Abstract:Federated Learning is vulnerable to adversarial manipulation, where malicious clients can inject poisoned updates to influence the global model's behavior. While existing defense mechanisms have made notable progress, they fail to protect against adversaries that aim to induce targeted backdoors under different learning and attack configurations. To address this limitation, we introduce DROP (Distillation-based Reduction Of Poisoning), a novel defense mechanism that combines clustering and activity-tracking techniques with extraction of benign behavior from clients via knowledge distillation to tackle stealthy adversaries that manipulate low data poisoning rates and diverse malicious client ratios within the federation. Through extensive experimentation, our approach demonstrates superior robustness compared to existing defenses across a wide range of learning configurations. Finally, we evaluate existing defenses and our method under the challenging setting of non-IID client data distribution and highlight the challenges of designing a resilient FL defense in this setting.
Abstract:This paper introduces RoSe, the first-of-its-kind ML/Crypto codesign watermarking framework that regulates LLM-generated code to avoid intellectual property rights violations and inappropriate misuse in software development. High-quality watermarks adhering to the detectability-fidelity-robustness tri-objective are limited due to codes' low-entropy nature. Watermark verification, however, often needs to reveal the signature and requires re-encoding new ones for code reuse, which potentially compromising the system's usability. To overcome these challenges, RoSe obtains high-quality watermarks by training the watermark insertion and extraction modules end-to-end to ensure (i) unaltered watermarked code functionality and (ii) enhanced detectability and robustness leveraging pre-trained CodeT5 as the insertion backbone to enlarge the code syntactic and variable rename transformation search space. In the deployment, RoSe uses zero-knowledge proofs for secure verification without revealing the underlying signatures. Extensive evaluations demonstrated RoSe achieves high detection accuracy while preserving the code functionality. RoSe is also robust against attacks and provides efficient secure watermark verification.
Abstract:Trojan attacks are sophisticated training-time attacks on neural networks that embed backdoor triggers which force the network to produce a specific output on any input which includes the trigger. With the increasing relevance of deep networks which are too large to train with personal resources and which are trained on data too large to thoroughly audit, these training-time attacks pose a significant risk. In this work, we connect trojan attacks to Neural Collapse, a phenomenon wherein the final feature representations of over-parameterized neural networks converge to a simple geometric structure. We provide experimental evidence that trojan attacks disrupt this convergence for a variety of datasets and architectures. We then use this disruption to design a lightweight, broadly generalizable mechanism for cleansing trojan attacks from a wide variety of different network architectures and experimentally demonstrate its efficacy.
Abstract:Vibrometry-based side channels pose a significant privacy risk, exploiting sensors like mmWave radars, light sensors, and accelerometers to detect vibrations from sound sources or proximate objects, enabling speech eavesdropping. Despite various proposed defenses, these involve costly hardware solutions with inherent physical limitations. This paper presents EveGuard, a software-driven defense framework that creates adversarial audio, protecting voice privacy from side channels without compromising human perception. We leverage the distinct sensing capabilities of side channels and traditional microphones where side channels capture vibrations and microphones record changes in air pressure, resulting in different frequency responses. EveGuard first proposes a perturbation generator model (PGM) that effectively suppresses sensor-based eavesdropping while maintaining high audio quality. Second, to enable end-to-end training of PGM, we introduce a new domain translation task called Eve-GAN for inferring an eavesdropped signal from a given audio. We further apply few-shot learning to mitigate the data collection overhead for Eve-GAN training. Our extensive experiments show that EveGuard achieves a protection rate of more than 97 percent from audio classifiers and significantly hinders eavesdropped audio reconstruction. We further validate the performance of EveGuard across three adaptive attack mechanisms. We have conducted a user study to verify the perceptual quality of our perturbed audio.
Abstract:We propose protected pipelines or props for short, a new approach for authenticated, privacy-preserving access to deep-web data for machine learning (ML). By permitting secure use of vast sources of deep-web data, props address the systemic bottleneck of limited high-quality training data in ML development. Props also enable privacy-preserving and trustworthy forms of inference, allowing for safe use of sensitive data in ML applications. Props are practically realizable today by leveraging privacy-preserving oracle systems initially developed for blockchain applications.
