Abstract:Rather than obtaining a single good solution for a given optimization problem, users often seek alternative design choices, because the best-found solution may perform poorly with respect to additional objectives or constraints that are difficult to capture into the modeling process. Aiming for batches of diverse solutions of high quality is often desirable, as it provides flexibility to accommodate post-hoc user preferences. At the same time, it is crucial that the quality of the best solution found is not compromised. One particular problem setting balancing high quality and diversity is fixing the required minimum distance between solutions while simultaneously obtaining the best possible fitness. Recent work by Santoni et al. [arXiv 2024] revealed that this setting is not well addressed by state-of-the-art algorithms, performing in par or worse than pure random sampling. Driven by this important limitation, we propose a new approach, where parallel runs of the covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy (CMA-ES) inherit tabu regions in a cascading fashion. We empirically demonstrate that our CMA-ES-Diversity Search (CMA-ES-DS) algorithm generates trajectories that allow to extract high-quality solution batches that respect a given minimum distance requirement, clearly outperforming those obtained from off-the-shelf random sampling, multi-modal optimization algorithms, and standard CMA-ES.
Abstract:In real-world applications, users often favor structurally diverse design choices over one high-quality solution. It is hence important to consider more solutions that decision-makers can compare and further explore based on additional criteria. Alongside the existing approaches of evolutionary diversity optimization, quality diversity, and multimodal optimization, this paper presents a fresh perspective on this challenge by considering the problem of identifying a fixed number of solutions with a pairwise distance above a specified threshold while maximizing their average quality. We obtain first insight into these objectives by performing a subset selection on the search trajectories of different well-established search heuristics, whether specifically designed with diversity in mind or not. We emphasize that the main goal of our work is not to present a new algorithm but to look at the problem in a more fundamental and theoretically tractable way by asking the question: What trade-off exists between the minimum distance within batches of solutions and the average quality of their fitness? These insights also provide us with a way of making general claims concerning the properties of optimization problems that shall be useful in turn for benchmarking algorithms of the approaches enumerated above. A possibly surprising outcome of our empirical study is the observation that naive uniform random sampling establishes a very strong baseline for our problem, hardly ever outperformed by the search trajectories of the considered heuristics. We interpret these results as a motivation to develop algorithms tailored to produce diverse solutions of high average quality.
Abstract:Federated learning (FL) represents a pivotal shift in machine learning (ML) as it enables collaborative training of local ML models coordinated by a central aggregator, all without the need to exchange local data. However, its application on edge devices is hindered by limited computational capabilities and data communication challenges, compounded by the inherent complexity of Deep Learning (DL) models. Model pruning is identified as a key technique for compressing DL models on devices with limited resources. Nonetheless, conventional pruning techniques typically rely on manually crafted heuristics and demand human expertise to achieve a balance between model size, speed, and accuracy, often resulting in sub-optimal solutions. In this study, we introduce an automated federated learning approach utilizing informed pruning, called AutoFLIP, which dynamically prunes and compresses DL models within both the local clients and the global server. It leverages a federated loss exploration phase to investigate model gradient behavior across diverse datasets and losses, providing insights into parameter significance. Our experiments showcase notable enhancements in scenarios with strong non-IID data, underscoring AutoFLIP's capacity to tackle computational constraints and achieve superior global convergence.
Abstract:The growing ubiquity of machine learning (ML) has led it to enter various areas of computer science, including black-box optimization (BBO). Recent research is particularly concerned with Bayesian optimization (BO). BO-based algorithms are popular in the ML community, as they are used for hyperparameter optimization and more generally for algorithm configuration. However, their efficiency decreases as the dimensionality of the problem and the budget of evaluations increase. Meanwhile, derivative-free optimization methods have evolved independently in the optimization community. Therefore, we urge to understand whether cross-fertilization is possible between the two communities, ML and BBO, i.e., whether algorithms that are heavily used in ML also work well in BBO and vice versa. Comparative experiments often involve rather small benchmarks and show visible problems in the experimental setup, such as poor initialization of baselines, overfitting due to problem-specific setting of hyperparameters, and low statistical significance. With this paper, we update and extend a comparative study presented by Hutter et al. in 2013. We compare BBO tools for ML with more classical heuristics, first on the well-known BBOB benchmark suite from the COCO environment and then on Direct Policy Search for OpenAI Gym, a reinforcement learning benchmark. Our results confirm that BO-based optimizers perform well on both benchmarks when budgets are limited, albeit with a higher computational cost, while they are often outperformed by algorithms from other families when the evaluation budget becomes larger. We also show that some algorithms from the BBO community perform surprisingly well on ML tasks.
Abstract:Bayesian Optimization (BO) is a class of surrogate-based, sample-efficient algorithms for optimizing black-box problems with small evaluation budgets. The BO pipeline itself is highly configurable with many different design choices regarding the initial design, surrogate model, and acquisition function (AF). Unfortunately, our understanding of how to select suitable components for a problem at hand is very limited. In this work, we focus on the definition of the AF, whose main purpose is to balance the trade-off between exploring regions with high uncertainty and those with high promise for good solutions. We propose Self-Adjusting Weighted Expected Improvement (SAWEI), where we let the exploration-exploitation trade-off self-adjust in a data-driven manner, based on a convergence criterion for BO. On the noise-free black-box BBOB functions of the COCO benchmarking platform, our method exhibits a favorable any-time performance compared to handcrafted baselines and serves as a robust default choice for any problem structure. The suitability of our method also transfers to HPOBench. With SAWEI, we are a step closer to on-the-fly, data-driven, and robust BO designs that automatically adjust their sampling behavior to the problem at hand.
