL algorithm that explicitly exploits the permutation invariance of the agents.
Abstract:The Chow-Liu algorithm (IEEE Trans.~Inform.~Theory, 1968) has been a mainstay for the learning of tree-structured graphical models from i.i.d.\ sampled data vectors. Its theoretical properties have been well-studied and are well-understood. In this paper, we focus on the class of trees that are arguably even more fundamental, namely {\em homogeneous} trees in which each pair of nodes that forms an edge has the same correlation $\rho$. We ask whether we are able to further reduce the error probability of learning the structure of the homogeneous tree model when {\em active learning} or {\em active sampling of nodes or variables} is allowed. Our figure of merit is the {\em error exponent}, which quantifies the exponential rate of decay of the error probability with an increasing number of data samples. At first sight, an improvement in the error exponent seems impossible, as all the edges are statistically identical. We design and analyze an algorithm Active Learning Algorithm for Trees with Homogeneous Edge (Active-LATHE), which surprisingly boosts the error exponent by at least 40\% when $\rho$ is at least $0.8$. For all other values of $\rho$, we also observe commensurate, but more modest, improvements in the error exponent. Our analysis hinges on judiciously exploiting the minute but detectable statistical variation of the samples to allocate more data to parts of the graph in which we are less confident of being correct.
Abstract:We consider learning the structures of Gaussian latent tree models with vector observations when a subset of them are arbitrarily corrupted. First, we present the sample complexities of Recursive Grouping (RG) and Chow-Liu Recursive Grouping (CLRG) without the assumption that the effective depth is bounded in the number of observed nodes, significantly generalizing the results in Choi et al. (2011). We show that Chow-Liu initialization in CLRG greatly reduces the sample complexity of RG from being exponential in the diameter of the tree to only logarithmic in the diameter for the hidden Markov model (HMM). Second, we robustify RG, CLRG, Neighbor Joining (NJ) and Spectral NJ (SNJ) by using the truncated inner product. These robustified algorithms can tolerate a number of corruptions up to the square root of the number of clean samples. Finally, we derive the first known instance-dependent impossibility result for structure learning of latent trees. The optimalities of the robust version of CLRG and NJ are verified by comparing their sample complexities and the impossibility result.