Abstract:The widely adopted and powerful generative large language models (LLMs) have raised concerns about intellectual property rights violations and the spread of machine-generated misinformation. Watermarking serves as a promising approch to establish ownership, prevent unauthorized use, and trace the origins of LLM-generated content. This paper summarizes and shares the challenges and opportunities we found when watermarking LLMs. We begin by introducing techniques for watermarking LLMs themselves under different threat models and scenarios. Next, we investigate watermarking methods designed for the content generated by LLMs, assessing their effectiveness and resilience against various attacks. We also highlight the importance of watermarking domain-specific models and data, such as those used in code generation, chip design, and medical applications. Furthermore, we explore methods like hardware acceleration to improve the efficiency of the watermarking process. Finally, we discuss the limitations of current approaches and outline future research directions for the responsible use and protection of these generative AI tools.
Abstract:Large language models generate high-quality responses with potential misinformation, underscoring the need for regulation by distinguishing AI-generated and human-written texts. Watermarking is pivotal in this context, which involves embedding hidden markers in texts during the LLM inference phase, which is imperceptible to humans. Current watermarking algorithms, however, face the challenge of achieving both the detectability of inserted watermarks and the semantic integrity of generated texts, where enhancing one aspect often undermines the other. To overcome this, we introduce a novel multi-objective optimization (MOO) approach for watermarking that utilizes lightweight networks to generate token-specific watermarking logits and splitting ratios. By leveraging MOO to optimize for both detection and semantic objective functions, our method simultaneously achieves detectability and semantic integrity. Experimental results show that our method outperforms current watermarking techniques in enhancing the detectability of texts generated by LLMs while maintaining their semantic coherence. Our code is available at https://github.com/mignonjia/TS_watermark.
Abstract:This paper introduces EmMark,a novel watermarking framework for protecting the intellectual property (IP) of embedded large language models deployed on resource-constrained edge devices. To address the IP theft risks posed by malicious end-users, EmMark enables proprietors to authenticate ownership by querying the watermarked model weights and matching the inserted signatures. EmMark's novelty lies in its strategic watermark weight parameters selection, nsuring robustness and maintaining model quality. Extensive proof-of-concept evaluations of models from OPT and LLaMA-2 families demonstrate EmMark's fidelity, achieving 100% success in watermark extraction with model performance preservation. EmMark also showcased its resilience against watermark removal and forging attacks.
Abstract:Handling the ever-increasing scale of contemporary deep learning and transformer-based models poses a significant challenge. Although great strides have been made in optimizing model compression techniques such as model architecture search and knowledge distillation, the availability of data and computational resources remains a considerable hurdle for these optimizations. This paper introduces LayerCollapse, a novel alternative adaptive model compression methodology. LayerCollapse works by eliminating non-linearities within the network and collapsing two consecutive fully connected layers into a single linear transformation. This approach simultaneously reduces both the number of layers and the parameter count, thereby enhancing model efficiency. We also introduce a compression aware regularizer, which compresses the model in alignment with the dataset quality and model expressiveness, consequently reducing overfitting across tasks. Our results demonstrate LayerCollapse's effective compression and regularization capabilities in multiple fine-grained classification benchmarks, achieving up to 74% post training compression with minimal accuracy loss. We compare this method with knowledge distillation on the same target network, showcasing a five-fold increase in computational efficiency and 8% improvement in overall accuracy on the ImageNet dataset.
Abstract:Traditional machine learning training is a static process that lacks real-time adaptability of hyperparameters. Popular tuning solutions during runtime involve checkpoints and schedulers. Adjusting hyper-parameters usually require the program to be restarted, wasting utilization and time, while placing unnecessary strain on memory and processors. We present LiveTune, a new framework allowing real-time parameter tuning during training through LiveVariables. Live Variables allow for a continuous training session by storing parameters on designated ports on the system, allowing them to be dynamically adjusted. Extensive evaluations of our framework show saving up to 60 seconds and 5.4 Kilojoules of energy per hyperparameter change.