Abstract:Bayesian Optimization (BO) is a class of black-box, surrogate-based heuristics that can efficiently optimize problems that are expensive to evaluate, and hence admit only small evaluation budgets. BO is particularly popular for solving numerical optimization problems in industry, where the evaluation of objective functions often relies on time-consuming simulations or physical experiments. However, many industrial problems depend on a large number of parameters. This poses a challenge for BO algorithms, whose performance is often reported to suffer when the dimension grows beyond 15 variables. Although many new algorithms have been proposed to address this problem, it is not well understood which one is the best for which optimization scenario. In this work, we compare five state-of-the-art high-dimensional BO algorithms, with vanilla BO and CMA-ES on the 24 BBOB functions of the COCO environment at increasing dimensionality, ranging from 10 to 60 variables. Our results confirm the superiority of BO over CMA-ES for limited evaluation budgets and suggest that the most promising approach to improve BO is the use of trust regions. However, we also observe significant performance differences for different function landscapes and budget exploitation phases, indicating improvement potential, e.g., through hybridization of algorithmic components.
Abstract:Bayesian optimization (BO) algorithms form a class of surrogate-based heuristics, aimed at efficiently computing high-quality solutions for numerical black-box optimization problems. The BO pipeline is highly modular, with different design choices for the initial sampling strategy, the surrogate model, the acquisition function (AF), the solver used to optimize the AF, etc. We demonstrate in this work that a dynamic selection of the AF can benefit the BO design. More precisely, we show that already a na\"ive random forest regression model, built on top of exploratory landscape analysis features that are computed from the initial design points, suffices to recommend AFs that outperform any static choice, when considering performance over the classic BBOB benchmark suite for derivative-free numerical optimization methods on the COCO platform. Our work hence paves a way towards AutoML-assisted, on-the-fly BO designs that adjust their behavior on a run-by-run basis.
Abstract:Bayesian Optimization (BO) is a powerful, sample-efficient technique to optimize expensive-to-evaluate functions. Each of the BO components, such as the surrogate model, the acquisition function (AF), or the initial design, is subject to a wide range of design choices. Selecting the right components for a given optimization task is a challenging task, which can have significant impact on the quality of the obtained results. In this work, we initiate the analysis of which AF to favor for which optimization scenarios. To this end, we benchmark SMAC3 using Expected Improvement (EI) and Probability of Improvement (PI) as acquisition functions on the 24 BBOB functions of the COCO environment. We compare their results with those of schedules switching between AFs. One schedule aims to use EI's explorative behavior in the early optimization steps, and then switches to PI for a better exploitation in the final steps. We also compare this to a random schedule and round-robin selection of EI and PI. We observe that dynamic schedules oftentimes outperform any single static one. Our results suggest that a schedule that allocates the first 25 % of the optimization budget to EI and the last 75 % to PI is a reliable default. However, we also observe considerable performance differences for the 24 functions, suggesting that a per-instance allocation, possibly learned on the fly, could offer significant improvement over the state-of-the-art BO designs.
Abstract:Bayesian Optimization (BO) is a surrogate-based global optimization strategy that relies on a Gaussian Process regression (GPR) model to approximate the objective function and an acquisition function to suggest candidate points. It is well-known that BO does not scale well for high-dimensional problems because the GPR model requires substantially more data points to achieve sufficient accuracy and acquisition optimization becomes computationally expensive in high dimensions. Several recent works aim at addressing these issues, e.g., methods that implement online variable selection or conduct the search on a lower-dimensional sub-manifold of the original search space. Advancing our previous work of PCA-BO that learns a linear sub-manifold, this paper proposes a novel kernel PCA-assisted BO (KPCA-BO) algorithm, which embeds a non-linear sub-manifold in the search space and performs BO on this sub-manifold. Intuitively, constructing the GPR model on a lower-dimensional sub-manifold helps improve the modeling accuracy without requiring much more data from the objective function. Also, our approach defines the acquisition function on the lower-dimensional sub-manifold, making the acquisition optimization more manageable. We compare the performance of KPCA-BO to the vanilla BO and PCA-BO on the multi-modal problems of the COCO/BBOB benchmark suite. Empirical results show that KPCA-BO outperforms BO in terms of convergence speed on most test problems, and this benefit becomes more significant when the dimensionality increases. For the 60D functions, KPCA-BO surpasses PCA-BO in many test cases. Moreover, it efficiently reduces the CPU time required to train the GPR model and optimize the acquisition function compared to the vanilla BO.
Abstract:Bayesian Optimization (BO) is a surrogate-assisted global optimization technique that has been successfully applied in various fields, e.g., automated machine learning and design optimization. Built upon a so-called infill-criterion and Gaussian Process regression (GPR), the BO technique suffers from a substantial computational complexity and hampered convergence rate as the dimension of the search spaces increases. Scaling up BO for high-dimensional optimization problems remains a challenging task. In this paper, we propose to tackle the scalability of BO by hybridizing it with a Principal Component Analysis (PCA), resulting in a novel PCA-assisted BO (PCA-BO) algorithm. Specifically, the PCA procedure learns a linear transformation from all the evaluated points during the run and selects dimensions in the transformed space according to the variability of evaluated points. We then construct the GPR model, and the infill-criterion in the space spanned by the selected dimensions. We assess the performance of our PCA-BO in terms of the empirical convergence rate and CPU time on multi-modal problems from the COCO benchmark framework. The experimental results show that PCA-BO can effectively reduce the CPU time incurred on high-dimensional problems, and maintains the convergence rate on problems with an adequate global structure. PCA-BO therefore provides a satisfactory trade-off between the convergence rate and computational efficiency opening new ways to benefit from the strength of BO approaches in high dimensional numerical optimization.